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Eh Im Canadian

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Posts posted by Eh Im Canadian

  1. Well, this happened a few days ago, and I don't exactly know how to reply. Me and this one girl are pretty good friends, and just recently she broke up with her boyfriend. She told me about what happened, then asked me if I would go out with her if she asked me. I haven't seen here since then, but this was last friday, and I don't have school until tomorrow. So the real question is what should I say? I think she's a great person, but I know it is a big mistake to get into a relationship right after breaking up.

  2. Well, from what you have told us, it sounds like you were coerced into doing this. Also, wouldn't he notice if you were using his credit card? So unless you racked up all of these debts this month, your fine. Well not exactly fine, because you have no money, but you aren't going to go to jail.

  3. Here is a proof that 1 cannot equal 1.


    for the purposes of this proof, if I add an " n" to the end of a number it means it is repeating ( e. g. .9999999999999......)


    .1n = 1 / 9

    .2n = 2 / 9


    .3n = 3 / 9





    .3n x 3 = .9n and 3 / 9 x 3 = 9 / 9 = 1


    .9n = 1




    From this we can conclude that 1 will equal .99999999.


    Basically, this means that 1 doesn't equal 1.


    You can replace 1 with A, and you will get the same results.


    So I guess our laws are wrong then, because A can't equal A


    I guess we'll just have to design a new one or something, because the one we've got sure as heck doesn't work too well.

  4. That is a good point. The universe would have to follow it's own rules, or it wouldn't be a universe. But anything that we can think of is possible, thereforeeee the universe must either not be a universe, or there is no such thing as a universe. It is a complex problem, and I am not entirely sure I really understand it.

  5. Huh? I didnt really understand that last sentence. At least understand how it helped your choice.


    "However, to the universe, every single possible action, varible and outcome exists, and thereforeee there is no true or absolute free will."


    Wouldn't that be saying that we do have free will because since it all exists, we only get to choose one, thereforeeee we can make our own decision? That would be like doing a task and not doing it at the same time. You can't eat and sandwhich, and at the same time not eat that same sandwhich. That would be having 2 choices at the same time. Since we only can choose one of them, then we have choices we can make.


    Now about that A=A thingy. What if he was wrong? He has no evidence to back it up. I could say "Brown cow = Brown cow", and if I was a famous philosopher / mathematician, then everyone could say "Hmm, he has a point!". The point is, Aristotle's ideas were accepted because he was right about some stuff, so they figured he was right about all stuff. Its also like saying if everyone jumped off a bridge, would you do it too? Just because some "law" works almost all the time with our system, doesn't mean our system is the right one. There are no laws, because everything is always changing. We can't make laws that the universe will follow. Maybe it'll work some of the time, but it isn't absolute. Our math systems are flawed as you have admitted witht the 99/100 thingy. So if it is a law that is the core of our mathematics, won't it be flawed as well? Maybe we just haven't found a suitable example to prove why it's wrong yet.

  6. The only thing I have to say about this is Acts 10:15


    "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean." (said by The Lord)


    So if God has made something clean, then it must be so, at least according to the Bible. So, since anyone who is baptized is made clean, if you are baptized, then you are pure!

  7. Well, everything would be right, except for one thing. Nothing is constant. Everything is always changing, and nothing can ever remain the same.



    Yep, that "who cares" philosophy is exactly what I am talking about. Except the predetermined part. You gotta leave that one out, because if something was predetermined, it would have to follow a set of laws.



    Then there is another question to think about. If you have ever seen The Matrix, then you almost certainly remember the scene where Morpheus is talking to Neo about "What is real". And he mentions that real is just electrical impulses interpreted by our brain.


    So, what you think is real, might just be what your brain is telling you. It doesnt mean that is what it is, it justs means that your brain got that little electric signal that said it was. The whole point is, real is what you think is real, so if you think you have free will, you can go up and change what you have told yourself your fate is.


    If you think you have no free will, then you think everything you do is to fulfill your destiny. Since your destiny is unknown, it changes every time you do something, unless it has been preordained by some higher power. Of course, that higher power could be wrong and we'd be back to sqaure one.


