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Posts posted by zpivat

  1. You seem to be shy, reserved and cautious, and you should take a cautious approach. Get to know him better first, and don't rush things off. I know he was joking, but NEVER EVER show yourself naked on the webcam. I have 1001 reasons but I won't write here of course....too much...lol. Just DON'T do it!!


    Follow your heart, and God bless you!

  2. Hi imtired,


    You have all my sympathy, and I wish with all my heart that you would get her back. I know exactly how you felt, and I could imagine if I were you, I'd feel totally uncomfortable with how your gf's friends treat you. I see that you are still in love with her and are bestfriends now. Do you see any potential of being back together? What caused the bakup in the firstplace?

    If the love is strong, I think nothing should be feared of. Follow your heart!


    I'm Southeast Asian with a trace of Dutch (but I tend to look more to the Asian side I think) and someone I'm "close with" is a Latina. Whenever we go out together, people would stare at us, looking with amazement. Even some ladies and some men took pictures of us, and many people saw that I was carrying a camera, and they'd offer me if I want a picture taken, etc, etc. I was at this beautiful beach with her, and there was this professional camera guy who took a professional picture for us for free, just because he thought we looked so nice together. I kid you not.


    So, so far my experience being with her has been very positive, and if they turned you down just because the way you look, it makes them completely superficial. If you truly love the girl and you think there's a chance of reconciliation, just go ahead and do it. Ignore what those meanies may think/say!!


    One more tip: Latins are very family oriented, and so it would be a good idea to get close to her family as well. Try and show them your sincerity and how much you care about this girl. They'll really appreciate it and causes them to be more open. Well I happen to be a Catholic just like them, so it helps, but even if you're not, it shouldn't matter as long as you take everything seriously.


    God bless you!

  3. Well I think it has a potential to develop into something more.....but if I were you, I'd take it a bit slower.....


    Just get to know each other better, go out more to nice places, have positive times together, and don't get physical too much as of yet (since you guys are not even official yet). I see you're in Toronto....soon it's summer, go to Lakeshore or something....spend beautiful summer evenings at Queen's Quay, etc....


  4. I don't think it's unrealistic....I'm a romantic type too who wants movie/fairytale romance....


    You are only in high school and you've got a long life ahead of you (makes me feel old saying this....I'm only in university, ja ja). I'm not saying you won't be with him (we never know!) but even if not, I'm sure the universe will bring you the chosen one.


    Right now it's alright to keep the love but I don't think it's a good idea to tell him. You should know your limits, and don't get yourself hurt in the long run; it's not worth it. As the Spanish proverb goes "Amar es tiempo perdido, si no se es correspondido", meaning "of all pains, the greatest pain, is to love, but love in vain."

  5. Oh come on...*hugssss* I don't think you're an idiot. The human emotions can be hard to explained....

    Yes you're in love with him and he's involved with someone, but you can't just turn off your feelings like a light switch.

    Everything takes time.......

  6. Wow you sound like a quite passionate person. How sweet ^_^.


    Are you sure that you LOVE him, and are not actually merely infatuated?


    How long have you known him? How much do you keep in touch? What do you think made you fall in love?

  7. If you tell him, why would it ruin the friendship?


    If a girl told me about her feelings, our friendship wouldn't be ruined EVEN IF I didn't feel the same way.


    I see friendships as something very valuable, and I won't lose it so easily like that.


    Follow your heart.....but anyway, right now there isn't much you can do since he is involved.

  8. I'd be angry too but not for long...probably just 30 minutes or so. After that I'd talk to the girl and ask for her understanding and tell her that there's no need to do that as she's the only one for me and request that she not do that again in the future. Then I'd hug her and kiss her forehead and say that she's been forgiven.


    I hate staying angry for too long.

  9. Ummmm this lady friend of yours sounds very interesting and cute.....what do you mean that she keeps looking at you? You mean that you sit on a table, and then she comes sit beside you, and says nothing and stares at you??? ^_^


    Anyway....if I were you I'd not avoid her. Just be friends with her and try to be patient. Everybody is different, but if I were her, I'd not avoid you.........

    Very often people's friendship gets ruined after such a confession, but not for me.....if someone confessed her feelings to me but I didn't feel the same way, I'd make sure she'd be the least devastated, and for sure I'd not cause our friendship to break either.


    So....talk to her and solve this mystery!

  10. I did go to some sort of counseling... it was about 7 years ago. I was going through a divorce from my first husband.... He was abusive it started out as temper tantrums where he would throw things. He would say nasty things and call me names...


    I'm very glad that your first husband is now a past!! I can't understand these people who would call their wife names, throw things, etc.....geez...I know for sure that when I get married someday, I'd make my wife the happiest woman in the universe!

  11. You should pray to God and ask for your messages to be passed to mum, and tell how much you love her and that you have forgiven everything. Your mum is a mum and for sure she loves you unconditionally, and I bet right now her spirit is watching over you from above, or may be beside you, hugging you with all her love.

  12. Honestly, I don't care if it is weird to you. That just shows that you are oblivious to the fact that it is a disorder, and you are very ignorant when it comes to the pressing issues of teen self-mutilation. Some people do it, and some don't. I acknowledge the fact that it is wrong, but that doesn't mean you have to post this insulting reply.


    My apology. No offence intended. When I first read your post, my first impression from the way the post was worded was that you were cutting yourself "just for the heck of it", not realising that it was a disorder on your part. I hope it will disappear soon.

  13. Ummmmmm....I'm sorry? Cutting yourself? That's got to be one the weirdest things I've ever heard.


    Go see a psychologist/psychiatrist, seriously. Or get busy and do/learn useful things, instead of wasting that precious blood.

  14. 1. Ask him to come over to you

    2. Give him very warm, romantic, loving hugs

    3. Kiss him on his forehead

    4. Whisper to his ear and tell him how much he means to you and how much you love him, and that distance and college will not change how you feel about him, and that he has nothing to worry about

  15. Thank you very much for the great feedback people; I truly appreciate it.


    Sometimes I don't take it personally, but sometimes I do. Well the thing is, very often if someone gets quiet, it could be that we did something wrong, and that's why I blame myself. The thing is I'm more stable, I guess. Sure I need time alone too but not toooo long. I'm the type who communicates what's inside my heart, often. I think communication is important in a relationship.


    (So LadyBugg.....sometimes star signs matter too eh? )

  16. Once in a while, "she" would disappear/spend some time alone, making me feel like I did something wrong (if something doesn't feel right, I'm the person I tend to blame first.) Everytime I confront her about this and ask if I offended her/did something wrong, she says everything's ok, and it's true, because after a while, she would warm up again, and things are back to normal.


    Sometimes I feel really annoyed by all these self-blames.


    I understand that in a relationship, some people need some space/time alone, but is it really normal? Do you do it regularly to your partner? Do you sometimes feel fed up of being in touch all the time?


    Her sign is Aquarius by the way; known for their needs to be alone/independent once in a while.

  17. Calm down Confessoress, and no matter what, do not do something you would regret later.

    What exactly are the problems with your boyfriend? How has he been treating you lately? Is he being abusive? Is he treating you badly? Or simply indifferent/nonchalant about your situations?

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