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Eh Im Canadian

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Posts posted by Eh Im Canadian

  1. Hey, cmon, nothing can ever happen that is so bad that it is worth ending your life over. You have a long life ahead of you, don't kill yourself at 16. 16 is nothing, I know people who are 95 years old, and they don't want to die. When you are young, you think that the only way to escape all of your emotions is too die. It isn't. By the time you get older, you will realize how precious life is, and how much you should hang on to it. Go an make some new friends if none of the people you think hate you are really friends. It is very rare to find a true friend. Most people just make acquantainces, never really good friends. The most important thing of all is to remember that you don't really want to die, you just keep telling yourself that you do. Hope you feel better.

  2. Just out of curiosity, how well do you think you are going to do in the military if you don't have any confidence? That would seem like a key part of being a good killer. The army is not something you have to do just because your family has done it for a while. Who cares if your family has done it? You just get to learn how to kill people, and be disciplined. Doesn't sound like a good future career to me. Plan some more, go make some friends with some girls, it is really easy if you don't like, lust after them, and you just want to be their friend. Good Luck.

  3. Well, I think that I am almost in love with someone, but I don't know how to continue. First I will have to be their friend, and get to know them better. I made a horrible mistake a long time ago, and I am going to try and repair my mistake. I just can't get them out of my mind, and it is all secret_agent_man's fault. When I first joined this site, he told me to never give up. He said that me and this girl could be great together. I can never forget that, and I want to thank everyone at enotalone for giving me hope. And especially thanks to secret_agent_man.

  4. When you love someone, you care for their welfare as much as you care for your own. You always want them to be happy, you want yourself to be happy when you are near them. Here is a list, and it only has some of the aspects of love.

    You know your partner very well:


    You are good friends:


    You trust each other:


    You are both interested in giving as well as receiving:


    You have time for others, such as family and friends:


    There is no way to really tell if you love someone from a list, but this is to make sure you actually care about them. Good Luck

  5. But how do I do it, this is way different from asking out for a date. How can I even approach her? I feel really bad for doing what I did, and somehow, I need to be her friend. Please give me a little insight on this. My best chance will be if I do it at school, but that ends in 3 weeks. Thank you all so much.

  6. Ok, But since you didn't know why I put my first part of my response, hear is something you said



    "Oh well if you think so, then ok I can't change the way you think. This is a fourm you can't tell how I'm feeling or saying things unless I am face to face with you."


    I was just saying I can interpret your writing, and saying what voice I hear when I read it. It doesn't matter whether we are face to face. Ok, well I hope that you found what you were looking for in one of the many posts on this topic.

  7. Dpressed, uhh i don't think that note thing will work. In fact, I would recommend not doing it. Girls are just people. If everyone were afraid of every girl, then our species would die out in about a week. You have to get over your fears. They aren't worth having. You gain nothing by being afraid this way, and you have everything to lose. Good Luck.

  8. How could things possibly be weird? I have been talking to you about asking her out for several days now, and you keep chickening out. Do you even need to tell her that you like her. It seems like you kind of bypassed that stage. Lets see, she held you hand, and you held each other in a pool for a long time, while singing a really intimate song (for you)? Talk to her for crying out loud. Never put it off, it is the worst thing you can do. Depending on what kind of person she is, it could be as simple as going up to her and saying you love her. Don't just go up to her and say that, it might be kind of awkward. Build up to it with conversation, but you have to appear completely honest. It doesn't matter if you really are, if you don't look honest, it doesn't mean very much. Just read my little signature about dating. Good Luck.

  9. Well, my perfect girlfriend would be something like this: She would actually love me, and I would truly love her. She would be there when I needed her, help me when I was down. We would have similar interests, and be in the same school / area. I mean, everything else would just all fit if we actually loved each other. It's not a very big list, sorry.

