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Mrs Elliott Smith

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Posts posted by Mrs Elliott Smith

  1. Oh, hehe, I did not write them articles on that site, not at all and I'm sorry if I gave you that impression It's just a site that I found years ago, and the author is unknown


    "I think you should also write something else like it, but reversed. Like, if you've been depressed BECAUSE you've been questioning the meaning of life."


    Actually, yes, that is partly the case for ME, as I just _looove_ innocence and ignorance etc That goes unquestionably away with age, and that's really sad


    Did you read the rest also?




    Sorry for the misconception!


    See, when you talk about how innocence and ignorance goes away, well, those were good times, I agree. But . . . when you do grow up, lose the innocence, and realize how things really are, is it such a bad thing? I personally love the "passion", as I like to call it, . . . I love the intense feelings that I get-- any intense feeling-- anger, happiness, depression, and so on. Sounds nuts, right? LOL But it reminds me that I'm human, and I love the feelings. My biggest fear is not giving a sh/t about anything anymore. I don't want to be an old woman one day who has no passion.


    I'm 26, and there are things that used to bother me a lot when I was younger that don't bother me much anymore-- and I'm getting worried.


    Come on, ENA, bring on the bashing, I know you want to. LOL!

  2. I'm sure there's more to it, but in the workforce, I'd say that having good social skills means that:


    1. You can accept well-meant criticism from your co-workers and/or bosses (criticism intended to make you perform better).


    2. Have good communication skills (you know how to talk to people so that you get your point accross in a clear, consice, and professional manner).


    3. You can work well with others (sharing responsibilities, doing "your part," being open to the suggestions and insights of others, etc.).


    4. You have a positive outlook about your job as well a positive attitude toward your co-workers/bosses (which would thus make you a more desirable person to have at the company).


    I'm sure there's more. You should do a Google search to get more info on this, I'm sure there's lots of stuff out there (like websites that give you interview tips and stuff).

  3. This part:


    ""If you're questioning the meaning of life because you've been unhappy and depressed a good bit""


    I think you should also write something else like it, but reversed. Like, if you've been depressed BECAUSE you've been questioning the meaning of life.


    (Questioning the meaning of life isn't always the cause of depression, and conversely, being depressed (in the first place) can definitely make someone question the meaning of life.)


    Otherwise, I'm happy that you included some existential-type tendencies in there (since my thoughts/feelings seem to be existential in nature).


    This other part sort of reminds me of my signature So I like it.


    ""Reality is in fact neither good nor bad, it is a very plastic inkblot sort of thing that can be bent and twisted in many directions depending on your beliefs. WHAT! you say? What about THE TRUTH? Well, that's a complicated question and it gets into the meaning of life bit that we haven't gotten to yet, but suffice it to say that what is REALLY going on is so strange, so complex, and so far beyond our everyday understanding, that it bears no relationship to what you think of as "reality", "truth", or "reason". Good and bad, happy and sad, these are notions that you are imposing on the world around you.""


    It'd be nice if you can back up some of your thoughts with the ideas of other theorists/philosophers. No offense, but people will take your website more seriously (not that I didn't take it seriously, but you know what I mean).


    I also like the occasional humor, it makes it more enjoyable to read. Oh, and the examples and metaphors would probably help the mentally-challenged folks out there make some sense out of everything haha

    • Like 1
  4. They feel as if they're "helping" you (not that you NEED help, or anything). But they may falsely believe that you're lonely and need someone. They probably have good intentions, but don't understand that you really do want to be alone for a while.


    If they're not understanding when you tell them that you truly want to be single/alone for a while, then forget 'em!

  5. I know-- it's VERY hard sometimes to keep up with everything-- school, job, household duties, etc. I work fulltime, go to graduate school 2 nights a week, and work a part time job two nights a week. My laundry, at times, had piled up, and things have indeed gotten messy.


    If I were you, I'd try to get into some sort of a routine. For instance, why don't you do all of your laundy on Sunday mornings? Just make a set day and time during which you are to devote your time to things like this. Believe me, you'll feel a lot better once things get done. You just have to be committed, and you have to have a little bit of self-discipline. Sure, I'd love to sleep in real late on a Sunday, but really, how much time will it take out of my schedule to throw a load or two in?


    As for your parents . . . It seems as if they pretty much have you under their control -- e.g. they own the car that you use. What about uni? Are they paying for that too?


    If there is no way that you would be able to financially survive on your own, away from your parents, then there's only one thing you can do: Shut your mouth when your'e in front of your parents, and take what they can give you. As soon as you graduate, you'll be making good money as a nurse, and your survival will not depend on your parents -- thus you can get out of that house.


    I mean, this is all my opinion, of course. My parents paid for my undergraduate education, and also bought me my first car. And boy, did they threaten me (just like your parents do to you)! (You know, if I don't live by their rules, then I'll be cut off-- no college money, no car.) I mean, they don't seem to be as strict or nagging as your parents, but we've had our fights. All I learned from them is that adding fuel to the fire just makes things MUCH WORSE.


