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I can't stand my boyfriend's family!!!

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HE talked about his family ever since day one. Made them seem like they were this "perfect" picture. Nope. Turned out that he was just trying to impress me. Worked. Now, I feel like I can't get along with his family. They are really nice. Whenever, we are around each other I feel totally uncomfortable. Is it because he said all this cool stuff about them in the beginning? That's all I know. Whenever, I talk to them they reply in simple answers and not used to that. Talking with my friends and family ends up being a big conversation. Why do people have to be different????? It is very stressful. They make me feel out of place. They act funny.

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hey ...


simply ... it is very nice to know his family ... but the point that i think what makes u a bit worried is that they don't talk to u much and they did not appear what you thought they are .....


basically ... about the first point ... it might be like that ... they don't like talking much .... but the important part that they answer your questions ..


and about the second part ... all the people do the same ... because ... it shows how much that ur partner loves you .... he wants u to feel good and happy all the time when u r with him ....


and talk to him about it ..... tell him ..


sorry about my english

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To truly love a guy, you must also somewhat love his family.


Once you meet a guy's family, you either love them, or wish you never really met them.


In reality, his family is a big part of who he truly is. A guy's family upbringing immensely shapes his personality and his values. So, if you can't stand his family, don't be surprised when you find out in time, that his personality is very similar to theirs...


There are exceptions to the rule though. Some guys despise their families. Like guys who come from trailor-trash type of families, who move beyond their familie's lifestyle, by severing ties. In this case, you won't have to deal with the family as much.


If he's attached to his family, then you must somehow learn how to accept the situation...Good Luck!

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If you love your boyfriend you would atleast

try and accept his family because it is part

of him. People are different my dear but don't

let that stress you out it's a big waste of time and energy

worrying about simple things like that. Ever think that

maybe you are the problem and not them remember

it takes time for a person or a group of ppl to get used

to you so be patient. GOODLUCK!!

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I know how you must feel.

My exgf told me that she found my parents to be "overwhelming". Of course it made me sad since they only wanted her to feel good, but instead she felt she had a hard time saying no to them. In the end she stopped coming to my house and I always had to go to hers to hang out.

It's not very much fun hearing that about your parents, finding out they are the reason why she won't come to me. And despite what other people have said in this thread, I believe that the parents and the person you love are very different from eachother. It is the two of you that share bonds, not you and his parents.

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