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Posts posted by mandyglass

  1. You need to be happy. To take care of your children properly, to be the best mom, wife, person you can be, you need to be happy. Your husband is half of you and if he is a miserable piece of ----, which sounds like he is, you need to get rid of him... shed him like saddlebags and move on... on your own, complete and happy. It is so unhealthy to be unhappy!When you have five children to raise, you must take care of your health! Please, Please don't let this guy do this to you!!!! Think about your kids... do you want your sons to grow up and treat women the way their dad treats you? Do you want your daughters to grow up and fall in love with a man who emotionally abuses them??? It doesn't have to be ugly or abusive... remember, it takes two to fight. No judge is going to give your kids to him, no matter what... You are the one who stayed home to raise the kids... you sacrificed, not him. Any woman who has five children by the time she's 22, and still has them, has to be strong and deserves to be loved, fulfilled and HAPPY!!!

  2. When my dad was diagnosed with cancer, it was really hard as well. As girls, we tend to think that our daddy's are so strong and will be there forever. I never imagined my father ever being weak or frail, but eventually, as the cancer progressed, he did become mentally and physically weak. For me, it was important to focus on the positive side of the situation. Now is the time to remember all the good times that you and your father have shared. It is also important to let your father know in no uncertain terms, how much you love him and how much he has meant to you. Maybe instead of looking to your boyfriend for support, since he seems to be pretty unreceptive, call your dad and see him as much as possible. When my dad was very sick, right before he died, I went and laid down next to him in bed and told him how much I loved him and that I was going to miss him very much, but that he was such a good father, that it was okay for him to rest and I would never forget him. Your father is probably hurting more for the possibility of leaving you, hurting you, then the cancer could ever hurt. It's important for you to talk to someone about how you are feeling, and who better to talk to than your father. It would benefit both of you, without doubt. It may be hard to open up, but it is so important for your strength, which will in turn, make your father's illness more acceptable and peaceful for him. In a way, you both are lucky to have this time to let eachother know how you feel. It may be difficult to understand, but looking to your daddy for support right now would be my best advice. Even though he is sick, he is still your father, and you are still his little girl. Tell him exactly how you feel, that you are scared and sad and you don't want to lose him. And then be receptive and let him be the one to ease your fears. This way, you both will feel better. If he tells you that everything will be alright, he will believe that himself. Everything that you are feeling, your father is feeling as well, please, turn to him for support. I have been a nurse for 6 years and I have seen so many families go through this. It's so, so important for both you and your father let eachother know how you feel, don't underestimate the power of peace of mind!

  3. There's a book called "The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need" by Joanne Martine Woolfolk, it's a big purple book that really has everything about all the signs that you could ever want to know. It even has tables in the back so you can find out where all the other planets were when you were born. It teaches you to cast your own charts. I think people find astrology hard to believe because there is so much more to it than just sun signs. Like the position of Venus in your chart affects your love nature, who you are attracted to and such. Your moon sign is equally as important as your sun sign, because the moon affects your thoughts, how you feel, whereas your sun sign is how others see or feel about you. And to answer your question about scorpios, I would say secretive, sexual, possesive, artistic, sensitive, psychic.

  4. My husbands sister has two little boys, one is 7, one is 4 1/2. They have been in foster care for the past 2 years, due to their mom's drug addiction and father's incarceration. Their mom is recovering from her addiction and is living in a "half-way house" close to our home. She has recently been having visits with her boys at our home. I have two children myself, one boy who is four, and my daughter who is eighteen months old. Her boys have been through so much, seen so much fighting and drug and alcohol abuse by their mother and father, even before they were put into foster care. The older boy, seven, has had a lot of problems in the foster care system. One of the foster parents caught him choking his little brother in the basement of their home and so the boys had to be separated. Anyway, the other day, I took my sister in law, her two boys, and my two kids to the swimming pool. I was swimming with my daughter and must have turned my head from my son. When I looked back, my four year old son was struggling in water way over his head. I pulled him out, he was choking, but was able to tell me that his cousin, the older boy, had pushed him into water over his head. It really bothers me that the older boy was standing right next to my son, watching him struggle and sink, but said nothing to anyone. I feel awful because the boys and their mom have been through so much, and I know we should be there for them, but this kid is scary. I told his mom about the incident, and she apologized, and said she would talk to her son. She is not a very effective parent at all, the boys don't respect her. So, my question is this: Should I allow the boys, my nephews, and their mom back over to my house, and if so, should I take it upon myself to talk to the older boy about his actions? I'm afraid if I confront him, it will not be pretty, but I don't trust his mom to do anything about it. Or, should I just accept that this kid is way too dangerous and protect my children by not allowing him near them?

  5. I had a leep done quite a few years ago and I can still remember the pain. Oh, it was soooo awful, I actually passed out while I was checking out of the doctor's office and had to have my boyfriend come and pick me up. I remember being sore for only a day or two, but I was so afraid to move or do anything to make the pain come back... don't feel bad at all about taking a couple of days off.

