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Wiseman2 last won the day on April 23

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Community Answers

  1. A Fat Toad Eats Readily 🐸 GLOOM 🌩️
  2. Since you're going out tonight for another look-see you don't need to "sit with" anything or analyze anything. Everything you need to know will be in front of you. Personally I think it's wise to revisit this especially if you feel you overreacted or judged too soon. Upon further description of his behavior he seems like a decent guy. The cookies the olive branch etc.
  3. Level of sharing, especially with strangers may be cultural as well as personal depending on how outgoing you are or what the norms are culturally with regard to talking about yourself. As far as these particular questions this (dating app?) friend whatever was asking they're very general and people usually answer them in vague useless ways anyway. Such as what are you looking for in....? What are people going to say? "I'm looking for an axe murder" or "someone with a smile and a sense of humor"? So in a way the questions seem kind of useless.
  4. This is a great idea to prevent burnout as well as simply focusing on one thing or another. Perhaps join some groups and clubs get involved in sports and fitness, take some classes and courses, broaden your social horizons. This way you can round things out and not get "addicted" to any particular thing.
  5. Zebras Eat Because Unusual StressπŸ¦“ LEARN πŸ“š
  6. Please stop stalking her and getting drunk it's self-destructive and self defeating.
  7. Sorry this is happening. Hopefully you are ok and not suffering from postpartum depression or stress from new motherhood. You seem quite emotional and doim-scrolling is making this far worse. As you mentioned while you're doim-scrolling and obsessing over this you're neglecting your own life and newborn. Please stop doing this to yourself and turn disengage from sensationalist news and social media. Perhaps check in with your doctor about postpartum depression?
  8. Now that most of your stuff is sorted out, it's time to delete and block on everything if you're getting hate mail. Dragging out the breakup and rancor isn't doing you any good. Stop taking the bait.
  9. You Only Use The Heater 🌞 GRUMP πŸ™„
  10. Sorry this is happening. How long have you been dating? How old is she? How is your relationship otherwise? If you can't be supportive of her sports and achievements maybe you could reflect on the machismo and ego to understand your own insecurities. This is clearly a "you" issues not her issue so you've got some work to do. Are you good at any sports or hobbies? That could be a place to start. M
  11. Why Have Online Options Plateaued? πŸ’» NAPES πŸ—£οΈ
  12. Vegetables Are Usually Less Tasty πŸ₯¦ BACON πŸ₯“
  13. Hopefully you are coming to terms with the fact that she left for someone else. Stalling replies doesn't really seem to do much except pretend that you are distancing yourself. However as long as you entertain her so-called confusion in general, you'll be on the sidelines pondering why the women in your life cheat, choose someone else and why you're fine with that and being a part-timer in your relationships.
  14. Was this on a dating app? If so they seem like standard screening questions. Are you interested in dating or meeting in person? Otherwise why bother?
  15. Usually Regulars Go Eat Dinner 🍽️ VALUE πŸ’°
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