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Posts posted by lunatic

  1. WOW I know how I would react but, not every guy is like me. I would be totally turned on and you would have gotten my attention. I would be asking all kinds of questions as to try and put a mental picture in my head as to what that would look like if I were there.


    Sorry guys are visual creatures and we cannot help it.

  2. Well see this is where I am confused myself. I mean I have like everyone else here had some bad relationships. This test would not cause me to leave a good one just because it said she might cheat because of this MHC gene says she would be inclined to.


    People have minds that are able to discern right from wrong. Yet cheating happens everyday and I don't know if I would take the test. I have NEVER cheated on anyone in my life but, what if this test said I would???


    I guess this is why I posted this article because it MADE me think!

  3. snooping when you have doubts about someone you care about is in NO WAY EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE TO CHEATING.


    if you have doubts about the relationship, and your SO clearly isn't giving you the full story....snoop. you deserve to know the truth.


    if they wont tell you...find it by any means necessary.


    you deserve the truth.


    I agree with Puppeteer on this one too. You have to right to know what she is doing behind your back. Plus what if she brought home a STD from her promiscuous behavior? I would be mad to have to stoop so low but, relieved that I know the truth.

  4. Hi there everyone long time no post. lol


    I have met someone online thru match recently. She is a wonderful woman and I enjoy her company. There is something that I have to admit that I don't find her sexually attractive. How do I approach this topic with her without hurting her feelings. She is into me and I can sense that but, I have been trying to think of a nice way to say hey I like you but, more as a friend.


    Ladies can you give me some ideas?



  5. I have a suggestion for you. Don't eat her out until her TOM is done completely. If there is still a funky smell then I would recommend you tell her in as nice a way you can think of to go see her GYNO.

  6. I agree with Hubman. Since when is it ok for a guy to cheat and be disrespectful like that, but it's not ok for girls?


    Thanks Meow! I really did get angry when I read that comment. This guy your pining over is a tool hun. I know for a fact that you CAN do better for yourself. There are plenty of fish in the sea!


    Now, I don't think it's right no matter who you are or what your situation is. But anyways, he's just trying to cover what he did by what you did.

    But, you did this with his friend while you weren't together. So, is he mad that you lied, or that you did it? Cause you didn't cheat on him. You have to be in a relationship with somebody to cheat on them and you said you got back together after this happened.




    In any case, lying to him was wrong and when the truth is ugly, it will always come out sooner or later. And he just can't get over it.


    I agree with you again Meow!


    And that really shows what kind of guy he is.

    Another well put thought Meow.

  7. Welcome to Enotalone!


    Please for future reference, break your post up into paragraphs to make it easier to read. You will find more people respond to your post. Next is the language issue which I removed from the post already. If you post foul language on this forum your post will be removed without notice. If you have any questions about the posting rules see my signature for a link to them.


    Now that is outta the way...


    Which i somewhat understand, but he is not innocent. Its not like he wasnt out doing the exact same things. But he says its different, that guys can do that and its fine, girls who do it are just sluts.


    This comment from him is not only a cop out but, it is a stereotypical answer from an abusive person. Who the heck does he think he is being able to run around on you and everything is OK but, God forbid you do anything then your a ho. That is a crock of poop here hun and this guy is not worth your time.


    Before I can give you anymore advice I need some more information from you. I think No Contact might be in order but, lets see what the answers to these questions bring.


    1. How long were you with this man?

    2. How old are you? (PM me if your concerned about your privacy)

    3. What caused the breakup in the first place?




    • Like 1
  8. There are no rules that would make sense really for the questions you ask. There are too many variables not least of which are the two people involved and what they expect and want.



    I agree and use your common sense. Think before you act and talk to friends and family if your not sure. Every situation has different consequences to our actions.

  9. My advice is to really look at yourself and ask yourself if you are STRONG and INDEPENDENT and YOUR happiness is dependent on NO ONE, but YOU. When you can get to that point, give her a call..


    YAY **Standing ovation!!!***


    That is so on the money you should play the lottery tonight. SFG listen to what GFI said here as it is exactly what you need to hear!



  10. Now is NOT the time to sit down and talk to her. She is NOT open to him now. Her defenses are up now. She will fight him off!



    Actually, I do agree with you GFI as I did say he should sit back and think about this rationally. I agree that he should back off and give her some space. I still say something is not right here or there is more to the story then we know about.


    I don't know but, something is off here and I cannot place my finger on it.



  11. I explained what was going on, and my mom became curious about some of the things I said, and instead of making her guess, I told her a piece of info I shouldn't have that was embarrassing to my girlfriend.

    My first thought was you could have posted something like this on a website like ours here. Then again I don't know what she is so flipping mad about here. You confided in your mother about what is happening in your life. To me there is nothing wrong with that as there really is no other person in the world I would trust more than my mom.


