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  1. So I called her tonight and she wasn't real pleased to hear from me. she was rather upset I didnt call her before, needless to say I dont think I'll be seeing her again...... such is life though. Thanks for the help anyway Serendip.
  2. Awesome advice guys, this will help a lot. What I want to avoid is turning this into an interview where I'm asking question after question and she's just giving simple answers. Is there perhaps some advice you can offer that would... I dont know.... be able to open conversation up both ways...?
  3. along this line.... What if both people are really shy? Both parties really like each other and enjoy the company (be it in person or on the phone) but both sides are shy and dont get out into social situations more than once or twice a week?
  4. I have this girl that I want to call but I'm not sure about the best way to start a conversation with her. I havent talked to her for about 2 years and I really dont know what she's into now. I need some advice on good ways to get meaningful conversations started over the phone..
  5. Indeed, interoffice dating is not a good idea, in fact, its a very bad idea.
  6. I just dont to come on too strong, or her to think it's weird I'm calling her now when I haven't talked to her in some time.
  7. Yeah...it took me about a year to build up the courage to talk to her and get her number. I just want things to be comfortable when I talk to her... and I'm not sure how to go about doing that. I'll do some poking around the forums here too, I'm new here too
  8. Thanks Serendipity, but I'm not sure even what to say to her, I'm really shy.... any thoughts on how to get the conversation started?
  9. I'm currently 24. I dated this chick in high school for 6 or 8 months and it went really well, but it eventually died down and we broke up. The timing wasnt right for it. We fell out of contact for about 2-3 years but I always really really liked her. She has a very... girl next door feel to her (possible because she use to live literally a few blocks away). Anyway, I saw her walking one day and I finally stopped and talked to her again. I asked if I could call her sometime and she seemed to like that idea so she gave me her number. The very next week I met a new girl at work and we moved in together and lived together for about a year. I dont cheet so I never called Andria back (the girl next door). It's now been about 2-2.5 years since I stopped and talked to Andria and to be honest I have never really forgotten about her, just timing/circumstance has always been in the way. I found out this last week that Andrias mom was asking a buddy of mine about me and what I was up to. I'm single now and I think she is too. I still have her number and would really, really like to just talk to her again, and maybe date if it turns into that but I havent talked to her in 2 years and I didn't call her then.... and I really wish I would have. Any advice on how to approach this?
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