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Eh Im Canadian

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Posts posted by Eh Im Canadian

  1. Well, yeah he is right, except it is Succubus. I guess the k makes it sound funnier. She doesn't sound like a very caring person. Of course we are only getting your side of the story. Maybe you should get your dad to talk about it on enotalone. refer him to this site, and maybe he'll use it maybe he won't. He has free will, theres nothing you can do to change this. You are 25, let him make his own choices. He can screw up if he wants, but it will still be his decision. Sorry, I haven't really been any help, but theres not a lot that can be done.

  2. Well, mentally screwing with people is all that I do, I never physically harm people. I'm going to try and say some peaceful mental techniques to scare people. Big emphasis on peaceful. If you have a reputation for being a kind of mean person, then if you start acting normal to everyone except for one person, whom you act very nice to, then they will start to get scared. You won't be hurting them at all, but they will start being uncomfortableif you start changing your behavior at random. One minute act incredibly nice, and just when he starts feeling safe, go back to normal. By doing this, he can't say you are doing anything wrong, because all you are doing is being nice to him. Thats just one suggestion, this post probably will get deleted anyway.

  3. Hey, everybody has said correct things about this, even the toothpaste works in emergency situations. But what they haven't said that most people don't know about is that stress can cause break-outs. If you are too stressed then you can have hormonal imbalances and it will make some nasty zits. I have experimented with it, and it works on me. It is also why people get really worried because they start breaking out right before a big test or speech. No it isn't God making fun of you, it is because of stress.

  4. C'mon dpressedone, I haven't heard from you all day, the last thing you have said is this post. SAY SOMETHING. I hoping your still alive, because I know you were really depressed. If they put you on tranquilizers, this could be really bad. JUST SAY SOMETHING SO WE KNOW YOUR STILL WITH US! Thanks.

  5. All I have to say is that it is always different, nobody falls in love the same way. The probability of loving someone when you are 9 or 10 is lower than if you were 16 or 17 because you don't think as much. When you love someone you care about them more than anything else. That includes yourself. Most people under 16 aren't even going to think about caring more about others welfare than themselves. There are exceptions, but I am just generalizing here. Hope you find what you were looking for.

  6. Actually, a new scientific finding says that if you masturbate more than 27 times a month, YOUR PENIS WILL FALL OFF. just kidding. No there is no problem with masturbation, and no negative side effects.

  7. No Jonny, it's not that you aren't "average", it's just that people aren't always completely honest with us. I guess some people think that they will be made fun of for having a small penis or something. Having a penis of above 5 inches is basically needed for comparing penis sizes with guys in the locker room, and for bragging. Theres nothing else you need those extra inches for other than embarrassing yourself whenever you wear tighter fitting clothes.

  8. Yes there is something to look forward too if you live a good life. If you have a good life, you can have your memories of doing good things. That is a far more valuble prize than anythng anyone can give you. You can look back on your life, and help others where you originally failed. Your dad might be a *beep* to you, but that doesn't mean you should give up on life. I have a feeling rotting in hell would be far worse than anything earth can throw at you. Thats the reason it is hell. It is worse than living. Plus, how would you be able to help others if you are dead? If you don't want your life anymore, don't throw it away, dedicate it to something worthwhile. It is like throwing away an apple you've just started eating because you don't like apples anymore. It is a waste. People do it all the time anyway, but that doesn't stop it from being a waste. Good Luck, hope you find what you are looking for.

  9. Uhh, 8.5 inches is really big for a penis no matter how old you are. Don't worry about it, if everyones penis was much bigger than 2 inches (when flaccid), then every guy in the world would be walking around bow legged and whenever they got erect their pants would rip.

  10. First I am going to assume that the character is a girl in the poem, just because I feel like it.

    I think the first sentence means she is thinking about the life she could have had and she is doing it while drunk. In the second sentence, I think she is saying that she regrets not following the other path, s would have had a better and more happy life. She is in love, and no power on earth or not on earth can change it. The light sentence, is saying that her sins are catching up with her, and her life has had some pretty bad horrors. Then the poem ends with her wondering what she did wrong, and thinking about lost oppurtunities. Thats my interpretation, because I can't really get a voice or message out of the writing.

  11. I have many thoughts on what love is, my goal in life is find out what causes it. Love is when you care about someone. You care about what they do, how they feel, their decisions in life, and what happens to them. If you really love someone then you can never forget about them, and you will ALWAYS care about them. NiftySwifty has an awesome quote, and I think it goes something like this. "Love never fails. If it does, it was never really love to begin with." That is just goes to show that if you really love someone, then there is no way you can fail. Any decision that they make is their decision, and when you care about them, you accept that. You can try to change their views on the subject, but in the end, it will always be what they think. There is a big problem with the word love these days. Love will always be mutual, and in my opinion some people don't get that. I'm not saying I'm, right, I am just saying my thoughts on this matter. There is no way to really love someone when they don't love you.

  12. I guess I was saying it was coming close to the thing you should be doing, but it wasn't the best. I meant almost to mean it came close to being it, but it had one flaw. Sorry, I phrased it really badly, and I apologize.

  13. Hey, you said I misinterpreted you. You misinterpreted me. I don't want you to think of thoughts that you know will not work out or happen. You have to have thoughts that are happy and WILL HAPPEN. Thats the point of making them good thoughts. Hope this clears up what I said.

