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  1. Thanks for the responses guys, I'll try look into something with music vandgsmom and I'll definitely read that book hardchanger. I just got into reading, wasn't a fan of it at all before, but now I've been more interested
  2. Hey knigt, I've been reading all your posts and I have to tell you I've never laughed (in a good way) and cried (because I feel for you) at the same time like I have now! Laugh because I can tell you are funny person! And cry because I feel for you... I'm 21 and never been with a girl... You probably have some smart comments / jokes that come out of your mind when in a conversation, and because of that people take it the wrong way, but who cares forget them! I'm the same way. Sometimes I make partly rude jokes to new people I meet but I make it funny and I let them know I'm joking. Maybe it's just something small you have to work on. Just always have a smile on your face. Always try to glow! My greatest suggestion for you is this: Since your single, living on your own so no one will worry about you, and have a job so you have money, you should take a trip around the world! Yes even alone, it's called backpacking. If you can't be happy for yourself, atleast enjoy what the world has to offer, beautifal places and people. Take a trip to Europe for a month or two. See the world, you Will meet people on a trip like this but at the same time your travelling and your seeing new places will take your mind off your single life. And atleast you'll create good memories for yourself when you get back home. And since you're not "looking for love" but just travelling, you might even naturally meet the special someone! Besides, 31 is not even that old. When I read your stuff you sound like your talking like my father who is 50+ but you're only 31! Your free and still in the age to go out and meet people. Your life isn't even half way through, you know how much time that is? And your first 15 years are just as a child so that doesn't count as youre "grown up" life. So take a vacation! You might even decide to move your life elsewhere, you never know The reason you're still thinking about this girl for 11 years is because you haven't met anyone new yet. The second you meet someone new you'll forget about the girl like breakfast last week. Don't give up so soon!
  3. Hey Gavin, I went through the same thing as you (but only the alone thing) last December all the way to April where my friends had all left to school and I was all alone and I didn't have the energy to go out or meet people or search for girls. It was basically a hard depression, especially since it was winter and always dark and cold outside. The best way to overcome it is through keeping your mind occupied with something other than thinking about your life. Sitting at home all alone thinking about this is the Worst thing you can do. I'm sure you've read it before, but it's true; you gotta join the gym (best thing about the gym is that you can go alone!), or go biking while the weather is still good, or better yet take a vacation! Why don't you take a vacation to visit your friends for a couple weeks? or even a weekend if you're too busy with school now... or go wild and take a trip to Cuba! I know it's hard to not think about all the negative things, (I've been going through that for the past half a year!) but sitting at home is a bad move. Just get up and go anywhere you can, even a library (or Chapters ) to read a book, where there's people around and you won't feel so alone. I hope that helped a bit
  4. I'm not the best to respond to this since I really don't have any relationship experience, but something like this did actually happen to me this summer. I met this girl who was interested in me and I really fell for her (and since I've never been with anyone I fell fast and hard), but then slowly she got bored of me and moved on, and then I found out she first hit on both of my friends before me. She also always chills with her ex after midnight and goes out drinking a lot. Not exactly like your scenario because you seemed to be in more of a relationship, but these two girls do have similar styles. These kind of girls have been with many guys, been in many relationships, and get bored with some people real quickly. They're just looking for a "Summer Fling" you can call it. From what I'm slowly learning, you just gotta move on. Don't let girls like these drag you on because you just hurt yourself more thinking about it. You put so much effort into them and to them your just another "guy". It definitely hurts but it's something that happens to the best of us. When she comes back have a talk with her and maybe you can "try" to be friends which is very unlikely. But if she takes you back (and you probably will accept because most of us men are weak) I wouldn't go back. It can happen again and you'd just get hurt again. I may be totally wrong because I don't know this girl, but that's what I think Let us know what happens when she comes back? PS: I just saw your quote, "In love, there is always one who suffers and one who is bored. -Balzac" and Wow could that describe what hapenned to me and that girl anymore perfectly!
  5. I geuss I'm looking for a way to get out there and be more social, to meet more people and to have more experiences. But I'm just so shy and lazy to do so
  6. Hey everyone, I've been reading this forum for quite some time now and it' been really helpful so maybe you guys can help me with something. I'm a 21 year old male, and I'm realizing that I haven't done anything with my life. I've always been shy since grade 5 due to a bad childhood in school and on to highschool. Because of that my self esteem is about at 1 (out of 10). I've really been down for the past several months and just haven't been glowing like I used to as a kid. So many things are going through my mind like the fact that I never had a girlfriend, I never had sex (doesn't seem like a big issue, but when it's all the world is talking about and my body/mind craves it, it is!) I'm just getting my drivers license now (when I could have done it at 16). I realize I only go out and do things with my friends. I can't get on my own two feet and do stuff. I go to the store occasionally, but that doesn't count hehe. Since I'm always so used to being around friends, and since we're getting older and everyone is doing their own thing, it's time I get off my * * *... but how? What do I do where do I go? I just got back from a trip to Cuba and it was great while it lasted and I was finally a bit happier, now I'm back and it's day 5 back at home and everything is back to it's lonely depressing self I have a hobby which is kinda like a job too, I make music production at home which is very cool, but this isn't out there in the physical world. I only deal with Europeans overseas and with email so not much of a social life there. I also study in school, getting a degree now and finished a 3 year diploma, but I want more in my life, mentally, physically and especially emotionally because school is school and it doesn't compare anything to life experiences. Where do I begin with this mess?
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