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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    Not So Fast My Friend! 7 Steps to Slow Down in Relationships

    In today's world, the allure of instant gratification has permeated even our most intimate relationships. We're told to "seize the day" and to live as if there's no tomorrow. In the whirlwind of passion and romance, it's easy to get swept away, wanting to rush things. However, I'd like you to consider an unconventional perspective: "Not so fast my friend!"

    Slowing down and pacing ourselves in a relationship may be one of the most essential steps towards building a successful partnership. Having personally navigated these waters, I can share both my experiences and expertise. I assure you that there's a considerable amount of wisdom to be gained from the practice of patience.

    This in-depth article provides seven unconventional steps to slow down in your relationship, challenging common misconceptions and offering new insights. Ready to embark on a journey of slow and steady love? Hold your horses, my friend. Here we go!

    Step 1: Understand the Rush

    The initial attraction and infatuation phase of any relationship can be intoxicating. This heady rush of feelings can make us want to jump headfirst into commitments and expressions of love. However, understanding this rush is the first step to slowing down.

    When we fall in love, our brains release chemicals like dopamine and oxytocin, making us feel happy and bonded to our partners. In my experience, acknowledging this physiological response was instrumental in recognizing the need to slow down. Just as a long-distance runner paces themselves to sustain energy, so too must we manage our emotional investment in the early stages of a relationship.

    The rush isn't bad; it's a beautiful part of the human experience. But like anything else, it can be harmful if we let it control us. By understanding this, we can better control our responses and pace ourselves in love.

    Step 2: Embrace the Mystery

    There's something compelling about the unknown, the unexplored. In the early days of a relationship, every discovery about the other person feels like striking gold. However, in the rush to know and be known, we often neglect the charm of gradual discovery. In my case, learning to embrace this mystery was a game-changer.

    When we slow down, we give ourselves the luxury to savor these moments of revelation. We also protect ourselves from potential heartbreak that can result from diving in too deep too soon. Embrace the mystery, my friend, it's part of the journey.

    Step 3: Set Healthy Boundaries

    Boundaries aren't meant to be walls that isolate us but guidelines that foster mutual respect and understanding. Setting healthy boundaries is an important part of any relationship, more so when you're trying to pace things.

    In my personal journey, setting boundaries wasn't about being rigid or restrictive. It was about creating a safe space for both parties to grow and understand each other better. Boundaries can include anything from how much time you spend together to how quickly you become physically intimate.

    Communicating your boundaries and understanding your partner's boundaries can create a strong foundation for your relationship. It's okay to take your time to determine what feels right for you. Your boundaries, your rules!

    Step 4: Cultivate Independent Interests

    Even as we enter into a relationship, it's vital to maintain our individuality. Cultivating independent interests allows us to retain our uniqueness and brings more to the relationship as well. In my life, maintaining my personal hobbies not only provided a healthy escape from relationship stressors but also allowed me to bring new perspectives and experiences into the partnership.

    Your interests make you who you are, and they shouldn't be neglected. Ensuring you have separate activities can also prevent the relationship from becoming the sole focus of your life, which can lead to intensity and pressure. So, go ahead, dive into that book, take that painting class, join that local sports club!

    Step 5: Prioritize Communication

    Communication is one of the most crucial components of any relationship, romantic or otherwise. In the context of slowing down a relationship, communication becomes even more essential.

    Let your partner know why you want to take things slowly. It's not about doubt or lack of affection, but about wanting to build a strong, sustainable relationship. My experience taught me that being open about your intentions can prevent misunderstandings and can actually strengthen the bond with your partner.

    Remember, it's okay to express your needs and desires. Open, honest, and empathetic communication fosters trust and intimacy—the building blocks of a lasting relationship.

    Step 6: Enjoy the Moment

    Often, in our hurry to reach a perceived relationship goal, we forget to enjoy the journey. Each moment of a relationship brings with it a unique experience and lesson. Slowing down allows us to savor these moments.

    In my life, learning to be present in each moment of my relationship, be it joyous or challenging, has led to a much richer and fulfilling relationship experience. You might find that this approach not only makes you happier but also brings you closer to your partner.

    So take a deep breath, look around, and allow yourself to enjoy the moment. It's all part of the beautiful journey of love.

    Step 7: Trust the Process

    The final step, and perhaps the most challenging one, is to trust the process. Slowing down in a world that's always rushing forward takes faith. Trusting the process means believing that taking your time to build a strong relationship foundation will pay off in the end.

    In my personal journey, trusting the process was not easy. There were times when doubt crept in. But in retrospect, every step, every moment, every slow breath brought me closer to a relationship that was strong, fulfilling, and resilient.

    Remember, love is not a race. Each relationship has its own pace. Respect that, and trust the process.


    "Not so fast, my friend" is a mantra that can transform your relationship journey, guiding you towards more fulfilling and sustainable love. It's a journey worth taking, even if it seems against the grain of the instant gratification we often seek. So slow down, savor the journey, and remember - good things take time.

    For further reading, I recommend the following resources:

    • "The Course of Love" by Alain de Botton - a fantastic exploration of love and relationships.
    • "Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love" by Dr. Sue Johnson - a great resource on building strong emotional bonds in a relationship.

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