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Posts posted by calibabe007

  1. Hi,

    I am so sorry to hear about the seperation, but you have to expect your kids to be upset. I am a teen, my parents separated 5 years ago, and i was very upset. Be honest is the first piece of advice don't sugarcoat it, they wll know the truth soon or a later... and anymore information i have for you, your gonna have to email me about cause i dont wanna pst it on this website... email removed


  2. Hi Raven,

    As most would sit here andd judge you, im not going to do that and if i sound like i am please forgive me. Everyone screws up,Makes mistakes but have you ever heard a mistake is only bad if you didnt learn from it. Now this is a very difficult problem. First I have to say that having an affair is wrong! When making you wedding vows you dedicated you life to your husband. Now that that was astablished, what i think you should do is try and save you marrige. It can be done if you want it to. I know you dont wanna hear this, but you have to put distance between you and the guy your sleeping with. You need to get couseling and fix the marrige. If all fails then divorce is an option, but i dont believe in it. You married him you stay with him. But if you do decide that then its better than staying together and being unfair and cheating. As i said before i am not trying to be judgemental, just trying to help. I would love to talk with you and if tahts something you would wanna do email me at email removed

    Remember, you made a vow, KEPP IT

    Best of luck

    God Bless you and your marrige


  3. As a girl, i like it when a guy is just genuine... dont say the thing that every guy sayes.. make it special and unquie. FOr example, my ex bf, asked my out under that stars and sayed hey you are really beuatiful and i would love it if i could call you my girlfriend. Be yourself!!!! Dont let anyone tell you what to do

    GOood luck

    Email me for more help

    email removed

  4. Hi, Im 15 and i was dating this guy for 11 months. He was my best friend my life. About two weeks ago he broke up with me becuase he said that he had no time and that he didnt feel the same way about me as he did. I gave him my heart, my life, and i gave him me. No he doesnt call, he doesnt wanna hang out, and he doesnt care about me. He sayes he wants to do stuff with me (physically) if i want to but he doesnt wanna if i am not comfortable, i say i am cause i want to be back with him but the more i think about it the more i feel like i shouldnt be. I am depressed and I dont know what to do... PLEASE HELP!!!

    P.S. you can also email me at email removed

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