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  1. Yes, it was only last week that I contacted her about one issue. She answered in a relatively compassionate way. It had to do with something she did that made me feel very insulted. She apologized. And yes, I have tried family, therapy, anti-depressants, all to no avail. At this point the only thing I feel the need to do is express just how devastated I was and I remain. I don't think she realizes just how bad it's been. And yet, what good will that do, having her know, will it really ease my pain? And I hate the thought that I'd become one of those objects of pity in her mind. it's just that I keep on daydreaming about things I'd say to her. My counselor and my family are against me contacting her again, because my last contact did not make me feel any less sadness. At this point, i think it's not so much her, but my clinical depression that's talking in my head. Sorry for the rant.
  2. I agree, at least for now. Truth is when I did get closure on one issue, and that felt good, my depression over her has not abated one bit. But I do regret now not getting closure in the very beginning. I think it would have saved me a lot of heartache.
  3. I went out with her for 3.5 months. I believe that the old boyfriend, who has replaced me, was with her for 6 months the 1st time, and now he has been with her for almost 4 months.
  4. I only got resolution on that one issue, but there were so many more. But I promised her I wouldn't be an e-stalker. She has moved on, with this boyfriend for longer than I was with her. My gut tells me that I'm now just a footnote in her life story. Do I re-contact her to get closure/resolution or do NC?
  5. My girlfriend broke up with me 3 months ago. My heart was broken, but I immediately went into NC. But all this insecurity and the questions I had kept haunting me. Finally I broke down and e-mailed her. Not with all my questions, but with one of them. I now wish I had gotten closure rather than keep everything bottled up inside. I mean I talked about it with friends, family, a counselor...still do because I'm still in pain. But don't most people have some initial contact with the ex, maybe to clarify things. Is total NC healthy?
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