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  1. personally, I don't think that dating somebody who doesn't live in your city works, without being able to see him much, you lack in parts of your relationship that I think should be there, plus it's more like a part-time boyfriend. I'm not trying to look negatively, but I've been thru one of those relationships, and it didn't work for me because of that, so if you want to keep persuing it go right ahead, but just be forewarned of the difficulties.
  2. I dated this guy for two months, and then he broke up with me claiming that his friends talked him into it, but later telling me that he couldn't commit to somebody that he didn't feel he could get close to. About two months later, he went out with my friend and hurt her, to the point where she broke down into tears in school, so I talked her into breaking up with him. She felt that I just wanted him back, but later decided I was truly just being a friend. Now this guy, let's call him Mike, has tried to get back with me since he broke up with me, and only lately have I allowed him the chance. I thought he needed to work for the chance since last time we broke up he did it in a very bad way (I won't go into it) and I didn't eat or sleep much for a week. Now I'm not a very emotional person, so let's just say that took a lot of pain to do that to me, and it's never happened before or again. He calls me atleast once a day and tells me at the end of each phone call how much he loves me, and yesterday he asked me out. I said yes, and then later that day he called me and said he felt very trapped and that he couldn't do this. I told him he was going to lose me if he ever does anything that hurts me again when he did this, and he said he didn't want to lose me, and most of the time he wants to commit to me, but sometimes he's in a different mood and he feels trapped under commitment. I've been in love with this guy for about a year, and he was the first person I danced with, kiss, held hands with, cuddled up with, etc. So I don't really want to lose him...but what should I do? No matter what I have three classes with him all next school year, so I have to see him... but I can't really get myself out...can anybody help? Thanks a lot.
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