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Posts posted by AntiLove_SuperStar

  1. I just tried to create a list of Emily's Positive Accomplisments In 2006:




    -Had a major part in college play, did NOT {mod edit} it up

    -Achieved an A in Philosophy

    -Have actually applied to University; regardless of whether I get in or not, I'm surprised I could make myself do it

    -Contributed the most (oh well, I'm competitive, what can you do) by a long way in Sociology class and showed on my excellent academic report

    -Stopped having so many breakdowns at college (no, I'm not joking)




    -Have had no arguments with boyfriend

    -Helped boyfriend through his dad's sudden and awful death through cancer

    -No arguments with family

    -Generally on better terms with family

    -Got enough courage to reunite with longlost friends for one evening this Xmas season


    Mental Health



    -OK, well, I have seen a decrease in my bingeing behaviours!


    Personal Growth/Other


    -Furthered understanding of both Christianity and Islam significantly

    -Continued/sustained effort to help people on enotalone when the mood permits

    -Come to terms with a few frustrations e.g. epilepsy=no driving for AGES, in MY car, after spending MONTHS on lessons..argh SOAB..I mean, yeah


    All well and good, but I feel NO better than I did last year. Absolutely no better at all, and I sincerely wished I HAD done myself in like I wished I had last Xmas Eve.


    I can do all the above and more but I've had a {mod edit} ENOUGH, you know?



  2. Well, I'd have to hear some of your jokes before I arrived at a conclusion - so I'll spout some generalized advice at you.


    Are you sure she isn't really offended? I can't help but point out the obvious here - what you may perceive as "amusing", she might perceive as "downright effin' offensive" - and it may be that she could put up with that for 2 years or whatever, but no longer. It might finally be getting to her, y'know?


    I can't help thinking its a little premature of some responses to suggest she needs an attitude change when we here at ENA do not even know the precise nature of your sense of humour.


    I think you need to have a serious discussion with her as to what EXACTLY she finds offensive, and WHY. And then...urm, keep quiet about those certain topics.


    Because I try and be unbiased, here's my case for your defence - if you have always been of this personality type (and not Zodiac sign, thats baloney if you'll pardon my expression..well, I'm a hotheaded Aries, what would you expect ;-) she should have an idea within the first 2 MONTHS of what you were/are like, and it would be unreasonable of her to start acting all offended now.


    Either way - talk to the woman!

  3. I never told a trusted adult, and it was very unhealthy not to do so.


    I still don't have anyone to discuss such issues with apart from my boyfriend, who only sympathises because he has one too! Ah...that is a whole other issue.


    But back to my point - by not telling anyone, I built my ED up into "my world". To this day, the only real sense of privacy and escape available to me is my ED. I really do not want that to happen to you or anyone else - stamp out that alienating of an ED, and Tell Someone.



  4. Erm, I didn't.


    I only started thinking about my wedding when I met the person I believe to this day that I want to marry. And it didn't take me long to figure out that I want less than 10 people to attend, and guess what..I don't want to wear a dress. I don't want the ceremony, I want to commit myself to someone and spend a nice portion of my life in a mutually beneficial relationship.


    My family never gave me any fairytale notions. My mother and father, despite being stable for 27 years in matrimony, are realists. My father actually always advised me AGAINST getting married saying it was unecessary and unrealistic and so forth, but ultimately he'd happily bless whatever I wanted to do.

  5. Urgh, I thought you didn't have an ED...I'm saddened but not surprised (given other, background posts).


    I've run the entire spectrum from anorexia to bulimia and everything in between over the past four years or so, and my latest battle was to stop bingeing!


    I tried everything - here's a tip, DON'T restrict. No way. Giving yourself the freedom of choice is everything. You can't make choices until you own them.


    The only self-help book I'd ever recommend, that stopped me bingeing - Eating Less - Say Goodbye To Overeating, by Gillian Riley.


    There is a huge amount I can tell you about weight, EDs and hating oneself. However, I have to go out in 20 minutes so I'll leave this mini list for starters:


    - It IS possible to get over such issues

    - Being thin doesn't make you happy

    - The only way to lose weight sensibly is a longterm committment to good nutrition and exercise

    - Starvation, under ANY circumstances is NOT a good idea

    - Throw out the scales and tape measure. Refuse to feed the obsession that you are too fat/food is your enemy

    - Learn about anatomy/nutrition - respect for your body as the awesome machine it is will help you treat it better

    - Don't get bogged down in examining "Your Issues" that "gave you an ED". It sounds harsh but - you have an ED, its your health and behaviours NOW that matter, and examining your past/possible causes only makes most ED sufferes miserable. I should know.

