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Everything posted by spencer8912000

  1. thank u guys for helping but i am still confused ahh why does love have to be so hard
  2. ok here is wat u do u get a boy friend to make u happy and have him help u masterbate or maybe wait til there is a better reply
  3. ok guys are suppost to make the move i am a guy and i know that if any guy can get pleasure from u why cant he give u pleasure have him do something for u if u dont think i am right i dont really care im just saying once in awhile u should be able to kiss him but that dossent mean he shouldnt do anything he should still take part in making out well hope things work out
  4. ok i have had my girl friend all this year we have had are fights but we alaways got threw it . one day she just started thinking we were growing a part and i found that really hard to believe. soon she broke up with me and still called me late at night. i am really confused then i went to her house she took me to the bathroom than we kissed . we got back togther. every thing was great one week later she does" the lets just be friends thing" i am lost i love her but i am confused nothing was wrong could her parrents put her up to it could her friends or just could she?????? reply if u can help thank in advance
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