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Everything posted by blackomenx2

  1. her reasons for breaking up with me are this, she thinks we were to serious with each other, things were getting too tense, too complacated, it got too hard to see each other and she thinks we started drifting, and then her mom didnt like me and and she thought she was too busy. but we stopped fighting about 2 months ago and shes not really busy anymore, were both 16 if it has to do with anything. hmm i dont know anymore what to think, ive heard every different opinion possible, the most popular one is that i should wait it out and she'll eventually figure out she loves me, i dont know thought, its just hard...
  2. in my relationship my ex gf had this friend, named dennis that would always say crap about me and tell her i was a bad boy friend and stuff like that, even one of my other friends,named "M" told me that when my old gf went to the mall with dennis an M, my ex gf said that she really loved me and dennis flat out say, No you dont your lieing! and he would always put me down and our relationship down. my ex still hangs out with him and stuff and with him around i dont know what to do to get her back, just about everyone hates dennis that i know, and thinks hes a total jerk, hes screwed over a lot of my other friends relationships, i just wanna know how to get him away from her, hes not a good friend at all, hes the most unsupportive lying jerk ever. i just dont know what to do. all i know is i need i my gf back, i was thinking of buying her a nice ring and some flowers any ideas?
  3. attempt failed... but she told me she would rethink stuff, but i doubt that will help, i guess time will heal pain
  4. well i sent her an email and this is what it said, this is gonna be my last email begging you to go out with me again, whatever you say is your choice and im gonna have to live with it, i just want you to be happy. i just wanna tell you i love you alot and i hope you can forgive me for what ive done to make you sad since weve been going out. this past year and a half or so have been the best days of my life and i know, deep down inside of us if we really work hard enough we can get our relationship back on track, and if we can do that we will both be truly happy, i think that if you really left me we would both be miserable, or maybe i would, i dont know, but i know that i will never ever find another beautiful wonderful, perfect girl like you, ever. when i look at you it just makes me smile i just love you, and i hope we can work things out. whatever your choice is i hope its what makes you truly happy. -Forever your baby, xxxx i hope it helps, last night she called me and we talked for a while and she told me she would rethink some stuff, so i guess thats a good sign, thx for your help guys ill post and update tomorrow and see if this email helped.
  5. after about a year and a half my gf broke up with me, she was possibly the most perfect person in the world for me, and i just dont know what happened, yesterday she called me and we talk as ussual and i told her i couldnt wait to see her again this weekend, and then she said... dont you think that we should should be friends for now? i mean i just want to rethink some stuff, and i asked her what she meant and she said she didnt know, and she said that she needed some time and maybe we could get back together in the future.. my heart totally sank and i want her back soo badly, she was everything to me, she was perfect except for one time when she cheated on me... but we talked about that and moved on.... i just dont know what to do, anyone know how i can get her back? i might see a movie with her this weekend, but as "friends" thank you
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