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i cant get my ex out of my head lately

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Hey So i was in a relationship once and we broke up after 8 months. Our relation was not soo good.Although i love her soo much but i have to let her go because she wanted to.


So it has been 1.5 year since we broke up. First year was soo hard. She left me near my exams and i failed my exams. it was worst time of my life. Depression was too much. i got sick and became weak and time goes on. I tried to get over her but yeah everything take time. i am like okay lets give it time.


As time passed i became more strong and i started crying less. But now last 4-5 months have been worse. i cant get her out of my head. i think about her all the time. Whatever i do i miss her. i dont cry that much but its worse. i cant sleep. i close my eyes i see her. i start make imaginary conversation with her. imaginary scenarios in which we get together. i do that for hours straight. i smile like idiot. for example last month was my birthday. One month before my birthday i used to imagine how she will send me text on my bd and will make my day best. i waited months so i will get a chance to talk to her on my bd. i was expecting too much. She didnt send a text or anything. i cried like a kid. i feel soo bad. these days i think about her all day. i sleep i imagine her being with me in different scenarios. i also dream about her soo often.


How can i sort this out?Its worse then it looks. what to do?


Thank you for reading.

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Letting go is a decision. You can't expect to work through your grief and get over your girlfriend simply by waiting. You need to decide to be done and take concentrated steps forward.


It doesn't sound like you have any contact with her, which is a good first step. If you still have any social media connections, sever them immediately. Also remove any other reminders of your relationship out of day-to-day view.


Next, identify what changed 4-5 months ago that made you stay thinking about your ex again. Many life events, such as losing a friend or family member, can trigger feelings of loneliness that make us long for the comfort of a relationship, and by association, our ex. Sometimes simply realizing that what you're really craving is connection, not one specific person, can help reduce longing for an ex. Make sure you are reaching out to your social circle during this time and keeping yourself busy. Really engage with your life, including your career, fun hobbies (old and new), physical health (eating well and exercising frequently), going out with friends, and even casually dating. If you sit at home by yourself frequently, you will pine, and that won't help you move on.


Based on what you wrote, it sounds like you're still dealing with denial. The two of you broke up a long time ago, and she never made any move to take the decision back. The single most important action you can take it to accept that the breakup was real and that your ex is not going to come back. It hurts and it stinks, but once you crush misguided hope, you will be more motivated to start rebuilding your life and find happiness in places that are not your ex. Good luck.

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I totally agree with SGH.


Remove her from your life, old pictures, old text messages, social media etc.

Work on yourself.

I remember when I got dumped after a 4 year relationship, first months was hard, then it got much better.

Couple months after that I had something that triggered the breakup again and I was on the bottom again.

It's a rollercoaster man.

Be strong, focus on yourself and take care of yourself.

I hated when people told me cliche stuff like "time leak all wounds".

But it's true. Just wait out the storm, while you build yourself stronger inside the shelter.

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