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  1. hey.. i'm in the same situation too... my bf left me because he said he's too young to be involved in a long term relationship (even though we were together for a year) and he wants to be totally free to meet more people... but i know he's not really looking that hard, he's pretty much staying by himself... last winter, he asked me to move in with him... he was so looking forward to it... he'd also talk sometimes about children... and when i didn't spend as much time with him he'd ask me to come over... we were together pretty much every evening... then, a couple months ago he said it would be better if i found my own place... that happened at the same time as he started seeing some new friends who also happen to be single and pretty much running around and flirting with every girl they see... so i'm thinking maybe they put it into his head that he was too young (20) to be in a long term rs... he told me he wished we could have met 5 years later when he was older and that he still loved me as much and maybe he'd wake up in a day, week, month... and realise he'd made the biggest mistake of his life... so i dont really know what he's thinking... why he changed his mind all of a sudden... it's been a month now and i was doing so much better but right now i'm having a relapse... i just wish he'd be here again... but i guess that will pass also... michelle
  2. i'm in the exact same situation here... my boyfriend of a year left me 2 weeks ago because he said he's still young and wants to have complete freedom to meet more people... trouble is he's telling me how he still really loves me and misses me and that it will never change but he can't stay with me because that would go against his "i'm young and i need to see other things" speech... but i'm also at a loss to understand why if you love someone you'd need to go see elsewhere... he was the only boyfriend i ever had and i never felt like i was missing anything by not looking around... i dont really know what to think because i know that he hasn't met any new girls and he told me he's not really looking for anyone in particular... i wish there was a way to make him understand that the grass ain't greener on the other side
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