    So I guess the whole debate is whether the things / beings that know what you are going to do are right all the time or not. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. But since you never hear them say anything, then you can't tell.


    I have my own theory on this matter. I think that everything in the universe tries to follow the path of least resistance. So, whatever is most efficient will last the longest. Whatever is least efficient will the shortest. So you aren't preordained, it is just you will most likely make the choice that is most efficient. Hey, it's just a theory.



    Now I have a question for you Rahll. It's about the A=A thingy. There are ways to prove that A doesnt equal A. You can do it with any system if you take the time to do it. With our number system, you can prove 1 = 99/100. Since nothing can actually be equal, because everything is slightly different, Aristotles theory must be wrong. Theres an old saying, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time". So that basically says, something might work repeatedly for a few circumstances, might work occasionally for every circumstance, but it won't work repeatedly for every circumstance.


    So back on the subject of free will. Am i correct in saying that there is an infinite number of things that could happen at any given moment? Assuming I am, then that would say, that an 1 out of those infinite number of things that could happen, did. And usually, these given moments are in close relation to the previous given moment, so they kind of follow a path. And that is saying that everything we do is predetermined, because it follows a general path of the previous instances. That doesnt mean is has to however. You could take a bath, and all of a sudden as you reach for the soap, you are in a 7-eleven eating a candy bar. That would be a little variation from the normal path. It doesnt mean it will happen, it just means that it could. Its like having a privilige that we will never get a chance to use,

  8. Ok, I havent been here in a while, and I just checked up on all the new athiest posts. First of all, I have to argue with Rahll. There is such thing as free will. Everything can be predetermined, that is true. But, just because something knows what you are going to do doesnt mean you don't have free will. Human beings aren't like water. You can't make a path for them, and them watch them follow it. So even if a higher power or the energy flow of the universe can know exactly what course of action you will take, you still chose to do it. The fact that you have that choice is what gives you free will. So the fundamental principle that we don't have free will based on that something knows what will happen can't be true. Even if something knew what we were going to do, as long as it doesnt do anything about it, like change our past, free will is safe. Changing our future is a different thing. So maybe free will doesnt exist for humans, but for something it does. You can never be sure about things you don't have proof on. And since you can't actually prove anything, everything is uncertain. thereforeeee, there are no fundamental principles, no laws, nothing that is always "so". Something will always change the rule.


    Now about the selfish thingy. I can't argue with that, because it is absolutely true. We do things because in the end, we think it will benefit us somehow. Even if we tell oursleves it is absolutely selfless, we will always think "Hey, at least I am building muscles" , or "Well, this will at least get me to heaven a lot faster!". We either had a reason previously, or when the time comes, make a reason to go do it. This isn't wrong, it is a survival issue. If we didn't have this sense of self-preservation, we either would have killed ourselves out of depression, or someone else would have. Needless to say, the human race would be a lot smaller.


    Theres one more thing that I need to say. And that is "To each his own". If you like being Christian, then all power to you. If you don't then thats just as good. The problem is, when people start acting on what people believe in. That is why a lot of people don't like organized religion. I am on of those people, because I think that if people don't think up their own ideas, they will never learn to think on their own. So by being Christian, you are just following what was right for someone else. If it is right for you, then either you are fooling yourself, or are remarkably similar to the person who made up the religion.

  9. Thank you, and yeah, you are right about all the stuff you said, except I will have no choice but to disagree with you on free will. While you may be brought up in a society where whatever bad thing that is practiced is viewed as normal, you still get the choice to decide what you want. It's not like your brain is incapable of thinking about something, it is more of you don't know that it is wrong. So you can choose not to be a thief, but whether you make that choice is up to you.

