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I can’t express my feelings to my parents


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I have a problem that I need an opinion on. I can’t say I love u to my parents. I love both of them a lot but for some reason I just can’t say it. I know it makes them upset when I don’t say it back but I just feel uncomfortable with it. I also have a problem with showing love and affection. I know I’m being mean and I don’t want to be but i always end up shutting down whenever my parents try to get feelings out of me. They are great parents and have given up everything so I can live a good life but somewhere along the lines growing up I learned to oppress my feelings and now I just can’t get myself to say it because it just feels awkward and out of character. It has been going on since I was about 13 and I just recently it has really effected me because I know they aren’t going to live forever.

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How old are you?


My parents never told me they loved me. I knew my dad did, but he never said it. My mother was another story, I dont think she ever loved me. I'm sure at some point (probably as a little kid) I told my dad I loved him, because I really did. I doubt I ever told my mother I loved her, because I didnt.


So, I can appreciate your conundrum. I dont know how you make yourself say something that doesnt feel natural, I just want you to know you are not the only one with such an issue.

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