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  1. Mate, you have the heart of a poet! Very impressive and despite my experience telling me otherwise re: the nature of women, probably true. After all, my mother, my sisters and some of my female friends possess the qualities you've describe... just a shame that girls I seem to get involved with don't. Well, they probably do, it's just being with me brings out the worst in them
  2. Just under three weeks ago, I started going out with this really special girl. We'd been friends for about a week, during which our feelings for each other got stronger and stronger. We were at someone's house for a party, then left together. On the way home we held hands, then hugged. When we got off the bus, she kissed me and we kissed passionately for a full half hour. It was one of the most special nights of my life, and she was the first proper girlfriend I'd ever had. Since then, we've had a lot of very fun and special moments and experiences. Also, we'd been getting very physical, something entirely new to me when it comes to girls . But it was all very intense, emotionally as well as physically, which scared her. So about eleven days into it, she suggested we should go back to being friends, 'cos she was no good at relationships. I said I was cool with it, but really was devastated. I could tell she didn't really want that either, and later that night she called me and told me she'd made a huge mistake and still wanted me. We met up the next day, I told her I still felt the same way, we kissed for ages again and it was all wonderful again. But there was a huge problem. She was going away for two weeks, starting from yesterday, and as soon as she came back, I was going away for six weeks, until the end of summer. So we wouldn't see each other for two whole months, after going out for just eighteen days! I phoned her, we talked it over, then agreed to take a break until the two months was over and after that see how we felt about each other and if we wanted to pick up where we left off. Which wasn't the happiest arrangement but the only one possible. But for some reason, I started lecturing her about her way of life (we're both brought up as Muslim, but neither very strict). It was a very horrible and insensitive (not to mention hypocritical) thing to do. Later she sent me an SMS, telling me how angry she was that I criticised her way of life, and that I should grow up and stop judging others, and how she'll live how she wants to. I replied saying, fine, you live how you want to, so will I, to which she replied, f*ck you then. I then sent her one last SMS telling her that I was sorry for what I said and despite my horrible behaviour I still cared about her deeply. She didn't reply and I haven't heard from her since. That was yesterday. Since then, I've been getting used to the fact that I might not see her again. I won't be seeing her for two months at least, and when I come back I'm off to Uni straight away, where I'm gonna be meeting a million new people, not to mention a million new girls. She'll be in the same city, at a college (she's a year younger than me) not too far from my Uni. We'd only been going out for a few weeks but it still hurts that I'd upset her and pretty much destroyed any chances of us getting back together when I return in September. Does anyone think I should try and salvage something, bearing in mind she and I can't be together until September anyway? Or should I just accept the fact that I've made a big mistake, learn from it, walk away and move on, hoping to use the lessons I'd learnt in going out with her for my next relationship? Help
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