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Posts posted by zpivat

  1. Being a good listener (ESPECIALLY when she's pregnant) is a part of loving someone! I can't wait to get married, and I can't wait to experience what you are experiencing; as I think it is wonderful! Good luck!

  2. After reading the above threads, I am so amazed to see how many couples who actually stay in contact A LOT with their partner.


    As for myself, sometimes I distance myself from her, not because I am bored of her or anything, but I am worried if my presense would bore/suffocate her, or make her fed up. My secret wish is to be in contact regularly and often, just like the above posters, but I'm too shy to tell/do it, so I generally just keep it cool

  3. Hi wildchild,


    I feel so sorry to hear what happened to you. I can't believe that some men treat their girlfriend like that. I for one would never treat a girl like that. Video games can never be more important than someone I love (I don't play games anyway). Well may be you can give him an ultimatum or a warning or anything, or at least an attempt to make it work. If he doesn't even care, may be you should reconsider your relationship.


    In my campus there's a girl who, when she just got married, she felt so ignored because her husband kept playing games and abandoning her. She got so sad and she created a website called Gamers Widow - Gaming's 'Other Half'; which is a site for people who feel abandoned due to their partner's addiction to games. You can check it out at link removed


    Well anyway, she tried and talk things out with him and he respected her and changed, and now they're happily ever after. So if you think this relationship is worth saving, then by all means do it, but know when to stop sacrificing.


    Good luck and God bless you!

  4. I CANNOT agree more with rae and chigal28! If I had a friend and she confessed her feelings to me, I can assure that it would not ruin our friendship, whether or not I feel the same way. There wouldn't be any awkward feelings whatsoever, let alone a ruined friendship. On the contrary, I would feel thrilled and honoured. If I felt the same way, then I guess we could just try and work out something. If not, then I'd do my best to cheer her and make her feel cared for.....or who knows may be I can develop something for her too in the future? The human emotions could be complicated and sometimes it's hard to predict.

    As long as nobody chases too aggressively or puts someone under pressure, things should be fine I think.


    In the past I had this person I was very close friends with, and I told her about my feelings. At that time she said she did not feel the same way, which was fine by me. I didn't pressure her or anything, but we remained very close friends and stayed in touch and even went out to the cinemas sometimes, but lo and behold she eventually fell for me. Boy was I happy.....


    Obviously each person is different, and some people might freak out if they hear the L word.....I'm not that type and I'm quite proud of it actually...he he.


    Well if you think your friendship is strong enough, I think it's ok to tell about you feel. You might just get lucky; you never know!

  5. LoL


    I saw a psychic once. When my friends and I graduated from high school, we ALL decided to get our palms read by a psychic near the beach, just for the hell of it.


    Lol...thanks for the reply BillyJean714 Well I don't trust palm reading too much though. It truly depends on the skills of the reader, and I personally wouldn't take the info seriously, because it comes from our hand; something earthly which are open into interpretation. That psychic that I talked to: she's a Christian one, doesn't do any palm reading, and does not need Tarot card whatsoever. All she needs to do is meditate and communicate with guardian angels.


    (That lady was well established, obviously, if her business is going to be right near the beach).


    Anyway, her predictions about my love life were way off.



    I really think people create their own desitiny.


    It's scary to think that someone else will tell you your own destiny. Besides, it's pretty scary to think that perhaps someone with malintentions (or even good intentions) will hold your destiny in their own hands so that they can somehow make a living.


    A true psychic is someone who doesn't use it for profit.


    I agree: but as much as that, they are humans too and need to make a living. She only charges $10, which I think is very reasonable. I have heard of stories about people who sadly met with scamful psychics, who want to charge as much as $20,000. Outrageous.


    I do believe that there are people who are very EXTREMELY intuitive. I'm pretty intuitive. When I see someone, a lot of the times, I'll get some random impression about them, and a lot of the times, I'm right.


    Point is- you create your own destiny. If you like this girl, and if things work out, then great!


    Btw, I DISAGREE with your psychic when she says that you guys are better off as friends than lovers. One of the BEST romances in life stem from 2 people who start off as friends, who share similar values, who are BOTH mutually attracted towards one another.


