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  1. Well i told my girlfriend bout this other girl that i have been talking to and hanging out with, and then she flipped out. I told her that i loved her and i still love her, but my heart is going towards another girl. Well at that time she walked in the room as me and my girlfriend were talking, and i never mentioned to her that i had a girlfriend. Now both of them are mad at me and dont wanna talk to me, what do i do? how do i deal with this? i dont know, please help.
  2. Ranger_2050


    Im confused and dont know which one to choose. It all started about last week, me and my girlfriend (Rachel) have been dating for 6 1/2 months now. But recently i have been blowing her off to go hang out with a new girl to school(Lacy). Lacy asked me a crazy question tonight; how do i feel bout her; i was shocked i didnt know wat to say, how do i tell rachel that im falling for another girl? i dont want to hurt anyone of them, wat do i do? please help...
  3. Ok, im dating my ex's friend. She told me she was fine with it but now she is pissed and everything and wont talk to me or her friend. Why is she doing this? could she be jealous, but she broke up with me? Now my g/f, her friend (Rachel) is talking about not having this relationship cause she doesnt want to hurt her friend, wat sucks is we really like each other and have for almost a month now, but she doesnt wanna hurt her friend? Can you please help ?
  4. I just started dating this girl, and she really beautiful. But it turns out her best friend is one of my past girlfriends, it that ok? We really like each other, but im scared that her friend will tell her something that will ruin our relationship and i dont want that. If there any tips u can give to me to talk to my girlfriend that would be good... Please Help.
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