  14. Hey, welcome to this site, hope you like what you've seen. Unhappiness is a tough problem to solve, but I'll do my best. When you are unhappy, you aren't thinking about things you like right? Why would you want to think about things you don't like then, if it always makes you unhappy? If you like god, then think about god, if you like music, think about music. It's all the same thing, just different peoples interpretations of what is good. To motivate myself, I first think about what would require the least effort, but give me the most return. Then I do it, and keep doing it, until I have gotten whaty I was afterI congratulate you on not wanting to kill yourself, because so many people try and hide behind that and it makes it really hard to talk to them. Hey the dreaming about beautiful things that you can never be is almost the best thing you can possibly do. The almost is because, there should be no "never". I quote Morpheus from the Matrix: "What is real? Is something real if you can touch it, feel it, or see it? Those are all just electrical signals interpreted by your brain". If you think you can do something, then you can, there is no doubt about that. The only problem, is that people doubt, and that is what makes the things impossible. Since you don't think you have a purpose, I'll give you one. Bring peace to the world. I don't care whether or not you don't want that purpose, thats what everyones purpose should be. Don't be sad, think of something beautiful, that you have no doubt that is possible. Hope you feel better, and what is the PS about?

  15. People are fake and evil for many reasons, but the most prominent one is because they are unhappy with who they are. They look at other people who are fake and evil, and see that it works. Then they act that way, and it works for them! This would be a perfect cycle, if everyone wasn't evil or fake! Yeah, it is an endless cycle, that will keep going until someone important gets up and says whats wrong with society. Of course, people have to listen too, and they have to stay that way. Being fake and evil starts out easy, which is why it is so appealing, but it gets harder and harder to change who you are over time. Sorry about your friends, but you need to realize that they are addicted to that behavior, and they have to try really hard to fix it. Don't worry, you will never be alone. Thats why this site exists. Good Luck, hope I helped.

  16. Yeah, no offense to you, but having a crush on someone's mom is kind of odd. I'm not saying its wrong to like how they look, but the wanting to reveal it? Thats what kind of confueses me. There is no way you could ever have a relationship with her, because if she is someone's mom, wouldn't she be married? I would recommend not trying to take this relationship any further. Jess talked about American Pie, but have you ever seen Bill and Ted's excellent adventure? They are always saying, "dude, your moms hot", because she is like 8 years older than they are, and the dad married her because she was really young. Having a crush on someones mom just doesn't work very well, sorry to ruin your hopes. Good Luck in whatever you choose to do.

  17. I don't know how long meth stays, but marijuana and cocaine can stay in your body for 10 - 14 years. I'm not joking, thats how long it takes to get rid of it. You know how all these people who talk about acid flashbacks? Thats because LSD can stay for like 20 years. The LSD washes out, and a little bit get sent to the brain. I'm not sure how long meth lasts, its a amphetamine right? Usually, amphetamines only last in your body a few weeks, but thats from what I know about coffee and ADD drugs. Meth probably lasts a lot longer. I'd just stay away from that stuff before you get addicted.

  18. Well, I think his story is true. Why else would he tell you, I mean, it sounded like they actually didn't really have sex, at least not for very long. It's your decision what to do. It sounds like he has a serious problem with drinking, and I think that is the main problem here, not the "rape". Whether or not he is telling the truth, he knew the consequences when he told you, and he accepted them. He trusted that you would understand. It takes a lot of willpower to do what he did, and even if he isn't telling the truth, he deserves some respect for that. You can't have a good relationship without trust, so it's your call. But even if you two do split up, You should help him with his drinking problem, because I have several addictions, none of them harmful to myself, like drinking, drugs, cutting but even mine are hard to get rid of. Good Luck

  19. Lots of people are afraid of ticks. I know that I am, my little brother got lyme disease from a tick when he was younger, and he made it the doctor 2 days before it would have been untreatable. I personally am afraid of eating anything red, because when I was younger, I started eating a piece of pizza, and I had a loose tooth and it came out in the pizza. My mouth started bleeding all over the pizza and I didn't notice until I had almost finished the piece, and someone told me my mouth was bleeding. I freaked out, and have never been the same since.

  20. Welcome to enotalone, this site is really helpful, stay even if you don't get good advice the first time around. I'm not sure exactly, but I have a feeling your mom might object to it. I mean, think about it. If they ever got serious, and married each other or something wouldn't it suck to have to stop seeing this boy because you suddenly became related to him? I'm not saying your mom is going to marry this guy, but I am saying your mom might not approve of your relationship. Not like that really matters much anyway. You should keep talking to him, it sounds like you like each other. Those morals are a good thing to have, I congratulate you, many people don't have them. Good Luck.

  21. Well, I read all of the replies, and it seemed like you had some pretty good advice in almost every part of your question. That one part that was missing is what to say, and how to say that you love him. Absense makes the heart grow fonder is a pretty old quote, but I just heard it in a barenaked ladies CD 30 minutes ago. It is the whole basis of no contact right there. Go and tell him that you cannot continue to be apart from him and you miss him. If you can break up and still be friends, then you had something strong going there. I guess if you don't want to tell him that you love him, because it will sound like you are trying to get him back, maybe say you care about him more than anything else? Good Luck.

  22. I figured out what it was. I had not been sleeping for the past 4 days, and then the thursday was the first night I got any sleep. I guess it threw my body off its normal alignment, and that made me all out of it. I have a clearer head right now, taking some caffiene supplements to stay awake and alert. Yeah, my post was kind of useless, and I shoudlnt have put it up. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  23. Ok, here's the story. I am going completey crazy. I'll be talking with someone, then all of a sudden, I guess my memory just blanks out. I don't know if I am just acting on impulse, but I'll be talking, then I'll just be surprised and be doing something else. Nobody seems to notice anything different about me, or at least don't seem too surprised. It only lasts about 5 or 10 seconds, but its happened 5-6 times so far, all yesterday. Does anyone know whats is wrong, or am I just a messed up person? Thank you all so much.

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