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  1. Ok- I live on the West Coast he is in NY. We became very quickly and deeply involved for about two months while he was in my hometown. It has been a couple months shy of a year and we see each other every few weeks and talk and email daily. I have met all of his friends and family and they are all fabulous. I was not planning on moving in with him, though he has asked me, because I feel that would leave me too dependant on him after having just relocated. I completely agree with you and he understands and respects my position on that also. I would be making sacrifices in the areas of quality of life and academic performance by being financially stretched while going to school fulltime as opposed to having a complete 'all meals on us' scholarship here on the west coast. The worst regrets are always missed and mishandled opportunities.
  2. I have decide between my biggest fears: being financially very poor or being heartbroken awhile also living in stagnation. absense of true living as defined by exciting frinds and circum I went back to school after several years break and a long abusive relationship. I have worked hard and have several options on where to continue the last couple of years of my education but am confused. I am now in a relationship, unfortunately long distance, that is very special to me. I do not know whether to take a chance and move to New York to go to school and be with him as well as be living in a fabulous city OR stay here. The catch is that I have a full scholarship to a school in my home state and would have to work alot harder to stay afloat in NY. I would still be considering this move even if there was no romance involved. I am worried about making the grade so to speak if I move somewhere where I need a decent income and will be going to school fulltime. Please give me some advice to help me decide
  3. TRUST ME- the bitterness of missed opportunity stings with more venom than rejection. Express your interest while you have the chance or you will be kicking yourself for months. Even if she rejects you it will not hurt as badly as missing out on the opportunity to ask her out. TRUST ME!!!!!
  4. I just feel so worthless. I don't know how to maintain this realtionship when I don't feel deserving of any love. I know that my attitude is hurting our relationship. I don't know what he sees in me and I'm so ashamed of myself and my life. His stock is shooting up, so to speak, and I'm just running circles and going nowhere. I don't know what I want any one ot say to me; I'm just trying to get it out I guess. I don't know how to act, think, be because I'm so confused and feel so badly right now. So many bad things have been hapening to me that I feel crushed. I was in an abusive relationship with an alcoholic for years and have been trying to rebuild my life for the past two years but I never seem to get on top of things. This is my first real relationship since the abusive one and I am really unsure of myself. Thank you for your poem, that was very sweet.
  5. My life is terrible - I'm in my late twenties and live with my parents, go to a community college and just lost my job at a convienience store and have a negative balance in my bank account. My boyfriend -lives in Chicago, two thousand miles away, went to Princeton and has a fabulous job and life. We got invoved when I was visiting friends out there and have been going out for over a year. How long is this realistically going to last?? Puh-leeze. When we break up I'll feel even more terrble. I'm trying not to think this way but everything in my life always goes wrong- I'm scared to even hope that anything good could ever happen to me. My life has always been crap and nothing I do seems to change that.
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