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  1. I have masterbated ever since I could remember , all the time or when ever I feel like it . Its sad for ppl who dont, cuase its like one of the most heathy things for your sex life and attitude on life in general. Not to mention a hell of a stress reliever. Its society's problem that they thought for so long masterbation was bad, they were just threatend by it and espacaily with wemon doing it cause wemon wernt suposed to enjoy sex (its a threat in a mans world) wemon are even more sexual than guys and its not been out there for the longest time , but its 2003 so wake up! now were even getting past wemons lib and its more like equality for both wemon and men , the unisex age, ppl dress how they want and have sex how they want. But its true girls dont usualy talk about it. maybe cuase its some thing they keep for themselves and them selves alone. But I would say its very common and girls that do it have less issues and phsyco problems than girls that do , so that just tells ya its healthy . Plus if you dont like that and dont even like for to go down there then you must not be enjoying sex very much becuase the clit is the wemons sex organ , so I say if you want to enjoy , than have at it !
  2. hey, you dont have to rub right on the clit , most wemon are to sensitive for that to, try just rubbing skin that is near it or around it . Rubbing in a circle around it can be very nice to, just find what ever feels good to you and then do that good luck
  3. I know exactly how you feel cuase my significant other and I have never had a fight and we have been dating for over 2 years andI have had alot of your same thoughts , cuase I mean every one I know fights so can it really be natural ? even in small disagreements where we both have different idea's one of us will just smile and say what ever I already no your nuts and turn it into a tease , so how can you ever fight like that ? any way Im over thinking its a bad thing cause how can it be? but were happy and neither of us just do what the other wants , we both want each other to be happy so its just a plus that we never fight have fun
  4. try rubbing the skin next to it , or other places around it not directly on it , lots of wemon cant take it directly like that . well hope some thing works for ya
  5. hi, I used to be very orgasmic, although my G-spot has never done much for me ( feels good though), I used to have orgasms with not touching , just thinking about it or in a room or in a car that was viberating just a little bit (like when the washing machine is running) and I could have as many orgasms as I wanted the most I could ever stand though was 23, thats one right after another. Then I lost my virginity and I could still have great and as many orgasms as I wanted with masterbating, but when I first lost it , the first couple times it wasnt that good, I mean I thought so then, but now Im having exellant sex with the greatest guy but my ability to orgasm has slowed and gotten harder , its work now. I hate that its very anoying, not really worth an orgasm if you have to work so hard to get it , Iv only orgasmed a few times during actual sex . but I think with the thought of it , its depressing me badly and I cant help it , it just gets worse and worse , now I think Iv lost the ability to orgasm at all and I just get frusterated and upset every time I try. yes Iv practised through masterbation. and now the sex is really good and I cant have an orgasm its nuts. if any one has any sugestions for a helpless situation please please help me. no one seems to know anything about it or how to fix it
  6. Hey Girl, you said it , Just Relaxe!! Its all in your head, the mind controls all, so when your ready to you will , in the mean time ,when you catch your self worring or stressing over some thing just stop and tell your self you do and then say so what? Just keep chillin and kind some thing that makes you relax and do that. make fun of the things that stress you out, you may end up laughing alot more so just keep it real
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