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Everything posted by SexyMan9999

  1. Okay this girl just said she wouldnt date me till after we left high school, even if this whole situation was cleared up. Was this really love or not? Thanks for all the replies.
  2. I know what a first love feels like and yes its a new thing where both members are inexpierenced... but this man is taking things about 5 steps too far. If you can really stomach it, give him one last chance but make it your final one, no more emotional roller coaster ride for you. If not move on and leave this lemon behind. Remember, just because two people are in love doesn't mean they should be together.
  3. Im 17 years old and have found a truly great girl. We have dated for a really long time in high school. The problem is, her mom lets her date, my mom has a really hard time dealing wiht it, until she finally forced me to breakup with my girlfriend. The loss was devastating, and me and my girlfriend were hurt by this, almost dating a year. Now we have used the term "love" tho we were young, but we knew that the relationship could end, we just werent expecting it to end this way. My mom is a total bitch about it saying i should wait till after college to date etc... My gf is till willing to stick with me for a little more, but im afraid if this situation wont be fixed soon, she'll move on to antoher guy. What do i do?
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