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Posts posted by calibabe007

  1. Hello, well if you havent heard my story let me recall it for you. I dated this guy, Nic, for 11 months, he got sick of have obligation and having to spend time with me, so after 11 months of loving me, he ended it. I was very depressed after it, and i am slowly getting over it. I have learned that I do really truly love him, and knowing that, it brings back the pain taht he doesnt love me. That after all we have been together through, he doesnt call or care. He has moved on and I am stuck. Life is just a mess. Grades are bad, I have only one true friend, who is going to another school next year. I have been clean for a while, and I feel like drinking and smoking would take my mind off all my problems, but I know it will just mess up my life. How can I love him so much, and him not care? I mean for goodness sake he doesnt give a shit! How can I go on living. He was my reason for living, I mean I went to work to have money, but what good is money with out anyone to spend it on, no one to buy a gift for, whats the point of getting throuugh a rough day without someone waiting for me when i get home, What point is living without someone to love and te be loved by? I just wanna kill myself, cause life seems so pointless

  2. I know this may not be what you wanna hear, but when life's meaning is lost, and life is mearly a a game of highs and lows, i have found that God is there. He is there when life is great and when life sucks. He put the meaning back ito my life whne I had none, he helped me through some of the hardest trials of my life, and was there every step of the way. Trust in him,and see where life goes. And remember, when you think thats no one has been where you are in your life, he has.

    Best of luck!


    ps. if you wanna talk one on one email me at email removed

  3. Im so sorry to hear about this. I know what your feeling, I really do. Me and my ex broke up about 3 months ago and I am still so in love with him. About a week ago he kissed my bestfriend, and i havent talked to her since. i know how it is for everyone to be telling you to get over him and "hes not yours any more" and it sucks. I wish I new what to tell you, but tell her that you dont approve of it, and that you will be here for her if she needs you, but not if it means you getting hurt because of her actions. That may not be the right thing to do but thats what I did and i dont regret it. Email me if you need anymore help

    email removed

  4. When God decides it is the right time for you to accept him and see the truth, you will, just as I did. until then I will pray for you. Just remember, just like me, you may think Christianity could never be right for you, but, just wait until God changes your life... Just wait!


  5. Hello, well let me just get this out in the open, I'm from Cali, and yes I am a Christian. I have been raised one, but it hasnt been my beliefe till about a couple months ago. Me and my bf, of a year, had just broken up, family was going bad, my friends stunk, but you know no matter how many people disappointed me, God was there. when I got to the bottom when I thought life had no meaning, GOd was there. So maybe, God is using this curiosity as a tool for you to find his love. He did it for me, So I'll pray that he does it for you. I would love to talk to you one on one. So email me at email removed


  6. Hello! I just wanted to say one thing. I have lived the last 15 1/2 years without God... and now that I finnally fell in love with him my life has been ultimatly blessed. He is my bestfriends, always there for me and he always loves me. So I wanted to share taht with anyone who is depressed or sad, cause I'v been there and I know hwat its like, But no matter where life takes you, Gods one step ahead!


  7. Well, if you really love her, you wil respect the fact that she feels like that. Dont act weird, just continue to care and tell her if she ever needs you that you will be there for her. but dont pressure her. Just be her friend. Soon you'll realize that being a friend is just as special as being a boyfriend.


  8. Hello,

    Well I am going through the same thing and have the same feelings and I have been for the last 4months, I wish I could tell you a magic spell to make you get over him, but when you really care about someone, in the end it hurts. I know how hard it is, believe me I do, and all i can say is what doesnt kill you makes you stronger.I feel your pain and am here to talk if you want. let me a personal message or just post another message


  9. I was in the same situation, not being verbally preasured, but he would try and touch me and little stuff like that, I gave in to him, gave him oral sex, and you know., today we have been broken up for about 3 months and i am still so attached, but he moved on. My advice, if he cares about you he'll wait. I have turned my life around, and I am trying to put Jesus first, so speaking form experience, Dont give in!!! In the end you will be much more satisfied with Jesus rather then with a guy that wants some.. I hope I help.. any more questions.. Email me at email removed


  10. Hello, well I was recalling memories and I have kinda put off thoughts about my ex bf of a year, because I thought it would help me move on. Well I was thinking about him, and I really do love him. I know that hes the guy I wanna be with. One problem, he doesnt love me. He doesnt want me as his gf and he sayes he wants to be friends, but I cant do that. I love him and I want him more than ever to love me back. So I was thinking, its not right that I put my life on hold in hopes that one day he will come back. But I care to much to more on. My heart hurts so much, and he seems to not even care. Why do I have to hurt after three months and him not care?

  11. SOmetimes guy do stupid stuff that really make it worse, but you knwo from hearing you opinionm on it, i thinki you really care about him and he cares about you. my advice is this... drop the drama and be straight with him.. tell him how you feel and mean what you say. See where it goes from there


    If you need more advice drop em a note

  12. Hello, I am so sorry for you and your situation, I have one question for you... why do you love someone like taht? I mean I know shes special to you... ect., but if she really loved your she would be happy with life. I have one piece of advie for you... just rmember as nmucha syou want to change her because you love her, its hurting you. Tell her you love her and will be their for her when she wants help, but dont kill yourslef trying to save her. Support her when she wants it, but you cant change what she doesnt want changed. Tell her youll always be there for her if she needs you.

  13. Hello, I am 15 years old, Im from Cali, and I need some help. Me and my boyfriend of 11 moths broke up about 3 months ago, he no longer loves me and doesnt care about me any more. He is a total jerk and blows me off constantly. I love him with all my heart, but thats not the reason I'm writing. ever since then, my perfect life has been crashing down. My grades have slipped, I am no longer happy, I cant do the things I used to love. All the gusy I have met have been total jerks, and I am extremly lonely. I feel so hurt that he could move onw ith out me, and I am the one that is suffering. Please help me!!


  14. Im so sorry, i knwo how you feel exactly, I had the same thing, Hun, you deserve better. Iknow you ahve probally heard that a million times, but if a guy really care about you and respected you, then he wouldnt have had the slightest urge to cheat. please take my advice, iv been there. leave him and dont look back!


  15. I am sixteen years old and me and my boyfriend have been experimenting with different sexual stuff... and i was wondering, he can't get me to climax or or me to have an orgasm.... any advice on what to do???


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