  10. I have no idea why she said you should kill yourself. I know your life has a bunch of difficult problems ( sounds dorky, I don't knwo how to rephrase it though), but it is very rare when your life becomes so bad it is better to just die than live. It seems like this girl is taking a really big risk. I mean how would your conscience feel if you told someone to kill themselves because they were worthless and then they did? I am not saying you are worthless, I am saying thats basically what she said. Just ask her "What have I done that makes you hate me so much?". Now I had an idea for maximum "winningness" Ask her how her life has been going and if she has any problems. If she says its none of your business, which by the way it isnt, just say "Well you seem so sad all the time, like there is something you are holding back from everyone." I'll bet that there is something thats she is sad about because it isn't natural or healthy to want others to die.

  11. Yeah, as I told you in the private messages, don't harass her, just be really nice to her. That will freak her out the most, and if it fails the worst that happens is she becomes your friend. It is a win-win situation! She'll think you are planning something, and while you aren't completely to blame, as long as you are kind to her, anything that she gets angry about is in her mind only.

  12. Well, you are absolutely right, I was trying to sugar coat it. But heres a question. If you know someone is going to kill someone, and you dont do anything about, aren't you too blame as well? So you are guilty for whatever choice you make, no doubt about that. But wouldn't God be responsible for those deaths as well. Theres a quote by Dante, that guy who wrote the Inferno about going to hell. Here's what he said. The hottest place in hell is reserved for those who in times of crisis do nothing" Something like that. Anyway, so that would mean God is supposed to go to hell, since he doesn't stop what happens. Of course, Dante could be full of crap, but that's not what i am trying to prove. So the whole problem with this entire subject is whether or not you believe in a higher power. So here is my new theory. You know what the energy gradient is right? It is the concept that energy follows the path of least resistance, so it is aligned with more stable energy. Whenevr you try to go against it, you strain and lose more energy. So our choices must go with the gradient or against it. If we make the choice that costs us the most energy overall, we made the wrong choice. Now since energy flows with he gradient, and energy could be moving faster than time, then energy would already be where it wanted to go by the time we use it. So the energy would have flowed in the pattern, and it already "knew" what was happening. Not that it makes much of a difference but hey. Just a theory!


    Yeah sorry, I phrased my previous post badly, It was meant to say that since there is not a lot I can do about it, just go through with life anyway. [/i]

  13. Well, it is, but only as long as you don't know the outcome. So if you don't know what will happen, then it is as much of a choice as anything. This is a very delicate subject we are dealing with, one that is open to much debate. So I guess, whatever you do is what your choice was, happened, and whatever choices you make in the future will happen as well. I guess it;s like playing a video game for the first time. You don't really know how to play, and whatever you do effects how you will play the game. The person who made the game knows everything about it, and exactly what will happen no matter what you do. But since you don't know whats happening, everything you do seems like you are influencing what will happen. Except you aren't. The game has a storyline, and you have no choice but to follow it. The designer knows exactly what you will do, just not how you are going to do it. It still will be fun, you will still think you are uncovering secrets or hidden bugs, but the person who made it knows exactly what will happen. I guess that's just what I imagine God as. The giant video game designer in the sky! You are welcome to your own belief, but I guess mine just simplifies it a little.

  14. See the one big problem is, no matter what happens in the end, you still are given a list of decisions. You can choose any of them, and regardless of whether someone else knows what you are going to do, you still made the decision. So while they may know exactly what you are going to do, they can't change it, thereby giving you free will. Of course, if they could change it, then you would never notice, because it would be what you did. So they could be changing what happens every second, and we would never notice. We couldn't notice, because it would already have happened. So if free will exists, we will never know. But then again if you think about it, whatever time travel has happened, already did, so they aren't really changing anything. It's not fate, it's is what already happened.


    If God knew what decision Joe would make, then he obviously respected Joes choice. He didn't change it, thus Bill is dead. Imagine this : Your sibling and you go out for ice cream. Your brother / sister always orders strawberry, without fail. You know she is going to choose strawberry, and lo and behold, when you order your ice creams, she chooses strawberry. You knew, or thought you knew what was going to happen, and it did. Did you give her a choice? Yes you did, she could have had chocolate, or vanilla, but she chose strawberry. How do you know that God knows everything anyway? Yo are just listening to what other people have said. They tell you to have faith, but did you hear God say have faith? No. You didn't. You can tell yourself you heard him, but you know you didn't. Since God never says anything, then he is always right. When you never say anything wrong, there is only one alternative. Plus when people say they heard God tell them something, and it was true, everybody says "look theres proof!" But what about when they hear voices, and it turns out to be BS? Do you hear them say it was God then? No you don't So basically, for him it's a win-win situation.

