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Posts posted by single30

  1. Stop feeling so freaking sorry for yourself. You are the most negative person I have ever heard. I know plenty of people that did not make it to 18! Jeez. Hey, many of us have had our desperate moments where we thoughts crazy things... like ending our lives. But YOU, you need, to get your head together and start trying to make some changes.

    If you are overweight... start exercising... eating healthier... maybe get a new hair cut and a few new outfits. Can't afford it? Get a part time job. You are young... and have so much life ahead of you. You are not going to get a girl by being pathetic. That is my advice to you. Perhaps harsh, but true. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it!

  2. Hi There.

    I'm a 30 year old soon to be divorced woman, and I JUST started dating.

    Had my first one last Friday night. With my husband and I, we talked about it. I literally asked him "so am I free to see whomever I want now?" and he said yes.

    If she is in the process of getting a divorce, then I say go for it. But if it makes your uncomfortable, just become good friends for now. It will be all that more special if things work out.

  3. Hi There.

    I'm new to the dating scene. I am a 30 year old female.

    I have been on one date. We kissed, more of a 3 minute make out session. We are getting together on Friday for our second date. I don't plan on doing more than that again, but when does it start to be okay to do more? I don't want to come off as being easy and want to be taken seriously as a person (not that I'm ready to be in a serious relationship). I just don't want to be seen as an object. We seem to have pretty strong physical chemistry... Thanks!

  4. He obviously has some issues with needing to sowe his wild oats. Nothing you can do is going to change that. Not to mention that he just sounds immature. I honestly think that the best thing you can do is find someone fun to move in with...a roommate, enjoy being young... maybe he will come around, maybe he won't, but he cheated on you, and could again. and based on everything he is saying, is likely to again.

    If you can do it, cut ties. It gets easier... and you can find someone who is on the same page as you, and who doesn't give lame explanations.

  5. That says a lot.

    You didnt' ask for advice, but I have a couple of things to say.

    1) I'm a 30 year old female, getting a divorce... things weren't going well with my husband, I confided in a really good friend, it eventually did lead to something and now my marriage is over.

    2) You should not be talking to this woman. You should be talking to your wife, no matter how she reacts and the two of you should be in counseling together so that someone can help you talk. My husband and I did it too late.

    3) I felt such resentment toward my husband, wasn't attracted to him as a person anymore, wasn't sure I loved him.

    Guess what?

    I do.

    I miss him.

    I have regrets.

    Not saying that this is how you will feel, but feelings do pass, things to change and things could get better. The two of you need to give it your all, decide on what you want and go on from there.


    Just do the right thing, get in couseling, and stop talking to this woman... the last thing you need is a fantasy in your head. Takes two to tango and i'm sure there are things about you that have caused some troubles in the marriage too. Perhpas there is a reason she is getting so deffensive...and I'm sorry, but if you are old enough to have sex, then you are old enough to know what the consequences are and what could result.

    Good luck to you and congrats on your new child to be.

  6. I don't know how old you are, but I would suggest spending more time with other friends. Better friends. Perhaps you could just say "look, Its obvious you are treating me differently, if you have some sort of problem with me why dont' you come out with? Otherwise back off with the jokes etc." Being young is so hard, and kids can be so mean. I would tell her to * off.

  7. The email was harmless. People come and go in our lives, and sometimes its nice to check in. My husband and I are getting a divorce and we email every day. He's a good friend, always will be. I care for him and say things that are very similar to what your girl wrote. Doesn't mean a thing.

    She accepted your proposal, she loves you, you are going to have to trust her. She has not given you any reason not to. You on the other hand, have broken her trust and need to work on restoring that.

  8. Hi there.

    I'm sure you are a handsome guy. Have you ever tried proactive? Seriously? Look it up on line. I know of a few people who had severe acne and it totaly cleared up their skin. right now I think that they are offer a trial for 30? or 60 days money back guarentee. Go for it!

    Also, Xanax. I have been on that before, and also suffer from anxiety. You will be fine. It is not going to harm you. To make yourself feel better, why dont' you call the number on the side of your RX bottle, and ask the pharmacist directly. That is what they are there for. Xanax will help to calm down your stomach so that you can eat too.

    Not to mention, you are on a VERY low dosage.

    Good luck!

  9. Its going to be a challange, but if you are outgoing, and like people... then you will adjust. If you play a sport, you should try to do that at your new shcool. That would make the school feel smaller right away and you can make some new friends on your team. Or if you like to act, sing, debate, whatever, join a group though, like student cousil, even if it is not something that you normally do. My family never moved, but going away to college I had to make new friends, now I know that is different b/c all college freshman are in the same boat, but I was scared.

    Be youreself.

    dont' talk behind people's backs.

    Dont' be anything that you are not.


    High shcool comes and goes so quickly and then you have the rest of your life. Good luck and have fun!

  10. You sound so desperate, almost as though you are placing all of your self worth in the hands of this man. If he doesn't want you, then you are going to have to learn to accept it and move on. End of story. It is not going to do you any good at all to torment yourself like this. Not to mention that the whole thing sounds really lame and immature. Hang out with your friends, spend time doing things for you... maybe he will come back, maybe you will find someone better, or better yet, maybe you will just have some fun with your friends for a while.

    Cheer up. This too shall pass. It always does.

  11. i'm sorry, but it sounds to me like she might be moving on for now, and perhpas you should do the same. Based on her recent actions and what she said to you in the past, I think that is a safe assumption for now. If you go ahead and move on, and she changes her mind... who knows, maybe you will be interested, but if you keep hanging on... and she is not interested, its going to hurt pretty badly.

    Happy Birthday.


  12. There is no way in hell you can tell your husband about a 20 year affair unless you want him to leave you.

    That being said, if you had a 20 year affair, then why do you want to stay married? I dont' know what the particulars are of your marriage/life/affair. But I feel for you. That is very sad. I think the point that people are missing here is that someone very close to you has passed away and you aren't aloud to greive openly. I would seriously recommend seeking counseling... so that you have someone to talk to about your feelings, and perhaps about your marriage and what you want to do from here. Good luck. Do yourself a favor, dont' do this alone.

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