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Posts posted by mysteryman

  1. its known to generals that your moves especially your first can decide the outcome on a battle and i dont wana mess up and id appreciate it if youd help? See theres this girl i know and ive got a thing for her? well anyhow lol see i just dont know if she likes me?

    well im gona tell you how she acts lol.. well shes been with me for all my years at school im in the 8th grade by the way.. and ive never really known her and in the last or yer or so ive tried to get close..

    well my first real move was i went to church and ironically enough she went there.. its a youth thing well she sat beside me once talked a lot and we had a blast and ive been about 3 times when shes been never have we spoken .. but one time she tried to sit beside me.. she was with a group of her friends and she tried to nudge them but her friends got to her to move over to another row..lol and another time i was with a buddy and she looked back a few times and 1 friend looked then she did?

    well the fair came and i saw her didnt say anything i was with my cuzin and well i was walking i hear my name being yelled i looked back and the girl wanted to know if i wanted to buy some raffle tickets she was selling and being the guy iam.. of couse i did and she thanked me and gave me a hug.. well i talked to her about 2 more times..lol and i was about to leave and she was at a booth and kept watching me even my cuzin noticed it all though he knows about her.. well i went 1 more time to the fair and this time with a neighbor friend.. and i didnt speak to her because she was always in huge groups.. well i did notice once even my friend did and he doesnt even know about her..lol well her friends started talking to her when i came in view girl friends.. and the girl looked down they talked a lil more?

    well anyhow school started bout a week in i never saw or talked to her cuz im not in any of her classes and at fb practice i break my leg i come back see her and she says hey and oh?! when she looked at my leg.. and today i saw her the next day of coming back to school and i talked to her a lil not too much i was waiting to go in my class and she was waiting to get back in and she was like you want me to hold the door?i didnt though. and i got 2 cards from school like get well soon on 1 her name wasnt on it and on the 2nd she put this "i love you" then my name and a wink type thing and then her name and another wink type smiley.. she has a bf but i dont know if she still does..lol its a guy from another school and i dont think she cares for him if shes still dating him itd be a so far a month relationship but on her icq details it says i dont care anymore but i heard about her bf on her live journal but it hasnt been updated in over 2 weeks, do u think i have a chance? i mean you dont think me being handicapped would deter her? well im very confused and appreciate all tips.. thanks



  2. Yeah i mean i was thinking mid september would give me enough time? and i dont have any classes with her but i do see her here and there.. at the fair she wasnt acting kinda weird i bought some raffle tickets off her and she hugged me? and also me and my friend walked by a group of her friends and some of her buds started talking to her and then she looked down her friends looked again talked to her then i walked by? even y friend noticed it..lol

  3. Im a 8th grader a pretty good guy and this year i signed up for football while last year i ran cross country it was my first year some ppl didnt think i could do it well i was waiting my turn for a drill when a 240 pound guy fell on my left leg and broke my tibia and fibula i mean this happened about a week ago and i went to school for the first time and i saw this girl i got a thing for and she was like hey and then oh!?i mean it was only for a second cause she just got out of the bathroom my mom was pushing me and see what i fear is that girls wont date me while im in my state i mean im gona be in a cast for 7 weeks and a boot thing for 4-6 and im gona be on crutches in a week or two til then its a wheelchair i mean ppl we're very glad to see me and everyone wanted to push me around..lol and im very confused could it possibly get me a date? or loose me a date? see i have plans in maybe mid september to ask this girl out the 1 who said oh shes really nice i mean she wrote on one of my get well cards i love you then my name and a wink type thing? i mean i really like her and if shes available i may ask her out on a date? would you blow someone off if they we're on crutches? please reply im very confused




  4. uh? when i dont know and im sure he can take it in one night and yes guys things to get sore if they plasure it too much.. but consder what ur getting yourself into by doing this.. soon he'll want anal, vaginal sex and u could easily get preagneat.. so be careful a sample may make some1 want the whole thing