  15. Well, heaven and hell, if you think about it, you can never really know if they exist. Even if you die and go to heaven, you aren't really "you" anymore, because the real "you" is dead, either in a coffin or on a street or wherever you died. So whether there is a heaven or a hell doesn't really matter, since your mind is inside your brain, and nothing leaves your body when you die. We know your mind is in your brain because we do things to alter your brain, and it changes your mind. So even if there is a heaven, when you go there you will be someone else, maybe really similar, but you won't be you.


    Now I am going to try and defend free will. Free will isn't what most people think it is, the freedom to make your own future. It doesn't matter if a theory or higher being knows what you will do next, it is all based on the choice you have been given. You are given choices everyday, and free will is the ability of human beings to make a choice. In the bible, God doesn't say what hell is but he says it is seperation from him. So if the guy is separated from God his whole life, then how will he even notice if he goes to what hell might be.

  16. Hey everybody, I have this one big question.


    Which is more important? Lives or freedom? I am not talking about the war on Iraq, so don't even go there. I want to know why people can take peoples rights away so that they can be more safe. Is it even right to do so to someone? Because if you think about it, our rights let us be who we want to be, and if someone takes them away, then we cant be what we want. And why bother living if you can never be what you want? Of course, I am talking about what you really want, not some superficial pleasure like being a killer or a prostitute. So the basic question is what is more important? being able to do what we have been guaranteed, or the safety of people?

  17. First things first, in case you haven't noticed, all those quotes are by the same guy. So you are just saying one guys views on the subject. I can get a bunch of quotes too, quotes don't really mean anything, it is all in how you interpret them.


    About the satanism thingy, I am not a satanist, I was just pointing out that they aren't evil, like most people think. Their religion is pretty much on par with christianity for evilness. They just don't have the same focus on helping people as christians do. The point I was trying to make about that was that you cant call what other people believe in "evil". People put down satanism, but thats the same as putting down any other religion. Do you see people talking about how buddhism is evil? How about catholics? A lot more people have slaughtered innocents in those religions than in satanism. That doesn't make them bad, it was just how the followers decided to live.


    Now I am going to talk about the car thingy. You can design instances to fit any occasion. What if that guy in the other country thought up a really good system of driving, and then decided to follow it? He could do it if he wanted and nobody would care. If you made up a system of driving in the US, you would either get arrested, or you would get hit by a speeding truck.


    Rules make life generally more efficient. That doesn't mean you have more freedom, just better efficiency. More rules make you have less rights, you cannot have a rule that grants more rights than you would have if there were no rules.


    You might fall down a litle bit more if there are no rules, but how do you think they made up the rules in the first place. Somebody tripped and fell into something painful, and we don't want that. So we do whatever we can in order to make it so it doesn't happen again. The rule was made so that people cannot do things to hurt themselves. But it doesn't mean you have freedom. It means that all you can do is what you have been told you can do. As soon as you find a new way to hurt yourself, a rule is placed. So your rights get slowly shrunk, and eventually, we'll have none left. Everything has to start somewhere, and while the rules are for a good cause, it eventually becomes a chain which we are caught up in. Every single rule that we have is one link of the chain, and eventually, there will be so many we have tied oursleves up in them, and we won't be able to do anything. Saving lives becomes more important than indivdual rights. Lives are extremely important, but so is the freedom to choose. It is up to you to decide which is more important. Freedom affects us all, and so does a life. But lives will all ultimately end, but freedom can go on forever.


    If you don't understand any of what I said, it's ok. I don't understand most of it completely either. All I really get is the key concepts of what I am trying to say, sorry I can't be more specific. I am going to post a new topic about what freedom and choices are, so if you want to talk more, move to there. Sorry if I have offended you.

