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    6 Conversation Habits to Break for Better Communication

    Communication is essential to building strong relationships with others, but sometimes our conversation habits can hinder our ability to connect with others. In this Psychology Today article, author Dr. Andrea Bonior discusses six common conversation habits that can negatively impact our communication with others.

    The first habit is interrupting, which can be a sign of impatience or lack of interest in what the other person is saying. Interrupting can also disrupt the flow of the conversation and make the other person feel unheard. The second habit is over-talking, which involves dominating the conversation and not allowing others to share their thoughts and ideas. This can also make the other person feel unheard and lead to a lack of engagement and connection.

    The third habit is dismissiveness, which involves invalidating the other person's feelings or ideas. This can lead to defensiveness and a breakdown in communication. The fourth habit is sarcasm, which can be seen as dismissive or hurtful and can create a negative tone in the conversation. The fifth habit is negativity, which can be draining and make it difficult for others to engage in a positive and constructive conversation.

    Finally, the sixth habit is defensiveness, which can be a sign of insecurity or a lack of confidence in our own ideas. Defensiveness can also create a negative tone in the conversation and make it difficult to find common ground. To improve our communication with others, Dr. Bonior suggests breaking these conversation habits and instead practicing active listening, expressing empathy, and engaging in positive and constructive communication. By doing so, we can create stronger connections with others and build more fulfilling relationships.

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