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  1. I have met a couple of women over the past couple of months that I am extremely atrracted to. First one: I met her and we spent ages talking and getting on she lives quite far from me so we talked constantly on MSN and on phone by text. Then she came to where I live and spent the weekend with a friend iof hers we all got on great and had fun all weekend then on the Sunday something changed and I haven;t been able to get her to talk to me the way she was and one of my friends that knows her has asked her what I have done and she say's nothing. I am really hurting coz I liked her and thought there was something there. Nothing had happened between us there was no kiss or anything. The second: I met and we go out and have fun she flirts loads with me but when I persue to continue the dating ie. take her somewhere else or do something together she goes cold on me. She still comes out with me but if I try to make it regular she doesn't want to. Can anyone offer advice as to what I may be doing wrong. I treat ladies very well and I'm a gentleman. I'm fun to be with.
  2. I to am from the UK and I don't think there's such a problem with this until you have actually confirmed that this is a relationship. I personally tend to only kiss someone that I want to be with otherwise it's not worth persuing. You can kiss as many people as you like without getting a name for yourself it's when you start to go further that you will start to get a name.
  3. Without really knowing what practices you are participating in it's hard to say. But as john said you firstly must relax. Foreplay will be of great assistance to you as previously mentioned clitoris stimulation is important to. but if your not relaxed enough this will feel uncomfortable. if he is having problems finding your clitoris guide his fingers onto it with yours. During sex try different positions till you find the one that feels the best for you sometimes positions that you can have him deeper are better. But becareful with these coz deeper and better for you also means he may ejaculate quicker.
  4. You can give a woman an orgasm without sex. the most common way is by inserting your thumb and rotate it whilst with the rest of you hand massage the top this will give clitrual stimulation too. make sure you are gentle as the clit is very sensitive too much can cause it to go numb you have to learn the right balance. you should also pay attention to the outer areas as these are just as sensitive. I usually play with all the outside before I penitrate with my fingers or thumb also use your tongue all around not just on the clit.
  5. I have made women ejaculate in this way during sex and with my fingers, once during sex she got emarrassed about it I told her it was fine and that is supposed to happen she also lost the use of her legs temparily. another time she sprayed everywhere it was amazing. I try to do this everytime I'm with a women the noise they make when they come in this way turns me on and the juice production turns me on even more. So its not a myth.
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