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Everything posted by Catatonika

  1. efgh... im scared but i guess you're right. its actually... like 3 people haha. ill just find out .. ^_^
  2. Last night, i was driving with my two best friends. and told them. we actually ran off the road when i said it lol. But I was so happy to see them not all "OMG you're gay?!" they said that we're like brothers, which we are, and that my being Bi wouldn't really matter to them. It's just a big relief to hear that from them. hmm.. and I'm wondering about something else too. I know someone that is Bi, but he doesnt know that I am, or that im REALLY interested in him. like.. I've never hit on a guy before and I'm kind of wondering .. this sounds so stupid: How do i do it? omg he's cute hehe
  3. I'm sorry that this doesn't help you, but I'm in the same boat as you if it helps you feel less alone. I have no clue on how to find other people like me or how to approach them. But I think, in time, the courage and security to do it will finally come. Good luck to you, I hope you find peace with someone. ^_^ Brandon
  4. I think its totally amazing how people (including myself at one point) can fall in love with people they've never met. It's really an enchanting experience that tells you alot about love to your own soul.
  5. Past November, I was watching a movie by myself and was just my normal Straight self. I saw this group of guys walk past the screen and my mind thought "Hey, he's cute" ... and all of the sudden i questioned myself "did i just say?!" ... I didnt really think about it until February where the feelings resurfaced in real life at school and now in the past month.. I'm pretty sure I'm Bi and not just "experimenting" or whatever most kids do. Right now, I feel really weird about it sometimes like "that's... another guy" but sometimes.. I fantasize sexually about guys. It's just all really new. I'm 17. If anyone has any experience similar to this, I'd like to see about how things progress in life after this point and what you people think will happen. There's a VERY small hand-picked group of people that I've talked to that say it's ok (and that they wouldn't tell anyone else, because here where i live, there are a lot of gay&bi-hating rednecks and I don't want to get beaten up or something)... Also, there is this certain part of me, that wants to experience... Bi-dom and see what this is all like in actuality. I am really interested in meeting someone around my school or something.. but I have no way of telling who is or isn't Bi. Or... how to progress a situation where I did find somebody. Like, how would I even bring it up? Lots of thanks, Catatonika
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