    So from my own experience, I'd advise that you close your mouth, smile, and accept what they're giving you. You just gotta stick it out. Once you graduate, you're a free bird.


    Good luck.

  6. I completely disagree. I was always suspicious of the men who didn't want to talk on the phone asap to see if it made sense to meet in person. I assumed they were talking to many women and that was fine with me - or at the very worst "neutral." Given that I met over 100 men in person and many more than that wanted to meet me (probably two to three times that many), your theory never held true for me.


    Yea, sorry about that. I never really needed to resort to the internet to meet people, so I can't really say all of that from experience.


    But if it were me who a man gave out his number to so quickly, I'd be thinkin, "If he gave his number to me so fast, god only knows how many other women he's given it to, met up with, slept with, or whatever." But then again, what's the difference between people doing that on the internet, and people doing that in bars?



  7. Your songs sound very nice, and believe me, if they didn't I'd rather say nothing at all.


    But I'm sure that my, or anyone else's opinion, doesn't matter that much. Why? Because YOU have to be happy with the way you play. I understand that.


    I play guitar as well, and I know how it is to get stuck in a rut. I'd consider myself to be an intermediate player. I do have a teacher, which helps. What works best for me is learning new songs that I really like-- the songs themselves are motivators for me to learn, practice, and play. It's especially useful when you find a song that you really want to learn how to play that ALSO includes a new skill that you're working on (in order to play the song, you must know that skill).


    As for jamming with other musicians, there are a few guitar forums out there on the internet, maybe you can hunt some people down over there? Or put an ad up in craigslist? I dunno, but the net is a good way to meet up with other musicians who also want to meet people to jam with.


    Good luck, and I'm still enjoying listening to your songs

  8. i think you've hit the nail on the head.


    giving these men your phone number after only a few emails will undoubtedly make them wonder about how many OTHER guys you've given your phone number out to. then, of course, they'll think they're not special . . . they might wonder about how many guys you might be currently meeting up with from the internet, and so on.

  9. With almost any skin care system, you should start out with washing/exfoliating (the scrub), then toning (the toner), then using any creams or lotions (repairing lotion).


    I highly doubt that the mask was meant to be used on a daily basis, as you could harm your skin from doing it too often (back in the day, my sister has "burnt" her skin a few times from using masks). A mask is something that you'd do maybe 1 or 2 times a week.

  10. This boss/"cousin" of yours is definitely pooping all over you.


    And you know what? In all likelihood, you cannot change who he is or what he is like. Sounds like he has some serious anger issues, and I highly doubt that sitting down and giving him a talking to will really do anything. Maybe he'll be "good" for about a week, but then he'll probably resort back to his old behaviors.


    But you CAN quit your job and find something else. In my opinion, 35k is not worth the nuances.

  11. one good idea is to type out 365 things that you love about your man. cut them out, fold them, and stick them in a (decorated?) glass jar. every day he can pick one out and read one reason why you love him so much.


    kinda mushy, though, but it seems that's what you're looking for (ya know, with mentioning the teddy bear and all . . . i'm not saying this in a bad way).


    another idea-- some stores sell those love cupons. but you can easily make up a coupon book yourself. it'd be good because you can really personalize the coupons.


    another idea-- buy a scrap book and fill it in with pictures of you two, ticket stubs, and all other memorabilia-type stuff.

  12. I'm sure they'd still consider you if you had really good GMAT scores. Along with a well-written essay and some good recommendations.


    It'd also help if you applied as a non-matriculated student (they're more likely to accept you-- you take a few classes, and if you do well (and get some good recommendations), they'll probably let you matriculate.


    Wouldn't hurt to apply, just do it. What do you have to lose?

  13. maybe she DID get the hint, but acted like she didn't? maybe she's just not interested, ever consider that?


    only one way to find out: stop beating around the bush and ask her directly if she's interested in you or if she wants to date you.

  14. For one, why do men with beautiful gf or wives feel the need to look at porn? For another, should i feel insescure about this? Or does this have nothing to do with me????



    My philosophy is that the women are just DIFFERENT. Not necessarily better (maybe in some cases, but not all). I honestly feel that if a man is with the hottest woman in the WORLD, he might still want to look at porn (and other women in public)-- not because the other women are hotter, but because it's just something different/new to look at. (I may be wrong on all this, though lol)


    Other times, people like to look at porn just to be able to get off without having to worry about anyone or anything else. All they want is to get off at that moment, and if their significant others aren't there, or if they're not in the mood for long-drawn out sex, or if they're not in the mood to worry about someone else's needs, then all they have left is the porn to get them heated up.


    I doubt it has anything to do with you.

  15. Next time you're around this man (without your b/f around), then, you should be on the look-out for possible signals that show that he might have an intimate/romantic interest in you.


    I wouldn't jump to conclusions based on this one situation that occurred. I mean, it's not like he jumped you or anything, or caressed your neck.

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