  18. Excuse me for being so obvious, but your problem here is the fighting. I know there are other factors, like pregnancy, job income, and your ex, but what you really need to work on is fighting. The expression "It takes 2 to fight" has been drilled into most of our heads since we were in preschool. So, I'll bet I know a really simple way to avoid fighting! Just stop them yourself. Admit it, when you ask him questions, like when he'll get paid, you have a good reason for it, but you also have an ulterior motive. You want to know more about his job, and since he obviously isn't comfortable with it, maybe you should stop. Do the extra work when you think it is necessary. You told us that your goal was to be a stay-at-home mom . I guess that seems kind of selfish to me. It will probably end up with more and more fights. Your goal is to be the ideal family, and be like those couples from the movies, but just so you know, they almost never exist. Strive for something more probable, like having a good relationship with your husband. HE is the one you are supposed to love most, not your children. I'm not saying you shouldn't love your children too, but you can't love everybody most. Thats like having 7 best friends. In reality, you can only have one, no matter what you want. The others can be good friends, but not "best". Every time you think you are going to lose control of your anger, remember which is better, actually having a happy life, or winning one stupid argument that you probably don't care about very much anyway.

  19. Wow, you sound a lot like my mom does now, except she isn't pregnant. She and my dad argue about stuff all the time, and she gets mad because he never takes any initiative. Unfortunately, my mom also gets really mad at my dad, and they start saying things about each other that they don't always remember. Sometimes in the heat of the argument, people forget what they say. The only reason they had proof was because I was there and stood as an unbiased witness. Ok, what you need to do is relax a little. Maybe you need to take the initiative in these fights, and just stop the fighting. Maybe he'll follow by examples. Just admitting you were wrong and saying I am sorry works wonders. Even if you haven't done anything wrong, if he thinks you are wrong, then you should try it, it will help. All you gain from fighting with him is hurt and sadness. Who wants that? Usually, those are the things you try to get rid of, but fighting more, just keeps them going. You need to love him for who he is, not for his money, or for the fact that you would be embarrassed if you were divorced. That is a terrible reason to stay married. If you don't love him, then you don't love him. But I think you care about him, so I think what you should do is be the person to show by example. You cant keep showinh your daughter a fake person her entire life. You have to show her who you are, not pretend to be someone else when she is looking. Eventually, she'll grow up, and since you are fighting all the time, the cycle will begin anew. She will have the fact that fighting is normal ingrained in her head from the age of 2. Is that what you want? Or do you want to teach her that fighting is the wrong thing, and it is better to work things out peacefully? One is hard, one is easy, but it's the choice you made when you became a parents. Being a parent is incredibly difficult, and it takes a lot of curage and perserverence to do it. All I can leave you with is the hope that you will make the right choice, and Good Luck.

  20. Experts say a lot of stuff, don't listen to all of it. You can have experts that say one thing, and other experts that are in complete disagreement. Heres a little trick I just learned from someone. Say the word love, then close you eyes and what is the first image that comes to mind? Keep that image in your head, and treasure it. Remember it when you are unhappy, and it will cheer you up. Either that or say "everyone needs happiness inside of them" with a really french accent. It doesn't sound like anything, but if you go to someone else and say it, they will probably start laughing. Just think of laughter, and it will help you out. If you need a little artificial boost, caffiene helps, so have some coffee or something. Good Luck.

  21. I have several questions for girls. First of all, what's the deal with asking how much they weigh? Why is it such a big thing? Also, I've noticed if you ask if they got any sleep then they get really defensive about it. There are so many questions to ask, and everybody thinks it is too rude to ask why in person. Everybody has little things that bug them or thoughts they think about, but I don't see how so many people could be so sensitive aboout the same thing. I know it seems kind of rude, but I've have always wondered this, and I don't know of a better chance to ask then now.