  10. Last year, I went out with this girl that I really liked. In fact, she was the reason I first came to this site. Unfortunatley, I liked her mostly because of how she looked, and I knew nothing about her personality even after 3 dates. I tried to continue, but a serious of several events led to me not seeing / talking to her for a month. When I first saw her on the first day of school, I tried to start conversations with her, but she seemed so quiet and subdued. I tried to strike up our relationship, but I guess she thought it was over. There was no real break up, and We just stopped talking to each other. It has been 1 school year now since I last said a word to her, but I cannot get her off my mind. My friends keep telling me that after the first 3 months, it was too late. I guess I kept listening to them, and it kept getting harder and harder to forget about her. I kept looking at her during school, and I always turned away when she even remotely turned her head. I just don't understand what is wrong with me. I am good friends with almsot every other girl I know. Why can't I talk to her? Even if I can't go out with her, which I don't think I deserve after what I did, I want to try and at least be her friend. Thank you so much for your help.

  11. ck, you are 23. That means you have probably graduated from high school. And in high school, didn't your english teachers ever tell you to make your papers have a voice? Didn't they want you to say something with emotion to get your point accross? Regardless of whether you say they didn't, I can tell from reading what you say that your writing has a voice. It's not a very nice one, and I think you design it to put others down. If that is what you are going for, then congratulations, you are good at making people feel angry when they read your voice.


    I am done arguing with you and having these little battles where all you do is yell at each other. I am just going to try and answer the post one last time, just to see if I can answer your original question. I think females feel it is a mans job to ask them out for several reasons. I have to remind you that humans are all slightly different, so no rule applies to everyone. A majority of girls that I know who feel the need to wait for men to ask them out are the way they are because of their parents. When they were younger, then whenever they went out with someone, their parents told them what to do, They feel that their parents are right when it comes to certain things, because they are older. Even if they were one of those kids who ignored all of their parents, then they probably asked for advice from a friend who listened to their parents. Then the cycle will start all over again, unless a girl decides to be braver than previously, and ask a guy out. But then here comes another problem. Men and women are not equal in todays society. We are just beginning to start to undo hundreds of years of mistakes. Seriously, when did women start having rights? 1900s? That would mean that your great-grandparents were the first people to really exprience semi-equality. So one generation goes by, then another, and finally a third, then we came into being. We are starting to change to make things more equal, but i think it will take about 200 more years before we are truly equal in everyones minds. Now, how are girls not equal? I remember watching a Saturday nigth live a while ago, and Christina Aguilera was the host for the week. Some person on the show asked her why she dressed and acted the way she did, and here is basically what her response was: "I act how I act to make women equal. If a guy sleeps with 4 girls in one night, the next day he will be "the man". But If a girl does the same thing, then they are looked down upon as a slut.". Thats just one example of how girls aren't equal. Another is that when someone (who is male) does something really poorly, i. e. throwing a baseball really bad, then someone will say that they "throw like a girl". So in a society that is unequal, wouldn't a female want to get as many priviliges as possible? Getting to embarrass guys when they are forced to ask them out is just one of several advantages to being a girl. I hope that cleared things up for you, and even if it didn't I hope it helped a little bit.

  12. The lighting things on fire thing was from my crazy friend, so I'm not sure if you should follow that advice. of course if you do it safely, then it would probably be ok. Oh, and you said you were going to talk to the girl today. Maybe you won't get this message until yuo are in school, but tell us if it works out. Good Luck

  13. uhhhh... Ok, heres some hobbies that just came to mind.



    Paiting, drawing

    metal shop

    computer games (could be harmful to grades)

    I asked one of my friends and she said doing homework, I don't know about that one.

    playing sports


    writing books

    meditating (another one from my friend)

    lighting things on fire (thats from my crazy friend)

    talking / helping on enotalone

    learning about stuff you think is cool

    ( I don't know, physics, skateboards, why the sun is red, why the sky is blue)


    Not a very comprehensive list, but I hope it helps.

