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  1. Thanks itsallgrand...yes, I guess I am the nice guy that ends up getting hurt, but I'm learning just like everyone else. When she did pop back into my life I did feel like, wow, maybe we're both getting another chance with each other...maybe she learned her leason and realizes that she made a mistake. I suppose I am all about second chances, but bottom line I don't want to get hurt again. So I've learned and will move forward. Thank you
  2. Totally spot on Kellbell...I'll just keep moving forward just like I've been doing...having fun!! I'll keep you all posted, thanks again. OCD
  3. Nice...hey there Kellbell!! It's been a while...hope you're doing well...Thanks for the advice...that's why I come back here once in a while...the great advice from you all
  4. Gotcha, makes perfect sense...thank you. That's why I came here to get a different perspective I don't want to be Mr. Feelbetter for her, I'll just go about my business....and you're right I should wait a while till she's totally over this situation... Should I tell her to back off? Ask her what her intensions are? Or just going about my business...? Thanks again! OCD
  5. lol...thanks itsallgrand...I totally here, trust me. And heck yes I have thought about telling her to take a hike..lol. Sure she hurt me and I did get over it totally. I figured that's water under the bridge...keep it friendly and what ever. I suppose I'll keep my distance, etc...
  6. Yes, you're right...I don't want to fall into that trap...that sort of happened to me on my last relationship...we were together for 2 years after she had been divorced for 8 months. She ended taking off so yes I don't want to have that happen again. Ok, so I'll just keep it cool. No expectations right
  7. Thanks for the reply...why should I run...just curious
  8. Yes she did tell me why they split. He ended up being very abusive...she says that she made a mistake with him, but is happy because she has a wonderful son now. They've been apart for about 6 months now. I dated her a little over 3 years ago...
  9. Hi all, It's been a while, life has been good, I've been dating and it's been about a year since I've spoken to my ex. A funny thing happened about a week ago. Before my last relationship, my current ex, I was dating this girl and were friends for about 6 months. She left me for this other guy, got married to him, had a baby with him and is now divorcing him. Crazy right, well, she contacted me through another website, she says that she "came accross my name" and wanted to say hi and make piece with me since she ended it on bad terms. She seems pretty flirty with me. So, after being on enotalone for almost a couple years now, I realize to take things slow with her and just be friends. My question is...is it possible that she wants to come back to me? She hasn't actually said those words, but we met for dinner one night and it was great, catching up, etc. I am still very attracted to her, but not sure if I should make a move. Should I just keep it friendly at this pointe?? She says "you can call me any time, here is my number"...stuff like that. I figured I should take it slow and not jump to her...any ideas?? Thanks guys OCD
  10. Hi all, it's been a while. I saw my ex from a year ago yesterday in passing. She was smiling as we passed each other. I haven't seen her in about 10 months, crazy how it's been that long. She sort of rubber necked as we passed and I just sort of noded my head, smiled as we passed each other, didn't say a word. Of course I thought about her most of the night, asking myself questions whether she was still thinking about me, if she has a new boyfriend, etc...I do miss her and realized how much I missed after seeing her. Although i do feel ten times better then after the break up, she is still in my heart. We dated for 2 years and had plans to marry, but she ended up leaving me for no apparent reason, just vanished. I've thought about contacting her, but figured I'm still not ready because I do still have feelings for her and don't want to get hurt all over again. I just wanted to come on here, give an update, vent a little, and hopefully I'll have another chance with her, but I suppose that she needs to initiate that...correct? If it's meant to be it will be and time does heal wounds. I am a different person in some ways. Dated and had another girlfriend for a while there...I've stopped thinking that I'll get another chance, but deep down I haven't given up hope...Thanks OCD
  11. Thanks Midgi, yes girl #2 was all about money. Interesting she'd tell me that she wanted a family with me, I was the love of her life, then she runs off with a doctor? Yes, she wasn't worth it after all. I'm moving forward, getting over it, but still have those feelings deep down for my ex from a year ago, perhaps she isn't right for me either. I know I can't contact her yet, still not ready...something will work out, it usually does OCD
  12. Thanks for the response, yes sure, I'm fine being by myself. After my break up a year ago, I started dating to get my mind off my ex. It actually worked for a bit. After finally figuring out that I might be searching too hard, I gave up the whole dating scene. Figured I needed to be single for a while...after a few months of that all of a sudden my school crush pops into my life out of now where...then 4 months later the crash and burn there. So yes, I'm staying single for a little while, pulling back the reigns on dating etc...and just letting life happen. Thanks for the advice OCD
  13. Hi all, I can't believe it's been over a year since my break up. As most would say, time does heal...I feel much better and have dated on and off. Out of the blue and old school crush of mine looked me up and we hit it off. We were dating for about the last 4 months. Everything was incredible, stopped thinking about my ex all together. Well I started making plans with my new girlfriend as far as talking about long term, etc. It was actually her idea and it just felt 'right', but I still wanted to take it slow to see how things progressed. So she'd call me every day, actually said that she loved me and always had and was so glad that the timing was right and we were so happy to be with each other after all of this time. I thought this may be it, this is what my break up a year ago was for; so I can meet my old crush. Well things changed drastically with her, bottom line she ends up running off with a "Doctor Friend" of hers. I was crushed all over again. I knew to let this one go, followed all of the advice I've learned from this site, told her I cared and was very upset that she went out like this, etc and let her go, straight NC!...but of course the feeling of my ex from a year ago start seeping back into my mind. A close loved one of mine told me that they saw her a week ago with another guy, I was crushed...perhaps I still do have feelings deep down for her. The guy she was with was apprently just a friend of hers and that she was still single and dating; just hanging out with him, guy friend I suppose. I still felt that deep sinking feeling in my heart. Well, I'm still moving on, thought I'd give an update, and see what kind of advice I get regarding my recent breakup and of course my old ex from a year ago who I think I still have deep feelings for. Thanks as always...take care. OCD
  14. Hi SuperDave71, it's been a while and thought I'd tell you how I'm doing. It's been months since the last time I spoke to my ex. As everyone has said here: Time does Heal. She tried to do the whole stringing me along and "let's be friends" speech. I finally got the guts to put my foot down with her and said no becuase I was getting hurt. So the calls stopped coming in after that final conversation. I'm much better off for it I've been dating and focusing on myself. I feel so much better than I did when I first came onto this site. Thanks to your help and advice I've come a very long way, although I didn't get my ex back.....yet Who knows, but she hasn't contacted me and I'll never be ready to contact her. So I'm going about my life. One door closes and another opens. I ran into a very old friend of mine that actually looked 'me' up. We've been dating now for a month or so. It's made me totally forget about my ex and she treats me much better and we connect much more than me and my ex did. I'm not sure if I'll ever get with my ex again, but I did realize the I had to move on and that someone else is out there more deserving of my love and attention. Thanks again SuperD
  15. Thanks all for the good advice, yes I'm keeping a distance, but to answer this question, this is a friend of mine that recently re-entered my life. We used to date back in school and lost track of each other for a few years. Now all of a sudden she's back in my life, after I got dummped from my ex...so the timing is amazing here....we have not slept together, it's a long distance relationship at this pointe, but we do hang out, do dinner and we're getting together in a couple weeks too.
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