  22. First of all, guys don't think about sex every 6 seconds. I mean we occasionally sleep right? 6 seconds is only 1 / 10th of a day! Sex is thought of maybe 1/3 or 1/4! I guess women are viewed as a challenge, so it appeals to a lot of guys. I'm not talking about myself in general, because I don't actually think about sex that often. But I have many friends who don't spend as much time trying to understand stuff as me, and they think about sex a lot. I did a little test on them of what words bring what images to their minds, and they have 1 second to answer. So you say pickle, and they say dildo. You say peach and they say ass. You say hand, and they say, well not appropriate for this circumstance.. So mostly guys think about sex whenever you say anything. Of course, I know a lot of girls who think about sex just as much, so it isn't a gender thing. Except guys have a little notification signal that occurs when they see someone who they think is hot, so there is a little difference. So to answer the sfirst question, I don't think a guy would mind if you followed him around a little, but you would have to keep it a little casual, and not do it too often. Other than that, you would probably be fine. I don't know how to answer your question k8tie, sorry bout that. I would help if I could, but I don't want to give any wrong advice.

  23. Well, those magic books certainly have a lot of interesting stuff in them. Be careful, because anyone can write anything down on paper, it doesn't necessarily have to be true. I'm not saying it all is fake, I know from rather personal experiences that you can make some pretty weird illusions, and scare the hell out of a lot of people with those. Hope you find wht you are looking for, and congratulations on not cutting.

  24. Ingrid, you call Satansim and polyhteism evil, and yet then you talk about how free thought is good. Satanism is not completely about worshipping satan, just as christians don't spend all their time worshipping christ. Satanism is all about having new ideas. The two religions aren't that different. Here is the founder of satanisms most quoted statement:


    You cannot love everyone; it is ridiculous to think you can. If you love everyone and everything you lose your natural powers of selection and wind up being a pretty poor judge of character and quality. If anything is used too freely it loses its true meaning. thereforeeee, the Satanist believes you should love strongly and completely those who deserve your love, but never turn the other cheek to your enemy!" Anton LaVey


    Here are some of the central beliefs



    They do not worship a living deity.

    Major emphasis is placed on the power and authority of the individual Satanist, rather than on a god or goddess.

    They believe that "no redeemer liveth" - that each person is their own redeemer, fully responsible for the direction of their own life.

    "Satanism respects and exalts life. Children and animals are the purest expressions of that life force, and as such are held sacred and precious..."



    These are all quoted from a web site on religious tolerance, so this isn't some random made up web thing. And who are you to say that someone elses belief system is evil? The catholic church has done far more evil things than the church of satan by a long shot. Ever hear about the crusades? How about the Inquisition? That doesn't make it a bad church, those were just people. The one thing that I admire about satanism is the fact that they don't believ that you can do something terrible and be forgiven for it just by praying to god. If you kill someone, you are a f-cker, and you know it. There should be no way to be forgiven just like that for killing someone. Yuo did it, theres nothing you can do to erase that, it will be with you forever. So why should you be forgiven instantly for it? You should have to pay for what you have done. Okay, now Cure of ars, you need to seriously think about something. "Boundaries give freedom because they provide safety. I am free to go crazy within the boundaries of my faith without having to worry about falling into a ditch. This is liberating. " That is the biggest load of BS I have ever heard, and trust me, I hear a lot of it. You can have your dogmas and restrictions, but NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY, a restriction will always be a restriction. Nothing about a restriction is liberating. How could it be? It is restricting you, This is a pretty fundamental concept. Now comes a new fresh heap of BS at the end of your post. This one, has some truth to it, so I cannot give it the #1 award.

    "Children need a wisdom tradition to help them navigate the spiritual life. Giving a child a half-truth is better than giving them no truth. And by not passing on the truth that one finds in life one is neglecting to give a gift that they have found. "


    Dammit man, you sound like, well ! Giving a child a half truth is better than no truth?!?!? So they can live their lives thinking that and never be told anything true? Some people never hear truth, so why give them something to lean on that isn't really there? If I were to tell you that in a certain book, and you believed it, how would you feel if when you died, it was only 1/2 true! Like, the story told about Jesus dying for us so we could go to heaven. Wouldn't it be funny if it was only 1/2 true? So Jesus died for us, but surprise! There's no heaven! Think about that a little bit. Sorry I have been so rude, but what you said made me so angry.

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