    Exactly!!! We have so many common things, and everytime we meet, we always have extremely good times. We help each other a lot, we comfort each other, she makes me laugh, I make her laugh. If these things are true for us as friends, then why could these not be true for us as lovers?! I don't see how we can't get along in romance anyway. I am a pretty flexible person myself, am not picky, hate arguments, and always seek peace. I never drink or play with different girls or anything like that. I'm in for the long haul. I truly hate games, and that's why I would like to offer her my loyalty and sincerity. Well again, we never know though.....the psychic could have been right afterall, although until this very second, I still cannot see why we would not get along.


    It's not that she just made it up or anything though. She felt that the girl doesn't see me as a romantic "forever" type of person, and hence she told me that. However I expected to hear that though. Afterall the girl just got out of a very bad 6-year relationship, and now she has a lot of things to take care in life (i.e: very busy), so I can understand that for now, although I hope that I stand a chance in the future, say, 3, or 4 years from now may be.


    She's not a professional. I woudln't believe her if I were you. (Btw, my ex totally believed word for word what his psychic told him- said that we were soulmates, but guess what? I don't feel the same about him- so his psychic was wrong).


    This soulmate issue can be controversial I think, and it really depends on the interpretation of each psychic, as well as his/her true intentions. Some (bad) psychics tell us the things we want to hear, which is not always necessarily a good thing.


    However, the accurate things that she told me were factual info that I knew were true. I did not tell her anything, nor did I give her any hints at all, and yet she was right on.


    Apart from some of the inaccurate things that she told me, there were many accurate ones, and I will tell you one of them: remember I said that the girl just got out of a 6 year relationship?


    I never told the psychic anything about that, and guess what she told me: "your girl is not ready and still cannot forget about her ex yet. The ex is not a good person, who plays with her and other people. The ex is also seeing a girl, who is now pregnant."


    All of this were true, and she told me these without my giving any hints at all. She lives in USA and the only way we communicate is through emails, so there is no reason for me to disbelieve her, I guess.


    Anyways, there were some other things that were even more dead-on, but I don't want to 'scare' people or anything so I won't say more about it.

  6. Did she ask you questions before she told you this?


    No, she did not ask me any questions at all. Everytime I emailed her, I only told about general things, and she responded with some things that were so accurate.....dead-on info which I never thought she'd have guessed.


    Who cares what the psychic says. Do what your heart says. In astrology they'll say, for example that a female Sagittarius and a male Pisces are not a good match. Does this mean that if I meet a female Sag that I'm going to ignore her because her bithday is in December?


    I think astrology is somewhat more lenient. They're just general info about patterns/people's characters, which may not be necessarily true all the time. So yes I agree with you: while there are some guidelines that seem to be true, we should not completely rely on it.

  7. Thanks for your comments. No matter how short/long, I'd appreciate them. Keep posting people!


    To Tyler711

    I'm not talking about a psychic from a stand. That sure IS a waste of money


    To fairie16

    If you read my post carefully, I mentioned that the reason why I consulted with her was because I wanted a general assessment of my life with the girl right now and in the future. I did not do it because of any problems whatsoever. Everything in general is alright with me and the girl; we are extremely good and close friends, but I would like to know if it has a potential to develop into something more serious in the future.


    About her giving a consultation from email: it is not correct to conclude that the psychic was not genuine just because she gave an email consultation. Their so called "gift" transcends through time and space, and they do not have to be physically present in front of us in order to pick up information about us (just like you don't have to be in front of a radio station in order to listen to the broadcast).

    All they do is they just have to "zone-in" on us (i.e: through name and birthdate, mostly).

    As I mentioned, she was extremely accurate on some things, and I mean that sincerely. However she is only human, so of course sometimes she could be inaccurate too.

  8. "If You've Ever Made a Consultation With a Psychic Regarding Your Love Life, Either Recently or In The Past, Read On..... "


    When we are desperate in life, especially when it comes to romance issues, often we seek out "extra help", and such a help can be in a form of a psychic consultation. There are many deceitful psychics who just want to scam your money, but many are genuine as well.


