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Posts posted by titan

  1. Ok so the story is i went out with this girl for 2years 8months We broke and see was always saying we will get back togehter. During the 2 years and 8 months we never actually had sex, i don't know why, it would have been her first, i have had sex before. We never did i guess i was trying to make it so special that i sort of put it off way to long.


    During the break i found out that she slept with a guy she didn't even know and has now lost her virginity and now wants to get back together. i mean i was really patient and didn't push and she goes and sleeps with the first guy that shows an interest and now wants to get back with me. I was planning a romantic weekend because we were going to get back together, but now i really cut and don't know what to tell her.


    i want her back but my brain keeps rejecting the notion. She says it has made her realise how special i was and how good our relationship was.


    So confused, i know i can probably get over this and be happy with her but i will never forgive.

  2. Honestly he must feel like he didn't get closure...Does he want to talk??


    I believe you should sit down and discuss things with him answer all his questions truthfully and then i believe he will have his closure..I was pretty much the same apart from breaking into the house..I called alot for like 2 months but when i stopped i just asked her nicely to help me heal and give me closure which is what i got and have now moved on

  3. Well i broke up with my Girlfriend of 3 years, it ripped me apart i was down and out for a good four months, i never did no contact as i am not a fan.


    Anyway we are working on things at the moment and are discussing things that we never did before we are more open and trusting. I'm not 100% sure why this didn't happen in the first place but its still a little funny because we are still only seeing each other but if things continue.....


    Not the best story but i can see things getting better mich better than they were b4.

  4. Can i ask, why you do not want to break up with your boyfriend????


    Have you asked yourself because i doubt its love could it be that it is just you are afraid to get out of your comfort zone??

  5. No we were dating, it is the reason she is my ex and a few other things. She ended it because she couldn't deal with her guilt.


    We have been broken up for about 4 months and she recently said she wants to get back together.


    My thinking it was just a kiss at a club and i know how some guys can be, but the number exchanging still is a worry.


    And no i didn't know this guy it was a friend of one of ex girlfriends work mates.

  6. i agree, as stated before previously i never got jealous when she mentioned a guy was interested, i was like if you want to date him go ahead. She later told me that she hated that and was upset that i never got jealous but i had total trust. I believe it was done just to let me know guys find her attractive which i knew but maybe she read me wrong with giving her total trust. she took it as i was saying she is a piece os S..t and no one else would want her.

  7. Hi guys i just wanted you opinion if you consider this cheating. My Ex-girlfriend was at a club and dancing in a group of friends, closely with a male friend of a friend. Anyway she goes to the bath room and the guy follows her and when she comes out they talk for a while exchange numbers and he kisses her i assume she knew it was coming.

    My Ex- then pulls away saying she has a boyfriend(me), the guys still calls the next day and she says she wants nothing to with him.


    The reason i ask is because she wants to get back together, but of course i have my doubts.


    Is this cheating or am i over-reacting?? i also think the exchanging of numbers is funny.


    Is it Forgivable.

  8. Dude to be honest i am not a very big fan of NC, i don't know your story but if your not there how can he know you are avaliable. Don't be over the top but friendly from a distance just to let the other know of your presents.


    I said i don't know what the story is was a a good breakup meaning no one cheated etc??

  9. thanks guys well, i havn't contacted her for a few days. She called though and invited me to a movie. I declined but offered to see her to give her a ride to a mutual party we are going to.


    Yeah after the first two days of NC it gets easier.


    I thought that as well that she is trying to blame me, when really if i didn't do anything she would have said the same thing. Although i think she possibly planned to get back together at one stage or at least was back and forth.


    But life goes on. I think i realise that calling didn't make me feel better like i always thought it did, it just makes it harder and longer.

  10. Hi guys i am new to Posting but i have been reading for a while.


    Well this is my story. There was a chick that wanted to go out with me for 2 years, finally we went out and our relationship lasted for 2years and 8 months. It was a good relationship unitll she said she wanted to break for one sememster at uni. Me and my stubborness said no why should we in the following months we broke up and i did everything wrong i never left her alone. I called and smsed all the time and emailed.


    When we broke up she said we were like brother and sister and her feelings have changed etc. she never said she wanted to get back together until now she as said she always wanted to but now sees me in a different light because i didn't leave her alone for uni, i just kept bothering her and if i loved her i would of suffered in silence. Which is true. I was so weak she now is interested in a new guy and has no intention of getting back together because i chased her.


    I just couldn't do the NC for even 12 weeks. How do i heal

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