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Everything posted by sadeyes

  1. I decided to give my best friend of over a year a chance on a romantic level. Things were alright...he treated me good but things were just awkward. I ended up dumping him because i felt that we werent meant to be together. He told me that he understood, but then he went and told all of our friends that i didnt give him a reason. Then, he called me back and asked me if i wanted to hang out. I said sure but then he told me that he didnt want to see my face. So, i hung up because i thought that he was being really rude. Then 20 minutes later, he showed up at my house!! He was bearing gifts...and over the fact that he "didnt want to see my face." The whole breakup gave me a look at his personality that i dont like at all. We have said that we are going to go back to the way things were, but i dont know if i can. I feel like i dont really know him anymore. I tried to confront him about this but he always turns everything back on me...giving me the guilt trip. I am just so tired of all of the lies. He never tells me the same story twice. Also, thinking about him touching me repulses me. I dont understand...all we did was make out. I am totally confused on this one. Do i need to give him time or am i really the one that is wrong? Is is wrong to demote him from best friend status because of what happened? Any input would be greatly appreciated!!
  2. I totally understand that some people would be put off by that lifestyle...thats really what i was trying to get at. I didnt know if a person could live one way and then change, having a potential bf accepting it. Just for a little more clarification...I have only slept with one guy on the floor. three guys total, one was my bf of over a year. I do enjoy drinking, but i have cut down on my consumption. Also, i have been the dd many times...which allows me to go to parties and enjoy the company of my friends. Umm...i think i covered everything that i wanted to. Thanks for all of the input!!
  3. I guess i should probably reply to what has been said...First off, its not just a crush on a random guy that lives on my floor. We had class together first semester and i have hung out with him a few times...he even asked me to watch a movie in his room with him...so i am pretty sure that there is mutual interest. As for assuming he has heard...its impossible that he hasnt. There arent that many people on my floor...about 60...and gossip travels fast. The guy that i slept with is still a good friend and it only happened twice. I am pretty sure that my crush knows that...and if he wanted to know, i would happily inform him. I am not ashamed of my past at all. Every experience i have had has happened because i chose to do it....why should i be ashamed of that? Now, this double standard issue...i totally agree. All of the guys on the floor brag when they have sex, but they go around calling the girls that they slept with *****. I dont get it! Anyways...i know that it is totally up to me to finally decide which lifestyle is right for me right now...it just always helps to hear another persons opinion.
  4. So i am about to go back to college and i am finding that i am torn between being a good girl and trying the dating thing and being the wild child who drinks and has sex all the time. At the beginning of the year, i did the wild child thing and it was great! But now, i am kinda feeling lonely and i think that if i focused on other things i wouldnt feel like this. I have a crush on a guy that lives on my floor and there is a good possibility that things would work out...Problem is, everyone on the floor knows of my sexual escapades and i dont know if that is a deal breaker. I mean, if i was with him i would never cheat. I just enjoy sex...and if i was with him we would hopefully be having it. It definitely wouldnt be a huge deal if he didnt want to though. Alright...enough rambling...basically all i want to know is if the wild child reputation is ruining my chances with future boyfriends. Should i "live life to the fullest," or settle down and look for a boyfriend?
  5. I cant seem to get over my ex-boyfriend, and it has been quite a while. I really want to contact him, but i dont know if he would give me the time of day. I really miss him...I find myself comparing all of my boyfriends to him! I even have dreams about him!! I told him when we broke up that maybe we could get back together in college. Well, we are in college now and i would like to give it another try. Im not sure if this is the right thing to do though. Last time we were together he broke my heart. I would like to give him another chance, but i still dont know if he has changed. I feel like a part of me is missing. Nothing has been the same since we stopped talking. I dont know if i am wasting my time...do cheaters change? How can i find out if he still loves me? If i end up contacting him, i want to be sure that he wants me back in his life. Is there a safe way to go about this??
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