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  1. 'herb' can be good, and it can be bad. Like most things in life moderation is the key. It does have medicinal uses, but I strongly suggest you smoke it without tobacco which is a hard drug that kills a LOT of people everyday. Of course if you have pain from it then I suggest you don't take it, that's your body saying something's wrong. While it doesn't create physical addiction it could create a psychological addiction if you use it to run away from your problems in life. Use it when life is good, as way to relax. Don't use it to escape your problems (it's the same for alcohol) or because it's 'cool' And of course, never ever drive while you're high or drunk . In that case it is a lethal drug
  2. Suddenly the girl is interested? after 4 years? Excuse my language, but he should grow some balls. Dump her and take you. It's basically his problem, and I don't know what you could do about it...
  3. I'm in almost the same situation myslf, except that I got over the crush a long time ago and that we're really good friends now. If she really loves her bf (which I suppose is the case since it's a long term relation) then I see no way for you to be more for her then a friend. You'll get over her with time and other girls. Heck, I bet she can help you find good girls (women like to meddle in the love lifes of others... use it to your advantage).
  4. The best way is to start liking another girl Unfotunately it's not something you can force yourself to...
  5. thanks for that women POV cranberry who would have guessed it, maybe she meant what she said
  6. I'm with Gilamesh here. Even though I'm careful about judging people based on descriptions this one is a giveaway. Think about it, he's acting and talking like a total insensitive jerk.
  7. Hmm, how do you start a post like this? Well, I'm a university student and I have some (read a lot) of troubles understanding a girl... I know her a long time, she was my sisters friend in HS but we never got to know eachother well. Then we met again in university some months ago and she's a great friend, we even traveled together once. She also had several longer relationships and had a difficult youth while I'm the inverse on these subjects (little experience with relationships and a good time at HS) But when the exams came close I started to feel more for her then friendship, and I couldn't hold it anymore and told her I liked her (not that I loved her, like.). Seeing in retrospect I could have handled that better in a gazillion ways but what's done is done. She said she'd "think about it" (sounds weird to me, think about it?) and the final answer was: I wouldn't want to lose what we have, and I don't want to break your heart, bad timing, blabla...I wans't really happy at that moment But we keep on chatting on MSN during the exams and flirting when I see her (not excessive, or am I imagining it? I don't know, maybe it's wishful thinking) She even said 'maybe after the exams' one time (Talk about making me wonder what she's really thinking!) After the exams we go to the movies (nothing special happened) an amusement park the day after (planned a week ahead, her idea). Both just with the 2 of us. Maybe it's me but I feel very little progress, and it seems like ages to me (even if we went to the park a week ago). I also don't know whather feelings are for me. If I asked it bluntly I would probably scare her off... Hehe, it does good to write about it ^^
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