    I would like to know if any of you take seriously the recommendations/facts that a psychic ever told you?


    Just to be honest, a couple months ago I talked to one. An honest one actually. What for?


    Here's the story been very close friends with a girl/woman, and I have fallen for her for a long time. She just got out of a very bad 6-year relationship about 8 months ago, and that's why I am taking things easily with her. We have shared a lot of good times together, plus a few hugs and kisses, but I don't want to force her into a commitment, for I value her very much, and would not want to impose any pressure to her. We are officially "friends", but I think we both know that we're more than that, albeit not official.


    I really would love to end up with her someday, and possibly spend the rest of my life with her. But in the past I've been hurt really badly by other people, so this time I am being careful and trying not to put my heart on my sleeve.


    Out of curiosity, I talked (emailed) to the psychic (believe me she is quite accurate. She could describe how I looked like in great details, without even seeing my photo!), just to get some assessments about our lives in general. While some of the things that she said were accurate, some were not.


    For instance, she told me that I should not get involved when I am not ready, and that I should not try to create a relationship blindly. Well that statement kind of upset me actually. I'm a very cheerful and positive person in general, and I just would like to share my life with someone. Often in the subway I see couples who are so in love with each other, and I often wish I were with that girl.


    I am not a desperate person. I'm 22 and I don't think I'm too young to have a girlfriend, as I believe most of you would agree. I have a very busy life, taking care of my (heavy) school loads, running my Internet venture, going out with friends,etc. but she always stays in my heart, and can't wait to give her all that I have to offer.


    The psychic also told me that she knew I was planning to give a ring to the girl, and she advised me not to do it, or else I'd end up being hurt. Well that was not true at all! While it would be a dream come true if I could marry the girl, that's my future plan, and for right now I just want a solid commitment with her, and I am asking for nothing more than that. I am concentrating on finishing my education now, and giving the girl a ring is the last thing in my mind right now.


    Another sad thing that the psychic said was that while the girl and I make extremely good friends, romantically it wouldn't work. Well we've known each other for 3 years now, and since the first day I met her, we've never been into a single fight; let alone an argument. We share the same views of life, believe in many same things, have very similar interests, and even the same religion. We simply get along really well (too well, I'd say), and I really don't understand how we can't work out a romantic relationship. I believe a strong friendship is the base of a strong relationship/marriage, don't you agree?


    I'm not putting the blame on the psychic of course. She is only human, and I don't think any psychics on the face of the earth can be 100% accurate all the time.


    I could spend the whole evening writing about this, but my questions are these:

    - From your experience of going to a (genuine) psychic, did all the predictions come true? Do you really put your life to their words, or do you trust your own guts?

    - Have you ever been told something really bad/sad by a psychic, only to discover later that the outcome turned out to be the opposite (i.e: really good)?

    - Do you think that a person's future soulmate/wife/husband has been predetermined at this point in time? Or our actions/believes shape our destiny?


    I've been thinking about her words a lot, and if it's indeed true that I wouldn't end up with the girl anyway, then may be I shall stop trying to win the girl's heart. My heart doesn't say that though; I am genuinely in love with her and would be willing to wait indefinitely until her heart really heals.

    But if our destiny has been cast in stone, then I might as well stop trying, as I am tired and scared of getting hurt.


    I would truly appreciate your comments/views. Have yourself a nice day!

  9. When we've been really in love with someone for quite a long period of time and then it doesn't work (we broke up), we often say something like "ohhh I'll never find anyone better than him/her", or "I'll never feel love like this anymore."


    But then, after sometime, we heal, move on, meet someone new, and fall in love again so strongly, the same as before, or possibly even stronger.


    I am sure this has happened to a lot of you right? Why? Why do we say what we don't mean (about never feeling a love so strongly like this anymore). I'd like to know your thoughts.

  10. Hi dustinthewind,


    You're trully a sweet and thoughtful girl. How nice of you to make him dinner and give flowers! *hugs*


    babybees is right: it's better to leave him alone, for he might feel annoyed when chased too much.

    When one is rejected and one stays composed and patient, it shows his/her strength, and it can certainly make the rejector rethink of what he/she has done.


