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Everything posted by boltnrun

  1. I'm currently attending virtual manager training. I'm both shocked and pleasantly surprised by the people in my class (77 people total) who are new to the company and are excited about joining. Not much mention of fear or nervousness or anxiety about having to be in a building with dozens of others in somewhat close proximity. Maybe they are more motivated by actually having a paying job than fear of getting sick. Interesting.
  2. Well, we are essential. It's been explained to us. I agree but being essential doesn't make us immune. My biggest fear is not getting sick myself. I've lived over 5 decades and I'm OK if it's my time. What I do NOT want to do is infect anyone else. I work with a lot of young people who have their lives in front of them. I wouldn't want to be responsible for killing one (or many) of those young people. So far I haven't had any reason to believe I'm infected but many of our locations have employees on leave because they tested positive. I feel it's only a matter of time before every location has cases. I am a control freak so it's very difficult to be dealing with something I cannot control.
  3. I absolutely had to go to Lowe's today to buy salt for my water softener. I am dreading going to the store anymore because it's such an ordeal! Having to bring gloves, I have wipes in the car but they're antibacterial not disinfecting so I don't trust them to kill the virus if I happen to come in contact with it. Then juggling my debit card with the glove-less hand so I won't have to sterilize it after using it, worrying every time some article of clothing even barely brushes up against the side of the shopping cart, having to quarantine everything I buy for 3 days after I buy it, stripping off the gloves and not using them again until I can wash them (disposable gloves won't be here for another 9 days...), then taking off my outer layer and changing into something else (I'm doing a TON of laundry due to the multiple wardrobe changes...). It's exhausting and stressful. Oh, and I have to go back to work onsite next Monday for 4 weeks of training. I'm looking forward to being around people again but am frightened because people at other locations are testing positive. We can't shut down so we just go in and hope for the best. Then once that's over I have to move! I transferred out of state to a hot spot and have to be there the first part of May. I have no idea if I can even hire movers. I know everyone else is going through the same thing. I can't imagine the lasting psychological impact this will have on all of us.
  4. People in my community are using their own personal funds to pay to supply medical professionals and the vulnerable with things they desperately need. Large business owners have paid for venilators and masks. Some have given up their multi-million dollar salaries to fund employee paychecks. A local animal rescue was visited by a biker club, whose members brought toilet paper and animal feed. Since the federal government has been slow to respond, the locals are stepping in. I have total faith in the majority of humanity. Most people are good. I have never, ever subscribed to the belief that most people are a-holes. Sorry, I have seen too much good to believe that all people are selfish and evil.
  5. "Wet" markets are a thing in several countries. Things that Western countries might label as "gross" or not fit for consumption are gourmet food items elsewhere. However, it's been documented that the "wet" markets are not regulated as well as they might be, and there is a lot of intermingling of species that would never intermingle in the wild. Who knows what the result of that would be, or what the result of eating those animals would be. SARS resulted from consumption of an animal not normally consumed in Western countries so it's not inconceivable that it could have resulted in COVID-19. Anyway...trying to stay as clean as possible. I'm fumbling around trying not to touch anything. I'm already clumsy anyway.
  6. I went grocery shopping this morning. No line to get in when I got there. They adjusted the social distancing template they'd had set up last week. They even had wipes this time to wipe down the carts. They didn't have any last week. I only got what I needed to last one week. I won't hoard. The only things I bought ahead were toilet paper (ordered from Amazon, I have a 2 month supply) and razors (have a two week supply). I was happy to be able to buy meat for a pot roast and some ground beef. Along with the chicken I bought last weekend I have a week's worth of fresh meat. The groceries I just purchased are on what I am calling my "quarantine shelf". I read an article published by a medical organization (I linked it here previously) that said if the virus is on a surface it's only effectively infectious for 2 hours, then it gradually gets less powerful to where it can't infect anyone. So my groceries stay on that shelf in my pantry for 24 hours. Anything I have to use today will sit for a minimum of 4 hours and I will clean them before using them. Pot roast with carrots and potatoes and brown gravy is on the menu for tonight! Hope you are all hanging in there.
  7. I'm beginning to understand why some places have so many cases. I just returned from out of state and stayed overnight with my brother and sister in law and two nephews. They tried to hug me and I had to step away and explain that I am practicing social distancing. Then they went to a restaurant for carry out and when I asked them if the cooks and cashier wore gloves they gave me blank looks. I mentioned cleaning things before they bring them into their home or before handling them, or at least allowing them to sit for 24 hours and got the same blank looks. They feel like "well, what can you do??? You can't just freak out about everything!" And while I agree in principle I do think it's important to follow safe practices. I think that's why my state has much fewer cases than theirs, because our governor called for stay at home, non-essential business closures and social distancing as soon as the state hit 100 cases, which was almost two weeks ago. Anyway...I am going to continue to do what I do and if they don't feel like it's necessary to take extra precautions all I can do is hope for the best for them.
  8. People reading a few sentences from an OP and immediately diagnosing their partner or their ex with a personality or mental disorder. Even medical professionals and therapists don't diagnose someone based on a few sentences written by someone else.