  6. It sounds like your ex is playing games. He wants to be the "pimp playa", but still wants you to be only into him. If he can't make a commitment to be exclusive with you, you need to let him know that you cannot be fully commited to him. Once he figures out that he's got you anytime he wants, there will be many lonely nights for you, while he is out being single. My advice would be to talk to him about everything. If he wants to be with you, he needs to be only with you. Anything less is undeserving! Whatever excuses he may have for not being commited to you are useless. He is afraid of your dad and bro, but is not that afraid that he would fool around with you, kissing and such? It just doesn't add up! Don't sell yourself short girl!!! Also, if you want a commited relationship with him, you need to be honest about what happened with this other guy while you were broken up. It was not your fault and you have nothing to be ashamed of!!! If he reacts negatively, he is a jerk and you could do better! Just be open about yourself and your feelings and let him know he can take it or leave it... but whatever his decision needs to be 100%. Don't let him have it both ways because you deserve better!!!

  7. I do understand what you are saying. The last thing I want to do is to make him feel... like he is not worthy or something. I do understand about the implications of someone paying attention to me. I guess it's just that I enjoy, so much, having someone to talk to and to joke around with and to dance with. I am completely aware that it's not all his fault... I need stimulation in life, he is fine because he can get high every day, but I cannot afford a drug habit, because of the children. I have tried so many ways to communicate with him, but he doesn't understand, because his life is good, it's just the way he wants it. He has literally come out right and told me "If you are unhappy, that's your problem!" I really don't know what else to do. Cheating is not the answer, and I know that deep down. I guess I am torn between my happiness and my kids and husbands happiness. I guess a better woman would sacrifice her own for that of her family. Thanks for your advice.

  8. I guess it just depends on the people who are in the marriage... I know you read my post, so you know my stance. To me, it is extremely important. Maybe not necessarily sex as much as touch, affection, romance. I think it is a basic human need, and if it is lacking in a marriage, one or both partners will look elsewhere!

  9. I don't understand what method I should use to convey my message. I told him that I think we should go to counseling because it scares me that I feel this way. He loves me, I know he does, but honestly, he is quite lazy and just does not want to put in any effort into making our relationship better. I don't know how to tell him how I feel without coming off as "complaining" or being hurtful by telling him my desire to be with someone else. Also, he is very defensive when I bring anything up. That is why I would like to go to counseling, but he is not willing to do that.

  10. My husband and I have been together for almost 10 years, married for 5, share a 4-year old son and an 18-month old daughter. For the past year or so, I find myself constantly seeking attention/affection from other men/women. My husband smokes marijuana daily. He works hard and is a good father, but a very distant husband. I think this is because of the pot. We are on two totally different playing fields. I've tried to talk to him about this and even warned him that our marriage is in "serious trouble." Anytime I bring anything up, he tells me to either quit complaining or leave. I've suggested counseling, and he says he doesn't need it, if I am not happy, I need to go to counseling, it's my problem! We very rarely have sex, and do not spend anytime alone... I've tried, but he's not interested. My friends and I have made it a point to go out one weekend a month. We go out dancing, and it is soooo much fun!!! I seem to get alot of attention when we go out, which feels... AMAZING! I've asked my husband to go out with me, but he just wants to stay home, smoke, play playstation, and watch tv. I guess I am just exhausted by even trying anymore. It's like I'm not even there. But when I go out, It's completely different. I am so confused because I don't want to hurt him, but I am hurting every time I have to come back home. I find myself thinking constantly about being with other people... Someone that would be happy to be with me... and show it! Someone please help me figure out what to do!!![/b]

  11. When I would go out of town, I would call my husband at least every day, just to say that I was thinking of him and let him know how much I loved him. When he would go out of town, or even out with his friends, he never called... It made me feel like he was not ever thinking about me. Girls really do need alot of attention and love. The sooner that men realize that women cannot have enough love, attention, compliments, affection, flowers, cards, phone calls, love letters... The better off we'll all be!

  12. I'm sorry to have said that... it was pretty insensitive. I just hope that you understand that things will get better, however low you are feeling, there will be an equal and opposite "high." Just try not to be so cought up in your sadness to recognize and enjoy it when it arrives. And just think, having been through such a terrible depression will allow you to thoroughly appreciate your day in the sun. It will come and you will shine!

  13. I was with my boyfriend for three years, broke up with him for almost a year, got back together and have been happily married with two beautiful children for five years. Breaking up was actually a good thing for us because we both saw what it was like without eachother and we knew for sure that we were much happier together.

  14. Why not email her and ask if it's okay to call her? Tell her you got her number from the coworker and you'd like to call her, but you don't want to make her feel uncomfortable. I was always a little weirded out when a guy would call me, when I know I didn't give him my number... Not to say that she's not interested, but she may feel a little bothered by the surprise and not know what to say... etc. If you send a message on msn, letting her know that you want to call her, that will show that you know what you want, but you still respect her privacy. Good Luck!

  15. okay, so I tell you someone loves you and you can't bear it? You don't know what to believe, and then you wonder why nobody wants to be around you? I really don't mean to sound harsh but you are so negative, could that be why people seem to not like you? I know that I cannot stand to be around negative people, especially ones that are so resistant to any form of Love. It's really exhausting! All I am saying is if you were to open up and realize that the most important presense in this world Loves you wholeheartedly and rejoice in that, maybe people would want to share your joy. Nobody wants to be around a negative person!

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