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Clementine orange

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Posts posted by Clementine orange

  1. He likes you but he is probably super busy and not sure about a relationship. He'd like to keep you in the picture until he decides. That's my take on things.

    You should ask him out somewhere casual as a thank-you for the tickets etc. He sounds nice, don't miss this opportunity.

    Oh yeah, and make sure he gets your number.

    At the very least you have made a very interesting friend

  2. I would find that really annoying.

    Plus someone who repeatedly tells you to do something in front of other people (so that they look at you is being disrespectful.

    You shouldn't have to put up with that. Does he own you or something? Are you his little puppet? Is he coaching you for a beauty pagent?

    See, I'm actually getting annoyed for you!

  3. I don't think that a sensible girl, who has been with someone over a year, upon hearing that you want to "move things up a bit" as far as intimacy is concerned will think you are a freak.

    It is totally natural.


    To be blunt though, if you are uncomfortable talking about sex and bringing it up etc, then maybe you both aren't ready for it yet. This is adult stuff and requires communication.


    Here's a hint for you though (and I'd wished I'd known this when I was 17) girls are as much into sex as guys are.


    You could try watching a very romantic/sexy movie (not porn) and then talking about it - could be a good sequeway.


    but beware, offices are full of married guys who are cruising and just love to flirt when their wife isn't around, either for fun, or seriously trying to start up a fling... and they don't always wear rings or talk about their wives either, because their goal is to seduce you quickly, and they don't have much time to make time except at work, and can't do drinks and dinner very often because they have to get home to wifey!


    Note: This is not just a male activity

  5. Probably true. Single women may still be harboring fantasies of "knights in shining armor" but the divorced woman has already tasted the bitter fruit of reality and are thereforeeee more realistic about things.

    Depending on the age but you know how women are suspicious of men in their 30s (and beyond) who are still single ala "are they closet gays? commitment phobes, mama's boys? workaholics?, ex-prisoners?, crazy? why are they single still?"....well guys often have the same wonderings about the women.


    I dont know about the kids thing.



    It's not "better" she needs, it's hetrosexual!


    Maynards, it probably wasn't an easy decision for him to make or to face the realization of his orientation. However, it is important for people to be true to themselves and what they are.

    Hang in there, and try not to take it personally

  7. I wouldn't be interested in someone who can't hold a conversation, has no plans, never seen interesting movies, doesn't read, doesn't go anywhere etc etc. This person is boring

    Interesting people who have things to say and have opinions are who you want to be with (great legs notwithstanding). All the rest can serve fries.

  8. OK that is embarrassing but probably not as bad as you think it is. I bet they had a good laugh about it in private, made quiet self promises to not let that happen to them, and moved on.


    years later you will all have a good laugh about it.


    hands up any of us who hasn't had something like this happen

  9. Well now you have learned a lesson and will take what guys say with a grain of salt. I would love to live in a world where people didnt lie, there was world peace, everybody got along and all the girls i was interested in were 6 ft tall with caramel skin, green eyes and had curly hair. I dont live in that world so I am not naive and people have to earn what they get from me.


    Hey, if you do mange to locate that world (with those girls and peace and all that) do you mind if I drop by once in a while?


    Serously, Men do not have a monopoly on lieing. People also change their minds. They may feel XYZ at that time but change later. Personally, I hold off on promises and strong statements until I'm sure i feel that way.

  10. in addition (and off the top of my head)


    Things not to ask:


    I heard you chicks get fatter in the winter time, is that true?

    I can see your u.w through your pants, is that on purpose?

    Are you ovulating right now?

    Wanna go make out?

    Is your sister (mom, cousin, best friend) seeing anyone right now, shes hot!?

    Does my * * * look big in this outfit?

    You are invited to a party in my pants (or pants party or whatever)

    how big are those/are they real?

  11. Ask open ended questions

    - Seen any good movie recently?

    - Read any good books?

    - who is your fav teacher - or teacher you hate

    - Did you catch (name TV show that you bet she watches - ex: all girls watch "the gilmore girls")

    - Where did you buy those shoes (purse, pants, top etc), my sister would like those (girls love to talk about shopping)

    - Ever been to (name local attraction), I'm thinking about going there.

    - Did you do something different to your hair (if she actually did, and they like it if you notice)

    - got any interesting plans for this weekend?

    - (seasonal) are you ready for Christmas yet? Going anywhere for Xmas etc.

    - What are you listening to (in MP3 player or whatever)


    She might bounce the question back to you so have something (intellegent) ready.


    also, not to insult you or anything but limit the computer stuff - girls like guys who have hobbies

  12. Maybe men are more used to being rejected (or trying and failing). I just wish there was some way of deciphering what is going on. I (we - the male gender) feel so neanderthal when I (we) get rejected - like that's the only thing on our minds. But if we don't try then we don't succeed.

    On the other side I've known women who have told me that they basically have stopped being friendly because they have felt so bad when the guy misinterprets it.


    btw "blueangel" some brilliant insight there for someone who is only 16 years old.

  13. I'm not looking for apologies from anyone (nor will I give any, representationally of my gender or otherwise). My post was more of the "angst" variety, and a plea to women to understand where we men are coming from.

  14. But it’s a wonder any of us guys get anywhere at all! Someone really needs to write an instruction manual for this. And a man/woman- woman/man translation dictionary


    Here is an excerpt from the Toronto Globe and Mail (reprinted from The Economist)


    “As studies show, and many women will attest, men tend to misinterpret innocent friendliness as a sign that women are sexually interested in them, “ says the Economist. Doctors [whatever their names are and it’s not important] reason that “men who are trying to decide if a women is interested sexually can err in one of two ways. They can mistakenly believe that she is not interested, in which case they will not bother trying to have sex with her or they can mistakenly believe she is interested, try, and be rejected. From an evolutionary standpoint, trying and being rejected comes at little cost…Not trying at all, by contrast may mean the loss of an opportunity to, among other things, spread one’s DNA. There is the opposite bias in women’s errors. They tend to undervalue signs that a man is uninterested in a committed relationship. That, the idea goes, is because a woman who guesses wrongly that a man intends stick around could end up raising the child alone.


    On this subject here is some actual dialogue from my life.


    Me (after being rejected – rudely I might add) Sorry, I just assumed that when you told me you were single and looking and then invited me over to your place for drinks that you were interested in me.

    Her (with exaberated sign) Oh gross, I just wanted to chat!!!You men are all alike, you are only out for one thing. I’m so fed up with men hitting on me!!!!


    And this from a recent college reunion


    Her (angry) Uh…Hello, are you dense!! How could you not figure out I liked you, I went into that café you worked in everyday for 2 months and flirted with you and you never asked me out. It was so humiliating. I’ve had it with men!!!

    Me (bewildered) I don’t know – I thought you just liked our coffee.

  15. She may be minorly tempted so she is telling you right away so that it's all out in the open. A pre-emptive strike to stop anything from startgin and "snowballing".

    I'd take this as a good sign - she's being straight with you and not keeping secrets.

  16. I've had problem with this. Most of the women I've been in relationships have wanted to spend more time with me than I want to spend with them and it has gotten annoying and has even led to a breakup.

    I like to be with a woman who has her own hobbies - not the hobby of just following me around everywhere.

    There has to be some kind of balance.

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