  14. Just out of curiosity, how would you regret it if you killed yourself? Just kidding, Being happy is one of my specialties. Someone has to have extremely strong depressed emotions to bring me down. I don't get unhappy by myself. I guess to stay happy I do my hobbies. Try cooking. It is a long process, that requires constant attention. Then at the end you get rewarded with the food you make. I guess thats just what I like. Maybe you should have some other ideas. Good Luck

  15. All i think Sheyda was saying is that I am a guy, not a girl. I don't think there was a connection between what you are talking about. I wasn't saying it was your post, I am saying you quoted her, and then said that thing after it. I know your view doesn't match mine. That would be why we are still talking about it. I don't think anyones view will every match mine. The reason I said you are puttng sheyda down was not because you actually said anything especially mean. Everyone has a voice that they put in their writing, and yours just seems to be unhappy, and vindictive lately. The reason anyone is insulted by well, insults, is because of the tone behind them. Ill bet if an immigrant who was just looking at our language and you called him a fcuker (mispelled on purpose), then he would probably say, "why yes, I have sex with my spouse". So it doesn't really matter what you say, it is how you say it. If someone didn't know what was an insult by traditional standards, and what wasn't then he wouldn't take offense, because what was said has no angry meaning. Yeah, that seemed kind of long and drawn out, but I hope I got my point accross.

  16. No offense to you, but everything hes done seems fine. You don't really seem to like him anyway, so why do you care? Taking a girl to an amusement park is fine, I take my friends all sorts of places, and we aren't dating. Unless the footage of him and the girl late at night was, well, having sex together, then I can't see anything hes done wrong. Maybe hes just really unhappy, and this girl is helping him out of depression. You should talk to him about it, without getting angry, and just talk like friends. You aren't with each other now anyway. Just out of curiosity, what were you doing on his phone anyway? looking for what you found? If you think he is a bastard, and lies all the time, then maybe you shouldn't see each other. No offense to you, but it doesn't seem like you two were made for each other. Good Luck, hope you feel better.

  17. Some famous guy once said "When you are at the bottom, the only way to go is up". Im not sure who waid it, but it is true. Why would you want to kill yourself? I have read a whole bunch of your posts, and recently this girl you talked to seemed awesome. You had one of the most romantic moments I have ever heard of. No major decision is so important that it can be decided in one day. You should think a lot about what to do with your life before killing yourself. Please stop cutting, drink coffee instead. It helps with depression, and also gives you a couple of minutes to contemplate life while you are making it. Good Luck, hope you feel better.

  18. Its normal for anyone to have depression. Depression is just feeling not at your best. Sometimes it gets more severe than other times. Everyone gets depressed in a different way. I get depressed only when I talk to someone who is depressed, so I can usually tell. When I was 12 I was incredibly depressed for about a week, because a family member died, and everybody around me was really sad. So it doesn't really matter what age you are at. Hope you feel better.

  19. Hey avman, just out of curiosity, why aren't we allowed to tell him how to die? I mean, hypothetically, assume we can't convince him not to die. Then, wouldn't we want him to die in the most peaceful way possible? Wouldn't we want his parents not to be horrified that he broke his neck with a sledgehammer, or slit his wrists / throat? Don't get me wrong here, I want toggle to stay alive as much as I can. But what if june 29th comes around and we still can't convince him otherwise? Shouldn't we help him to get what we can't change his decision on?

  20. This is almost funny. You two are arguing the same way my parents argue. They start saying that each other is assuming things that aren't true, and that they jump to conculsions Then they start quoting what each other says every 5 seconds just to prove the other person wrong. But wait! Theres more! Not only do they do all of that, but then after me joining the argument, they get mad when I tell one of them to stop being so pissed off! Fortunately, they lways finish their arguments, and then they stop being so pissed off at each other for a couple days.



    About the PBS barney song happiness thing, Yeah, I know you have the right to rave and rant about whatever you want, and I know you are entitled to your opinion on life. But just because you are entitled to your opinion, doesn't mean you can put down what other people say. I also have another question.


    OH! And I read somewhere you called us people "girls". Eh? Is actually male. Well, that's what the icon tells me, anyway. o_O'



    Who are "your"people? I call females that haven't grown up yet "girls", there is a difference between women and girls, just like men and boys. Which group do you roll with?

    Thats what you said ck, and I was wondering how what you say ties into what sheyda said. I didn't really understand, could you please clarify?

    Thanks you so much.


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