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Everything posted by Jasmine

  1. yes, i got scared. it was too much, too quick. we pretty had no where to go but down. it doesn't matter now, i saw him with another girl at a ski shop a couple of days ago. i'm not sure if he saw me but i sent him an email telling him i was sorry and that i missed him ( i know, i know...bad move) and he emailed me back saying that he was seeing someone and wanted to see how it went with her and that he had moved on. i'm bummed, but surprisingly, i feel like a weight has been lifted off my heart. love can be so overrated!
  2. wow! he just called! we talked for an hour. he seemed bothered. i didn't buy it. kept talking in a soft caring way. i felt i had to speak like i was talking to a hurt little boy. i love this guy.
  3. Short version: Met an amzing man online. We connected immediately. We met several times and had the most amazing times together. I was 'the one'. We had a 'once in a life time' relationship. All those wonderful good things. But I wasn't ready to settle down. He knew that. We had the most intense chemistry that it felt telepathic at times. He told me several times that he was shy and introverted. I never saw that side of him. I saw the male version of me. We dated for about a month. I started to get scared at how fast it was all moving and started to push him away. He then ran away. Since then, almost a year has passed and he is all I think about. I've contacted him a few times during this time and it always ended up in some sort of anger or battle. I would back off for a few months, and try again. He started to become a little more receptive each time but never seemed to want to continue the contact. Last week I asked if we could talk on the phone. He responded yes. I called him and left him a message. He still has not returned my phone call. I have no idea why I keep setting myself up like this. I have a million guys that would love to go out with me. But, none of them are like him. I keep feeling I hurt him some way. More than I know and he wants to talk but doesn't have the courage to get hurt again. OR... Maybe, I'm just a silly girl in love with someone who has moved on and wants nothing to do with me. When do I give up on a shy guy? Or am I just using his shyness as a means of justification. I know through one of his students that he is not seeing anyone right now.
  4. Someone very, very wise once told me that 'the advice you would give to someone is usually the very advice you need to take yourself'. It's changed the way I see things ever since.
  5. hi dn, i never did tell him that i didn't mean to push him away because i was scared. i've taken this time to search my heart and he keeps coming up as the 'one'. only now, he really wants nothing to do with me. you gave good advice and insight. thank you;
  6. yes, we did meet. a few times actually. and it was amazing. but i freaked with it all. i started to not trust it. it was becoming surreal. and i think he reacted to my 'freak' by bolting. i just find it odd that never once in that time has he picked up the phone to call me. i have never called him after that as well. logically, i know i should let him go. i mean, its been 5 months, but there is a part of me that thinks its his 'shyness' that prevents him from calling or initating contact. he felt he had found 'the one', it was a 'once in a lifetime' relationship. and now .... nothing. someone please explain what shyness means in this case.
  7. i met this fantastic guy online and had the most intense relationship and connection with him. it lasted all of 3 weeks. i started to get scared at how fast it was going so i pushed him away saying things i didn't mean. ](*,) He ended things with me telling me that he felt our relationship wasn't normal. he didn't like the incredible highs and lows. he's shy and introverted. i've contacted him thru email a few times and he always reacted happy to hear from me and then some how it would end up in an angry rant. it's now been 5 months since we broke up, but i can't seem to get him out of my mind. i want to call him but i'm scared that he will reject me. do you think because he is so shy that it would prevent him from ever initiating contact with him. is it possible that he is so shy that he cannot find the courage to contact me?? it's funny, because before that we talked on the phone every night till our phones died. and then bam...nothing. i can't seem to get myself to believe that he doesn't care about me. it's like he got scared and ran. ughhhh! now what? someone please. i am losing my mind.
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