  6. Bible - so she's a Christian?


    In which case, she wouldn't believe that your mom should have stayed with your dad. Christians do not like divorce, since Jesus taught a religion of love and forgiveness.


    However, it is recognised that Jesus taught a "perfectionist" religion for the perfect kingdom that was developing and was yet to come.


    In the meantime, divorce is allowed when it is the most loving thing to do, since first and foremost, Christianity is about Love. thereforeeee, the majority of Christians would say "well, we don't like divorce, but when it saves a man/woman from a lot of abuse/pain (as in your parents' case), it is the most loving option".


    In conclusion, I don't see what the problem is exactly. I think she just misworded her opinion - surely, whatever religion you are, you'd want to be as sure as possible that it'd "work?"

  7. Entirely depends upon the guys and girls in question.


    It stands to reason that, as an atheist, you are going to get on better with someone who shares your views than, say, a devout Roman Catholic, for obvious reasons! And people generally find others of their own faith more attractive, although of course this would depend upon how devout they are/which faith they ascribe to in the first place.


    Personally, I am not of any particular religion, but I am extremely interested in theological/religious matters - as in, I enjoy learning about/debating about different world faiths.


    Funny you should post this, I've just spent an hour reading an interpretation/study guide of the Qu'ran!


    My boyfriend is not at all concerned with religion etc - he is an atheist like yourself. And whilst a spiritually concerned individual is attractive to me, it isn't the be all and end all - I love my boyfriend very much despite lack of spiritual inclination!

  8. The lying about limewire bothers me.


    Because it means that it isn't just a porn issue, its a TRUST issue, which is infinitely more serious and cannot be justified on the reasoning that "people just look".


    Personally, I find most answers to this post to be encouraging abhorantly disrespectful behaviour. You have a CHILD together..he should be revering and loving you more than ever, yet he


    Lies about downloading porn/limewire


    Tells you how he looks at other girls in his college


    What A JERK.


    Sorry, but that's my opinion - even if you were "OK with porn" the lying should be a BIG Red Flag to you.


    If he can't even stop himself telling you about eyeing up other women, what does that say about him? Answer - Not A Lot.

  9. Oh Mitch...how silly (meant in an affectionate way).


    Of course I have known men who won't open up - but the majority will, especially when they feel they can trust the man/woman they are with.


    Take a look through the Breaking Up posts here - you often get guys saying "I told her how much I loved her, I was so attentive...and she left me". This would rather indicate that guys DO open up, and I'd urge you to reconsider talking about emotions - it is HEALTHY, not "girly", "soppy" or otherwise undesirable. I hope you come to figure that through experience, your life will be better for it.

  10. I'd say, like any addiction:


    Don't fight feelings you have romanticizing-wise - resisting something only makes it stronger.


    Make a list of reasons why its positive that it didn't work out (and there must be things, because there always is).


    When you get an attachment-y, obsessive-y/lovey type thought, let it be there and imagine it floating away. Carry on with whatever you were doing.


    Make a special effort to enrich/improve all other relationships in you life ie family and friends. Its partially distraction, and partially in order to retain your faith in people and not get at all bitter. Which is never good, and you can be vulnerable to in difficult situations such as this.

  11. I may have a thoroughly simplistic view, but I'd leave him.


    My thoughts would run along these lines - if he can't even control himself to the point where he can't resist kissing someone else...well, that isn't good.

    If someone really loves someone else, they simply do NOT do things like that.


    You let him get away with it, he WILL do it again. I know, not because I've been cheated on, but because I have cheated many times with/on many different people. I know the psychology, and I vote Leave.

  12. Other way round in this case....at 16, I met a 13 year old I fell in love with, and when we were 14/17, 15/17 etc we started going out.


    It was nothing to do with his age for me, all to do with his personality, his face, the whole works.


    It makes me somewhat mad to know that I was called "sick" when I was 17 and with a 15 year old, but now that I'm 18 and he's 16, no one would really mind so much - especially as he looks older than he is.

  13. ..........I hadn't even factored their childhoods into it I expect some of them came from "OK families" and just had the misfortune to be urmm misguided, but its probably a major..well..problem.


    I feel very shortsighted, thank you for writing that.

  14. He liked you, but


    he didn't love you


    he's quite (cough) inconsistent.


    I know its a romantic drama which is enticing, but you're better off moving on and forgetting him. Forever.


    After all, if he missed you so much during those 5 years, he WOULD have contacted you. If he was that into you, you'd be together right now.

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