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Everything posted by PBarrett

  1. You should have left your husband a long time ago! Staying is NOT an option! Now for the boss. Trust me this guy is taking advange of you, he knows the situation. Your life is a mess right now and you need to take control. The last thing you need is an affair.
  2. Sounds to me like he feels guilty, maybe he actually loves his wife. It also sounds like you should NOT be married. Being married means not throwing yourself at other men. If your marriage has no sex as you say try discussing this with your husband. Do not try to ruin other marriages.
  3. Trust me on this. He is using you. Period! If he didn't want to remain married to his wife, he would have already left her. This is something on the side for him. He may tell you his wife doesn't understand him or a million other excuses but they are all lies. He is still with her and remains married. Eake up. This is NOT the best relationship you have been in. He is married to someone else. Find someone who will love you! That will be the best relationship you will have. Do not settle for another woman's husband. A man who would cheat on his wife.....is not a man you would want anyway. If you were married, wouldn't it hurt you to have your husband cheat? Think of his wife and yourself. Have more respect for yourself.
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