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Posts posted by titan

  1. Why don't you post it, i posted my to my Ex because i know she got me something and i really couldn't care if she drops by or not.


    I know its important, but to me it sounds like its just an excuse to see him, even though you have a legimate reason.


    His New GF probably made a big deal about exchanging gifts with you, So just post it or if your brave enough make the trip any way.


    Take care

  2. Hey amanda..its been a few weeks now are you still calling all the time, don't worry about if she is the one...i mean you guys are only young their is going to be many people who come into your life who you believe to be the one just take it has it comes, and forget because i bet even if he wanted to get back with you you would say no.


    Take care

  3. Dude i wouldn't say this is the reason she is breaking up with you, it sounds to petty and small there is probably something else that you don't know about.....Who would honstly break up over something so pety and small.


    Although unless you are like 15 or 16, otherswise its probably something else.

  4. ok i believe all the advice given is totally wrong... i was in a very similar situation but luckly my Ex knew what to do.


    I can suggest doing things together...For example my Ex and i started playing tennis together Three nights a week...During winter she suggested we go swimming together...It was all her ideas and planning... I knew why she was doing it but played dumb and then started eating properly...I wouldn't try to cover the issue in a joke or humerous manner. Just go ahead and do it and tell him lets try things together to get active use lines like "i really want to".


    If its an issue talk to him seriously and still Organise fun things you can do together.


    Try not to make him feel unsexy, he can probably tell in your eyes anyway, so just help him.

  5. am what about the Marriage this is meant to be a bond between two people..If you are not happy in marriage have the balls to cut it off and then see other people...


    In my opinion cheating if for selfish people who know what they have is good but are chasing a rush.


    I don't know your situation but Believe me while you think this is great way to rationlise your actions..it WILL bite back at you.

  6. Persoanlly i don't understand why you are Jeolous, there are always going to be times in a relationship where you are unavaliable and he has certain needs. It has nothing to do with you or how he feels about you.



    He probably has been doing this for years and its hard to break out of routine.


    I'm sure he finds you attractive and loves having sex with you for you.

  7. I am now trying to do NC. It's so hard especially if you were really in love with that person. I highly doubt my exboyfriend will contact me though. It's been a few months now though and I still experience great pain. It's nice to hear that it worked for you though. All of the guys here in enotalone seem so devoted. I wish my exboyfriend had been like that. Why do the nice girls always find a way to get burned by the bad guys. Argh!!!!! Anyway, I found it a waste to start a new topic so I'll ask my question here instead. There is this guy who I have hung out with on occasion when I was with my best friend. I want to go out New Years, but have nobody to go out with? Should I call him up and see what he's doing?


    I don't see why not, it can not harm..Just a warning he may say no.

  8. Yeah i know the feeling but for me personally it was a matter of putting it off saying i want to exchage gifts her B'day is 2 days after christmas i used my $$$ Savings as an incentive...to cut contact since she spend like $700 this year on me...haha.


    But why do you call?? U can SEE him at school do you have to talk to him apart from hello and see you laters. It sounds like he wants to have you as a safety net.

  9. I know it seems hard believe me i was exactly the same i would call sms email all the time...Just take it one day at a time.. Set small goals like try NC for the weekend and then maybe try for three days. It hard I know you just want to know what they are doing...Just ask yourself once you find out are you going to feel better.

  10. In reply to Prosper


    no i dude i was just saying lately i have been reading alot of people saying that they are not fans of NC...But if its not working out they should try it.


    In regards to the other stuff, yeah maybe i am still hurt and angry but for the moment i don't need her, i had too much respect for her but no i realise i am the one who the better person.





    Look what she has done..pfft now she regrets it.


    by the way thats what i meant by respect..I out her on a peddle stool

  11. He has only known her for a month, trust me he couldn't possibly know everything about her. It normal for you to be upset but a relationship is tested when things go bad, I know he is saying this but everyone feels like this when they first start dating...you idolise the person, but if its meant to be there is nothing you can do, just try to find the one for you.


    I would also ask why are you still talking to him???

  12. Dudes, i was not a fan of NC, i chased and called my Ex for 3.5 months to get back together, everytime i finished talking to her i would feel worse and angry. Finally i found out that some guy was chasing her and she broke it off with me to go with him.


    After this i decided to cut her off totally, which was hard her sister and i are friends and see each other weekly.


    But i managed to avoid her at all costs. Its only been 2 weeks but man things become so much clearer in your mind...and guess what this guy broomed her and now she "realises" she made a mistake or so her sister tells me.


    Either way she hasn't stopped calling me for the last two days....but unfortuanatly its too late. The damage is inreversable and even though i love her and always will. i know i can never be with her. Her debt to me is too much.


    So people who don't do NC try it...It awesome.

  13. I don't take no tainted items...know what I mean?


    Sorry dude can you explain this..


    As for the fiancee, just give yourself time as time passes you will realise that maybe it wasn't for the best. DBL is probably right and she had her eye on some one else for a while, or maybe he kept yapping in her ear but either way why would you want her back.


    Can you really trust has you are meant to trust one during marriage.

  14. It could be o variety of things, sometimes people question and are just curious that there may be better out there. The old saying the grass is always greener. It could even be someone else that he is thinking about. Personally i think it someone else specifically.


    Just let it be and totally follow the NC rule and if he comes back he comes back, if not trust that you'll meet someone even better for you.

  15. i suggest be realistic, as mentioned above you probably have built this person in your head and in reality is nothing like you image.


    I suggest be friend but dont do anything..i repeat don't cheat, just see what he is like and i am sure you will realise you have little in common.

  16. To me once someone breaks up with someone (not a break a break is just sometime apart but you still want to be together). It over a break-up is saying that this relationship is not worth fighting for so i would run away instead if going through the bad times.


    Keep up the good work of NC dude. I'm glad you feel better, perhaps its time for you to look outside and see maybe there is someone better out there for you.

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