    I am also puzzled about why she would act the way she is because you talked to your mom about her. At least you were honest with her and are not playing games. I think your being too hard on yourself as you meant no harm by talking to someone you trust implicitly. Who else would she have rather you talked to? I mean she has her friends that SHE CAN TALK TO and you don't confide in your friends.



    Later that night when my girlfriend called to try and maybe patch things up. During the conversation, I admitted to her that I told my mom that bit of info, and she got very angry and said I betrayed her trust. It was the first time I EVER vented to anyone about the things I was going through. My friends knew nothing...only the positives. She, however, always told her friends when I did something wrong. Anyway, she broke up with me and she's still very angry. She left the door open, and said if I really love her that I'd try and prove it....but that it could be a very very long time before she ever acknowledged me. She feels I betrayed her in the deepest way imaginable.


    I admit, I should not have said anything. I've apologized countless times, but I know that's not good enough. I'm also afraid that she might shut off forever and never want me back.


    Sorry to say this and I know you are not looking to hear this but, I think she might be looking for a way out. I think leaving the door open could mean two things here. One she really wants to punish you for talking to someone about her personal issue. Two she really has no interest in getting back with you and is only looking to make you pay for talking about her. I would watch you back here as you are entering a slippery slope and could get really hurt. I think you should try to sit down and talk to her about how you feel and let her know that you had no intentions of hurting her. You needed to talk to someone and your mom ended up being the person whom you confided in. I would also say to her that your mom is the only person you know that will not blab her secret all over Gods creation.


    I think you might want to sit back and think about this before you go any further. I mean do you want to be with someone whom has a problem with you talking candidly with your mom? I don't know but, something to me smells fishy here.

  12. The obvious???? and I am disturbed????




    I will not stand being verbally abused when I came here for comfort!!!


    If you have nothing nice and compassionate to say, please stay off my thread, because you have NO idea how hurtful your incensitive words are!!!


    Hello we are here watching your posts. I will be honest with you. Although the posts were "critical" of you intentions they never disrespected you. It seems like they gave you advice you "DID" not want to hear.


    Now to add my own spin on things. I too abused (physically and verbally) a partner when I was 18. I grabbed her twice in three years we dated. I tried to stop her so we could talk about the issues that caused the fight instead of letting her go. I said mean and derrogatory things to her and about her. I would not let her see her friends and I really did not like them in the first place. I pulled a bb gun on her once when I was drunk and no it was not loaded. I hated myself for all those things I did to her. I still shudder to think that "I DID THAT" to this day and that was half a lifetime ago for me. I worked on me for three years after that relationship ended. I did not date or anything with a woman for that entire stretch. I found that I too lost a piece of me and she was a toxic relationship. I loved that woman more than anyone I have ever known. To this day I still think about her and wish I could have acted more "normal". You have to forgive yourself and promise that the abuse will NEVER happen again. I find it is easier to walk away today then talk about things while I am mad. I go cool off then I will go back to talk like two grown adults.


    Listen up and listen well. YOU MUST RESPECT HER WISHES HERE! That is that. What I mean is NO SNOOPING, Calling, TXTing, Email, or any form of contact. If you love her you will stop and desist all contact till she is ready to get her stuff back.


    It is time for you to look at yourself and find that piece you lost over the time you two were together. Go out with friends and make sure to keep youself busy. Start moving on even though you DON'T WANT TO. You have some things to deal with and try to fix about yourself. You are already on the way there. Let her go and if it were meant to be she will be back. Remember the old saying "If you love them let them go, if they come back it was meant to be"


    If you need more advice from someone who dealt with anger issues then PM me.

  13. However seeing that this relationship is 6 years, the original poster may not leave so fast.


    Very true Bella. I agree there might be some hesitation on her part because of the time together. Although I would be furious if I was told the dogs were more important than me (the Italian in me too) as I would have left then and there. I don't care how long I have been with that person either. To me that was the ultimate disrespect stating the animals were more important.


    Bella asked some good questions here and I too am curious about the answers.

  14. He needs to be given an ultimatum.




    Bella again I have to disagree with you. He already gave her his intentions when he told her she would never come between him and his dogs. To me I would have been packed up and outta there right then and there!


    I believe he has given her the ultimatum already when he told her to pack her stuff and leave.


    To me he is done with her already when she stopped sleeping in the bed with him.

  15. Looks like you are in a bind. I would say that it is time you sold the house(if you both bought it) and move on. Personally, he has left you no choice as he told you to pack your crap and leave. That to me is your answer hun.


    You deserve better and I am sure you will find a real man in the future. Leave this little boy alone and move on with your life.

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