    When facing rejection, the trick is to "go with the wind". Instead of imposing on his mind what you believe is true, just go with the flow and accept things as they are. It's just a psychological game. It's not your fault to think that he's the one for you, because I am sure what you feel for him is for real. However, he might not feel that way, so instead of going against him, which might backfire, just stay strong for now.

    Imagine coconut trees, which, instead of trying to block or even go against the way of the wind, they just bend where the wind blows, and that's why we never see any coconut trees falling down.


    I, too, was depressed (for almost 1 year! because she left me with no strong reasons. So you're not alone. Well finally I gave up because no matter how much I tried, it did not work.

    Don't give up yet!!!

  11. Hola an'ka,


    I am sorry to hear what is happening. First of all, as someone who has "been there done that", here is the advice that I can give you: put yourself first. I, too, had to go through a breakup and fell into a fairly deep depression. Thankfully that happened over the summer break, so the worst thing that happened is that I had no desire to do anything. I am very glad it did not happen during a school year for it would have ruined my marks and my beloved scholarship.


    Having said that, let me tell you that I am touched by the sincerity of your beau. He was taking marijuana but he stopped doing it for you. Well that alone shows that at least he has feelings for you. You are both young (I am too ^_^) and are confused. Well here is what I would do if I were you: I would postpone the relationship until some time has passed. During this time, you should probably keep in contact with him and just be casual. You know, the purest and most wonderful love comes from a strong friendship, and if you try to enjoy life together with him, you will never know what might come. I am saying this because clearly that each one of you still has feelings towards one another. This is important; let me tell you why: a lot of people have a breakup in which one party no longer feels affection towards the other party, or simply the circumstances around him/her deems the relationship impossible (such as what I had, unfortunately )

    And as you know, that is not the case with you and your beau. Just realise that you have not lost him completely. So as I said, why not take it easy and have a casual-not-so-serious relationship with him? If you take your time, it might as well grow into something better. You just never know. The key is.....patience!!


    O'k I am sleepy so I am going to bed. Take care!! Good luck mate! ^_^

  12. Hi LostAngel,


    Don't worry, I know why an angel like you are lost. Well, I don't doubt your love towards him, and his towards yours. I'm sure it's a real thing....but, as you stated, the problem is the fighting. If a couple keep fighting all the time, it just creates chaos, and obviously it is very detrimental to the growth of your relationship. You said that you can't be with each other, but at the same time you can't live without each other. Well, you can't live without each other because I think each of you feels a strong attachment towards the other, which is good. The only reason why you two feel strongly compelled to get away from one another is simply because of the fightings....


    Well I don't know the two of you, but most probably you guys have tought and strong characters? Stubborn may be? If you can work out these issues, i.e: trying to understand each other more, and try to "yield" more, I think things will get better.........

    Take me as an example, I've never fought with anyone in my entire life, believe it or not.......


    So just give it time and space, but be prepared to change!! Good luck!

  13. I think it's better to just talk about normal and fun subjects. The key is to make her feel happy when being around you. I think this is how it goes: respect -> admire -> like -> love. So, in order to achieve these, it's important for her to feel happy around you. Remember how you two got together in the first place? Wasn't it from a fun, close, and most importantly, happy friendship?


    I think it's alright to ask her "how are you?", but don't talk about feelings just yet.....


    Take care.

  14. Well, other people wish to have your situation, but they're not lucky enough unfortunately. You, on the other hand, have had the privilege of getting back together withy our ex, so put it to good use. It's ok if you feel awkward now. The key is to take it slowly and build up your relationship from there. Give her yourself piece by piece, bite by bite, not the entire package; at least not yet anyway.


    Good luck and have fun with her!

  15. Thanks Tere. That was very comforting *hugs*. Well, I know that I haven't hurt my ex at all, nor have I said something mean or even acted tough. (I wouldn't even kill a mosquito, let alone say something mean to the person I love wholeheartedly, despite the fact that she broke up with me, which tore me to pieces.) So....! Having said that, hopefully my ex will lower her defenses too, sometime in the future........


    I hope you'll get your ex back!! 8)

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