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Everything posted by Anonymous1234

  1. Right now im just taking a solo stance on it. Whether or not shes coming back to me, I dont know. But frankly, I shouldnt care. All I said was "Well , if you're still really indecisive about things and you AREN'T truly hiding how you feel about me....... Then call me whenever you feel like you can". She said "Im indecisive about alot of things right now" Told her I loved her, she replied with an "I know". And that was that. Im somewhat glad that im freed from all this anxious grief, finally. Im just afraid she might find someone else when im not around, or she really doesnt have the heart to tell me how she really feels. I love her alot....but some things cant be changed. Hang in there guys. Get to the bottom about how your girlfriend feels, and when you're ready, learn to let go.
  2. I wanted to know where I stood in our relationship. Shes going to summer school, obligating herself to studying and music lessons on the side. Then I asked how she felt about me, and she said she didnt know. So I think she's breaking up with me. I dont know
  3. When a girlfriend of yours answers " I dont know how I really feel about you" when asked. Doesnt that usually mean she's breaking up with you? You try and probe and prod at other questions and she just says, that she doesnt know. Was it all crap? From your experience, what do you think she means?
  4. Hi, While I greatly appreciate the help I've gotten here before, after much questioning, I've just added more detail to my inquiry so I can stop refferring to horoscopes & Tarot card readings through google searches, to solve my emotional problems. I hope you can all bear with Hi, Im 17 years old, recovering from social anxiety, depression, with 4 years of highschool to catch up on. I recently met this girl at a program I attended to help me get rid of the social anxiety I was dealing with. We hit it off, spent weekends together. Then one afternoon, After we talked for a bit, I really started to cry when I knew I had to start heading for home. I felt like I couldnt leave her, that I'd miss her too much, and for like 3 minutes before all this, my mind was just racing between keeping this whole thing casual and bitter "no strings attached" just to save myself hurt feelings if she decided to do something, or giving in to temptation and totally fall for her. I obviously chose the latter and just cried. Gave her a hug on the way out. Relationship kept going steadily for about a month until at least 2 weeks ago. When I came over to her house and she just wasnt her spontaneous loving self. I asked if there was anything up and she said she was tired. So the afternoon kinda went on, all the while having this growing suspicion that something was up, and I was suddenly incredibly boring to her. I left rather early that day too. She had me out the door at around 4:30 instead of 5:00, or 6:00 in suspicion that her parents would be home. I called her around 6:30, still no sign of parents. Her parents didnt come home until 8:30 that night. So that shook me up as well. Then a day later I didnt hear from her all day until 8:30 when I finally got her on the phone. Wasnt really greeted with a pleasent "hey" like I usually was, but an annoyed "what" instead. I asked what was up and she said she had been getting in touch with friends that week, that she hadnt seen in a year, before they all headed to their cottages for the summer. She'd also be starting summer school next week The next day I wrote this whole statement on how I felt, That I was really hurt, That I was sorry for overreacting and wanted an apology, almost saying like she was sorry that my feelings were hurt, but not promising that those circumstances would never happen again. She didnt apologize, and said it herself, that she didnt really care that my feelings were hurt, and said possesiveness was a big killer in relationships. She also said that I didnt really need to apoligize for overreacting either. So we were on good terms then. So for a few days, I felt pretty good, with my sights on fixing this "co-dependency". If I really had it, and how would I be able to treat it. 3 days later after no word from her, I end up trying my hardest to resist calling her, but end up doing it anyways and im in tears. I seriously thought something was up, that she was avoiding and eventually breaking up with me, but I brought that all up on myself. She calmed my worried questions and I thanked her. On good terms again 4 days later, Saturday afternoon I call her, and I get the machine. same with sunday as well. I dont really think she's avoiding me, and I dont really think she's angry with me or intending to break up. But like she said, she is, incredibly busy as of late, with summer school and such. So now......I just dont know whats wrong. I have no reason to be worrying. I have no reason to be feeling down or depressed, or sad, or angry, all at the same time. I have no reason to be comtemplating suicide so often. I have no reason to be reconsidering this relationship altogether, aside from all the minor suspcions I still have, they shouldnt be affecting me this much So why the hell am I so god damned depressed? Could this really be severe co-dependency? Am I a love addict? 1. Whats wrong with me? Why do I feel this way? 2. How do I Cure it? should I consider attending a mental health program or becoming an inpatient at my local hospital? 3. What should I do?
  5. I've seriously tried keeping myself occupied, but there isnt any use. By putting friends on hold for more than 3 years, I'm pretty much of a loner. Last week I tried just walking or running as far away as I can from my house, from any phone. Just trying to keep my thoughts off of her, occasionaly crying along the way But from 3 to 6pm (3 hours of walking/running), I eventually called my mother to pick me up, drive me home, too sore to walk. And she did. I tried keeping myself occupied at home, But then I just broke down and cried. Just before we met that resolve over the phone, I told you about. I could always try harder if thats what you're suggesting. Otherwise im sick of being a martyr, and keeping pent up feelings to myself, as thats exactly what I did in my last relationship. And that entire mess lasted for about 3 horrible years of trying to resolve it, get back together but never EVER did.
  6. its 2:35, and I feel bad. Im 17 years old, recovering from some depression and somewhat recovered from social anxiety. Big steps, but im still depressed. And it all came down about a week or so ago, when my girlfriend just started acting strange and less enthuastic about seeing me. It was just in her body language. You can call it co-dependency or whatever you want. Before it use to the be the fact that I thought we were breaking up. It took about 5 days of missed phone calls, 3 questions, and 15 minutes of non stop sobbing over the phone (on my part), to get this sorted out. It just took awhile for this thing to sink in. That she's going to be really busy over the summer, and I just gotta learn how to deal with not being able to see her whenever I'd like to. So to my understanding, we're cool, we're ok. Nothing's really going on behind my back or anything that I dont really know of. Its been 2 days, weekend and all. I've called. No answer, left a message saying that I called, and yeah, she's most likely out or already asleep. But lately she hasnt been to eager on returning calls anymore. I just feel sad. I feel hurt. I feel like crying, and I think I'll probably cry the next time I talk to her. I dont really mean to put pressure on her, but it'll just happen like last time, when I'm trying to gather the words to say something I'll just choke up and bam! sobbing!. I just feel so depressed, and this really sounds like severe co-dependency. But I dont really have this feeling that she "completes" me, and keeping in touch with a girlfriend or boyfriend at least once a day isnt too often, is it?.
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