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Posts posted by titan

  1. My girlfriend threw up the first time but she tried it again and is ok with it.


    I think its just a matter of thinking about it to much, really look at how much thought you are putting into it. You are thinking about it while doing it, just put your mind elsewhere and try it again.


    If you really have made a proper attempt, i mean tried a few times without thinking about it, then most guys would probably not ask anymore.

  2. well firstly can i ask why you are so against it....Is it anything apart from the obvious.


    I had this problem with my ex-girlfriend but when she eventually tried it wasn't that bad well i hope...but the point was that it was so intimate and made me feel special like its a special bond of trust.


    He probably feels like you don't love him enough to do it..


    have you even tried instead of just saying no

  3. Do you really love her?? Sorry to ask but after my relationship ended i thought i was totally in love with my ex, but when we got back together, i realized i really wasn't happy and drove her away...because i wasn't happy. The relationship was good i did everything for her, i think its just a connection that should be there when two people are together.

  4. Alternatively...if you take it away he may just go seek sex instead of just innocently watching it at home. So maybe weigh the options. Let him masterbate at home to video, or have him running around town with some low girls that may have diseases.


    Maybe find a compromise...tell him you will watch porn with him one day a week, but the other 6 he can't.


    Good Luck



    mate thats the best advice i have heard

    i can't understand why you are so upset about it.

    DBL you always have awesome advice.

  5. Personally if you don't think you did any wrong, IE not paying her attention, Causing fight etc. I would not take her back, my girlfriend cheated on me, but i forgave her because i cheated as well, it was a really rough patch and we both just needed to feel needed which we weren't giving to each other.


    So if you did nothing wrong don't forgive her.

  6. I got a question for you all. This is something that me and some friends were talking about. None of us really understand how relationships can break up. I mean besides when someone does something really messed up and hurts the other person, but besides that. For example my friend just got together with this girl, and they like each other and all of that, but why would they break up? Do you know what I mean? If the two people like each other, would they ever break up?


    People grow apart and i believe about 95% of the time its someone else, relatonships can die because you may be just to busy to give that person time and affection which they can find from any person looking for someone. The main thing is that people must realise that this phase is only the beginning part of the relationship after a period of time you shoulf have trust, security and love that is there and not needed to be shown like everyday.

  7. When will people learn to delete emails that you don't want found.


    Perhaps i am not justifying anything here but maybe this women was giving him something that was missing, IE compashion, the feel that he was wanted and kept the emails to be reminded of that.


    It is still very wrong i would forget this dude and just be single for a while and just take things has they come.

  8. its just a way to sort out what each person is feeling, I personally am not a fan but have now finally done it and it works, everything becomes clear after a few days of no contact

  9. ok just got back and it damn weird, i mean i had so many questions but didn't ask it was pretty good, but i know how girls get attached to the first guy they sleep with. I'm worried she will try to make it work with him no matter what, rather than me for that reason alone.

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