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Everything posted by SnwBrdnXP

  1. My girlfriend and I actually got back together 10 days after my last post on this subject. The ones that are meant to be will be. Time is your best friend as it really shows you what is and what isn't. Let sleeping dogs lie and in the end you'll know where you belong. The two of us are working together to have fun and really understand each other. There was hurt that needed to come out and there probably still is some. Everything has been for the better in the end. Don't give up!
  2. You're doing the right thing by not contacting her. If she sees you and tries to talk to you don't give her the cold shoulder or anything. Just talk as if you were friends. If you think she doesn't know how you feel then somewhere down the line after it's been awhile you can tell her and then leave it at that. If she rejects you just say "Well you know how I feel "insert name here" and I'll just let you be. I'm not sure she would break up with you to see how commited you are to her but weirder things have happened. If you love her you definitely won't be looking around for someone else, and neither will she if she really loves you. I don't know how old either of you are but if you're her first boyfriend she must be decently young and thereforeeee might be looking to explore the world a bit. One thing is for sure, there aren't too many GREAT relationships to be had with a lot of people and if yours is as good as it sounds she will remember how nice it is to be with you and take you back. If not then she just isn't the one and there will be something better for you.
  3. Anything is possible, my friend. My girlfriend of 8 years and I are broken up since May 26th and I only just cut off contact from her almost 6 weeks ago. Ever since not talking to her for that long I have lost any anger that I have ever had toward her because I see what is really important to me which is her. She is teh one who broke off the relationship and when my brother went there to get the last of my stuff from her the other day he could definitely tell she missed me. I love this woman with all of my heart and soul and I will never give my heart to someone the way I gave it to her. She is special enough to me that I would rather be alone than to try and love someone else again. It woul hurt me to ever try and love someone else because it would be replacing her no matter how you look at it, and that just isn't possible. She has indicated that she isn't interested in anyone else and I am hopeful that with time we will be together again someday, although I believe it will be a long time 1-2 years. I also feel it in my heart that it is not over and I have never felt anything stronger. I will let you guys know what happens but the answer is YES, people do get back together WHEN it is meant to be. If they don't it simply means there are better things out there waiting for you. Either way, just know that their is happiness out there for us all, and you can't love anyone until you love yourself!
  4. My girlfriend of 8 years broke up with me on May 26th and there are 2 kids involved. Neither one is my blood as she had one already and one she was pregnant with right when I met her. He knows me as dad and I love both the kids so much that I have actually lost 3 people, not just one. I can relate to every little thing you said and want the same thing as you, my friend. The last guy said it right. We have only but to get on with our lives as if it was for good and that way if it doesn't ever happen we'll already be preparing. If it does happen we can be all that much happier when it does but we must keep our guard up. You're a lot like me and if that is so you would readily jump back into her arms if she asked you. The key is to remember how much you are hurting now and be very careful about how much of yourself you let out. IF she truly loves you she will work WITH you to help you feel secure again. The last time I talked to my X was 5 weeks ago now and I actually blocked her from being able to email me because it was too painful to talk to her knowing that we're broken up. She has made it clear to me she wants to move on with her life and her kids so she needs to feel what life is like without me. Blocking her from being able to email me was the HARDEST thing I have ever done. All of this has turned my world upside down enough to where I am actually in counseling over it and have been on anti-depressants as well. I can tell you that if we don't ever get back together it will be a long, long time before I can give my love to someone the way I truly love her. I imagine being with or kissing another woman with love and it makes me sick and I start crying. The best thing you can do is let the fact that you know you love her with all your heart comfort you and don't go looking to force yourself to consider anyone else. Just keep moving. The best thing for you is to concentrate on anything but how you feel. It was hard for me to do this too because I felt like I was letting go of how I really feel about her which scared me. Talk to your friends, go out with them to fun places and have a good time. Spend as MUCH time with your family AND friends as you possibly can. This is the most important thing when you fell this badly and I know how badly you feel because I feel it too. I was almost driven to suicide several times teh pain was so bad, and I really did throw up. We're all here with you, bro. Let's help each other.
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