  9. Good article that helped calm me down and get some information: https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/coronavirus-can-stay-infectious-for-days-on-surfaces/2020/03/12/9b54a99e-6472-11ea-845d-e35b0234b136_story.html Doesn't mean that washing hands and surfaces is a bad idea, in fact they are great ideas and should continue to be followed IMO. But I'm no longer feeling like I have to be frightened of my own home.
  10. I actually don't feel anxious or terrified, but I've kind of resolved in my mind that this will happen. We aren't immune just because we provide an essential service. The governor of my state just put in an order (to be enforced) forbidding gatherings of more than 10 people. I don't see how that would be helpful if one of the 10 people is infectious and asymptomatic. Also, my company has a couple hundred people in the building at all times. I will have to look into whether the order excludes essential businesses. I am lucky somewhat because I am out of the building until April 5th (attending virtual training classes next week, off the rest of this week). So I can just go the store when I need to and maybe go on some walks. I do have to travel out of state tomorrow (driving). My biggest concern with that is I always, always need to pee very frequently and I don't know a safe (clean) place to stop. That worries me more than anything else. ETA I just checked the Facebook page of a place to stop to pee that is actually famous for clean, sanitized restrooms. I found my pee stop!!!
  11. My company is trying its best to continue to provide essential services to those who really need them, but it's only a matter of time before someone in every location is infected. It's already happened in several locations. Most of us want to continue to go to work but it will become impossible soon.
  12. I left my job yesterday for the last time and we all did what we called a "virtual hug". Not an accurate description, it was more of an "air hug" from a 6' distance. One coworker made a move like she was going to hug me and I said "we can't hug!" I waved at other people.
  13. In this country there are millions who believe it is a liberal media hoax designed to make the president look bad. Some leaders such as politicians and church pastors are spreading this same mindset. There's a lady in my city who is running for school board. Before the governor closed all the restaurants to dine-in service she posted that she was at a restaurant with her children and would continue to do so because she was not going to let the government tell her what to do! Hopefully she does NOT get elected!
  14. Do you have an alarm system? I have intrusion alarms in my house. They are LOUD! No way is anyone getting in without the whole street knowing about it. I received a delivery of toilet paper while I was at work. I don't worry about breakins but I did worry about someone seeing the TP at my front door and making off with it. I live in a nice gated community that is mostly older people, but still! Fortunately when I got home the box was sitting there, albeit with a huge "CHARMIN" on the box! Thank you for providing much needed medical care.
  15. Yeah, my kitty is a sweetheart. Sometimes annoying but sweet.
  16. My coworker's maid of honor cancelled due to not wanting to travel. Her wedding is in just a couple of weeks. She simply selected another MOH. Totally understood. I hope your neighbor locks him out when he tries to come back after the wedding. Kidding. Sort of.
  17. Thank you. I'll stay in for as long as I need to and won't chance getting anyone else sick. I live alone with my cat so I don't have to worry about infecting family members or house mates.
  18. Hi guys! So after yelling at me for coming in when I didn't need to (according to her) the doctor examined me. No fever, no chest congestion or lung fluid, no swollen lymph nodes and no sign of infection in my throat or tonsils. She diagnosed me with a run of the mill upper respiratory virus and prescribed rest, fluids and over the counter cold meds. You have no idea how relieved I am! I had told her even a strep throat diagnosis would be a relief but I didn't even have that. Thanks for your well wishes. I will continue to self-quarantine, only going out when absolutely necessary and I will not go into work Monday if I'm still feeling unwell because there's no need to spread even a common virus around.
  19. Thank you. Currently at the urgent care. Surprisingly quiet as everyone is at the ER. Hope you are well, Blue.
  20. I've made the decision to go to urgent care. My throat hurts worse and I am starting to have to make a little more effort to breathe. They pre-screened me over the phone and said I only have one of the criteria (breathing) but they said I could come in to see if they think I need to be sent to the hospital to be tested. I'm worried because I was in California 12 days ago and the cases there have blown up.
  21. Thank you. It will be a financial hit but I do have funds in savings. And I'm saving on gas! I'm supposed to move to California in two weeks for a work promotion. That too is in limbo.
  22. Thank you. My boss seems a bit annoyed but my team is being very supportive. They care, plus I'm sure they don't want a cold.
  23. I decided to stay out of work again today. My nose is still running and I have some chest pressure, but that seems to be due to my acid reflux since I can breathe fine and I have no fever or cough. I cannot expose my coworkers to cold symptoms. I feel irresponsible instead of responsible since I seldom miss work and we are super busy. But I cannot frighten my team or possibly give them a cold.
  24. I just find it frustrating when I read about elderly people who are told they can't get tested because their fever isn't high enough. They are sick but not sick enough apparently. However, an NFL coach who chose to attend a public event last weekend and thought he might be coming down with a cold was able to get tested. He wasn't experiencing severe symptoms, yet was able to be tested immediately. It's concerning because those (like me) who just have a runny nose, some chest discomfort and a scratchy throat and headache can't get tested. I have no fever and I can breathe just fine, but who's to say I don't have a mild case? Or that thousands of others could have mild cases but can't get tested? I can stay home from work and have no paycheck (I missed a day and a half this week already trying to be responsible, but my boss would really like to see me come back because he's had to run things in my absence...) or I could go in and possibly be around people who are carriers since there are over a hundred of us in the building at any given time. I'm not a worrier usually but I would hate for me or anyone else to unknowingly be getting others sick.
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