  5. im 14

    i think love can occour at a early age, read annabel lee by edgar allen poe it talks of young love.. and most doesnt last but some does.. kinda like ur first car.. its good but it eventually breaks down u get a new one and then some more and finally get a car u love and like and keep.. dont be so pesamistic.. im sure you were one of those kids one day and if u werent ... yes i like girls and sometimes think i love them.. but some times ppl do it for attention and immaturity.... chill out



  6. dude.. it grows at different times for different ppl .. im pretty much hit puberty and im 14 and my equipment is around 7 inches.. ( im white too..lol) so dont worry



  7. maybe? but when we first talked on icq i started the compliment thing? and if shes getting tired of them? it was kinda a ace in a hole? i mean she loved it and i thought it was going great.. but shes ignored me for like a week now? and ive msgd her 5/7 days? shes in this school thing and its taking her time but could it be so much to that she cant talk? and she called me lil? yes im still kinda confused over that one.. im taller than her and im pretty big.. not fat but muscley.. and she happen to com to my class on the last day of school.. to get her brother..lol she never had come before and as soon as i sa her and she saw me she cme up and gave me a hug and then my friend after he asked..lol and then i was kinda in shock? or something not too far from it.. i tried to talk to her but it failed like saddam with war..lol but i mean can i win? can i get her? i mean i have some other girls who like me? should i date them and see if jealousy comes? and about her using me for a ego boost or something.. believe it or not shes extrodinarily modest i compliment her and she wont take.. shell argue me..lol.. and i also talk to her about other things like this and that and some complmients its not the conversation maybe 15 percent? well thanks



  8. oh yah recently shes been kinda ignoring me.. see shes kinda busy but ive tried to talk to her for the last 3 days and she wont reply to my msg? is she mad at me? she doesnt think what i say to her is true? yah i know..lol i say shes beautiful she says shes ugly when shes not by god shes not ugly..lol definetly beautiful? is it possible she doesnt feel comforable talking to me with her having a bf and all that?


  9. We'll i know this girl... see i know her brother me and him are in a couple classes and 1 day i went to his house.. and there she was a angel if ive ever seen one.. his sister..lol. is gorgeous and kinda a model? but see shes like a year and 3 months older and 2 grades higher.. and i thought neverming.. went on.. and one day on icq she added me and we started talking and i started just complimenting her.. and she loved it.. i continued and it worked out good and still is..like one day we were talking see i said i didnt like this guy in the past and he did something and made her mad and i rememberd it to her and she was all like your awesome.. and sometimes ill refer to her like "im talking to a beautiful girl" she told me that she was talking "to a sweet lil guy" i asked if i was little she said no but sweet? But she does have a bf? and i wonder if it could ever work out? and isthere any real signs to look for? i mean theres been times where its almost like you cant express them kinda magical? its crazy? but is there a chance me and her could ever work out? and why does she think of me as a lil guy? i mean shes not that much older? is she?




  10. yes, if sperm gets in the egg shes pregneat wether it comes off ur hand or your lil man ... and you did this to yourself.. abortion is wrong its murder and thats the only thing to do if she is pregneat.. its all cause and effect.. you had sex and now she may be pregneat.. but dont worry she may not be.. just get it checked out and if u really dont want the baby.. theres the morning after pill and other methods.. although it is wrong



  11. Not to sound like a jerk.. but damit get a hold of yourself.. Man suicide is a bad deal it offers only bad and once your dead you go to hell. Plus its selfish your gona put your family and friends through that? you still have ppl who love you and care about you.. dont forget about them embrace them try to be optomistic.. self mutalation is a bad thing.. try not to do that.. and go to a shrink or something.. itll help



  12. Well theres this girl that i like weve been friends for quite sometime and i asked her out once quite a few years ago and she said no. She acts weird around me like staring and smiling and other stuff. Well 1 night on icq i get a msg saying that its the girl but its on a different user and then about 20 minutes later i get a msg saying the girl likes me.? And then i ask whats going on and then its just kidding and forget everything i said.

    well the next day i asked the girl and she told me that the user was mad at her and that the girl was at the user's house and the user told me that they were just goofin around. and a week later she breaks up with her bf. And i didnt ask her out because i didnt know she had broken up. And then 3 days after the break up they got back together.....

    so does this have a meaning?



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