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  1. hey, ok ... i havent had a girlfriend already for 4 years, im 19 now and i feel so pathetic. i feel so stranded that im not living what other people my age are living, im so bad with girls, i dont have a personality for the whole foreplay, i know im a very romantic guy, and the girls seem to not dig that. i feel like a geek, i dont know what girls want from me, i try to be in everything im in drama, rugby, ive got a good parttime job, i have friends, im interested in art and music, im very ambitiouse, i want to work in the hospitallity field, im going to do culinary arts and business. i dont do drugs and im kinda against the whole drug scene, ive even done things no other my friends would have the balls doing, like last summer i went backpaking to europe by myself with only 800 dolars in my account. i know 2 languages and im looking for a seriouse relationship, what else do girls want, o yea i think a big turn off is that i dont drive i noticed that when a girl canceled a date on me because i told her that i couldnt pick her up cause i had no car. its like i know that if i had a chance with a girl i would make her the most happiest girl in the world, but they dont want that, they are just looking at who is the cooles guy, or the richest, or best looking, or popular, no one wants love, but i do. i know you guys cant really help me, but id like to hear you know a small comment just to know anything thats on your minds.
  2. yes he maybe has no intereest in you as boy friend girlfriend maybe he just likes you as a friend, i used to do it. but dont listen to me you never know
  3. maybe you have a bug on your face and she her only friend friend is her hair, but i believe she like you
  4. i feel so pathetic. i used to have friends but one day i fought with them and never spoke to them everagain after that i didnt have a friend for at least one year and a half i mean no one to sopeak to or to trust, so i decided to to move from mexico to canada thinking that id have a better life here, well i was wrong i still cant get friends no one wants to speak to me, im a total loser at school, iv got terrible grades, i dont do sports, i dont have a girlfriend and i dont have a job. i cant talk with people i get to intimidated by them that means i cant get even a girlfriend, i know im ugly and dumb, i dont have a religion, the only sports im good at(rowing and capoeira) are to far from were i live but im soo screwd up that i cant even finsh reading my g1 driving book, how pathetic is that 17 and still doesnt drive. i miss my old life i had a girlfriend and alot of good friends, now my only friend is my 13 yearold sister that chooses when she wants to be my friend and when not. every thing i say(except what im writting) is usually a lie just to make my life interesting but i cant get even stupid friends that would believe my lies. im so pathetic i wish i were dead
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