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Everything posted by Krosis

  1. You have to remember you're not going to be using your tongue every single time you kiss. A lot of girls, and even a lot of guys (including myself) like the simple kisses. No tongue, just pressed lips. Sure I know that you're going to need your tongue every once and awhile, but remember you wont EVERY time. And about the Oral Sex thing...you don't need a long tonue at all to please a girl with Oral Sex. And lastly, don't worry about it so much. If you were to find a girl that was so stuck up that she hated the fact that you were born like that, she's not worth it. I'd say just dump her! It will all work out bud, trust me.
  2. I tell my girlfriend is hot, I also tell her she is beautiful, and gorgeous. She's all of those in my eyes. I do not tell her that she's hot for sex, I simply tell her because, she the greatest looking girl in the Universe to me.
  3. I'm a little puzzled. You said this, and yet she heard you through the windows? Very interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if when you said it, she just happened to face the window. I don't see how she could have heard you through a half inch of glass. But then again, I was not there. So I'm not sure how loud you said it, or even if the windows were open. But you can't beat yourself up about a comment you did not mean. If she DID in fact hear you, I'm sure she's over it by now.
  4. Wow, first say signed up and I see something like this. Lol, oh well. Every forum has there own...unique topics. Not to many men shave down there. If I recall I believe it was a little over 25%. If anyone is thinking about doing this, just remember to be careful. Your "sack" as our topic starter put it, is a very delicate piece of a males anatomy, very sensative, and the skin is also not rough at all. This is not like shaving your facial hair off your face. If it were me, I would just suggest to trim. But even if you did that, just remember to be careful with the scissors as well. Though I must say it seems a lot safer then a razor.
  5. Thanks for the quick reply. Yeah, it started out as just an Online thing on Myspace. And now it has led up to actually spending a week together this past July. We will also be spending a week together this November, and also in Januray for our 1 year anniversary. But yes I understand. It's just hard you know? Getting ragged on every single day for being in love! Not the greatest thing in the world. And thanks for the offer of PMing you whenever I may. Do you by any chance use any kind of IM Program so I may contact you faster if the need arises? Thanks!
  6. Alright guys (and girls), My name is Tim. I'm 15 years old, and currently in a LDR. (Long Distance Relationship) I've been reading some of these topics and it seems the majority of the users on this forum are close, or over 20 years old. Since I'm only 15, I'm not sure what kind of reply I'm going to get to this, but it must be done. I'm in need of help. You see, I live in Texas, while she lives in Washington state. For anyone that lives out of the United States they're about 2000 miles away. So yes, this is more of an XLDR, compared to others on here. Anyways, we've been going out for 9 months now, and I can honesAndtly tell you, I'm in love with her. Her name is Emily, she's my age, and feels the same way about me. It was sort of love at first site. We started out of friends, and one night I got the nerve to ask her to be my girlfriend. I suppose I would have done it sooner, I was just scared. I had never been in an LDR before. And you have to understand, Emily is GORGEOUS! I'm not just saying that because I'm her boyfriend, I honestly mean it, aswell as everyone else. I didn't have to see her to know that she was the one. Something just...told me she was. I can't explain it. I still have the same feeling, I know I'm going to marry her one day. I just know it. But I'm making this sort of long, so I might as well get to the point. -----THE POINT (You don't HAVE to read the above)----- Ever since we got together, I've always been getting crap from people at school about us. How we're not going to last. How stupid our relationship is. How idiotic it is to be in an LDR. I'm sure you're familiar with it. Now be aware these are all imature freshmans who don't know better, but it hurts none the less. I mean, they're talking about the thing that keeps me going each day, about the girl I love more than life itself. So I'm here to ask you, what can I do? I know I can't make people stop talking crap about us. But what do some of you guys do when you feel the same way I am? Any help would be appreciated.
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