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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Reflections of the Past, a Journey to Success

    When one looks through their life they are often met by moments of failure, times of success and a smattering of nice happy memories. Some can look back and see an oasis of frustration surrounded by a desert of missed opportunities and are left asking ‘why'. Why did I fall short, why didn't I go for it, or why didn't I break out of my bubble? Some of these questions never really get answered until one takes a step outside of themselves to take some real time for self-reflection. When that time is taken and a thorough analysis is done, one will be met with a startling revelation; many of us fall short in adult life by relying on our childhoods as an excuse.

    It is an all too familiar story; we experienced something traumatic as children, so now in adulthood, we feel entitled to fall victim to our own destiny. We can't express our feelings correctly, don't know how to handle relationships or even get basic tasks accomplished. Whatever is said, done or thought about ourselves we never really take the initiative to better ourselves because those nagging thoughts of doubt continue to overpower our judgment.

    These kind of thoughts plague us from deep within, but if you take the time to recognize and acknowledge them, then it may just be possible to hit the reset button. All of us have had experiences from childhood that detrimentally shape who we are and become and has a huge receptacle on our actions and decisions made later on in life. But in order to really break free, we must accept that these acts of limitation imposed on ourselves are nothing more than delusions, figments of our own imagination.

    Though we cannot live our lives to make excuses, we mustn't disregard certain responsibility in our lives. To look beyond the malice and fear is to come to terms with one's role and adhere to a set of values, principles and morals to assist in getting back on track. This is no easy task, but it is necessary if we want to move forward and enjoy the successes of today.

    We all come equipped with dreams, desires and a unique mental representation of our life purpose. To ourselves we must consider the understandings and beliefs that have shaped our character; what works and what doesn't. Taking time to reflect on our past will certainly help when evaluating current events. We must make conscientious battle plans for our future acts; don't limit ourselves to having a preconceived perception of our possibilities. Throughout our journey, we need to leave behind the facade of our past mistakes, regrets and disappointments.

    Adults, understand that our childhood experiences influence our current situations, however, this does not immediately define who we are at present. This means we can choose to create and define our own purposes, identities and destinies. We are each capable of making our own decisions irrespective of any setbacks we have already experienced.

    So, if our bed was made in childhood, it is now the time to comprehend the fibres and make the most of it. Please do not get caught in a similar situation as an adult and get lost in the pretence of your own opinion. You cannot use your past as an excuse for your current failures, they are two separate entities. Reflect upon your childhood, assess yourself, and focus on how you can exploit these learnings to better yourself.

    In the words of the late Ralph Waldo Emerson "Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you". It is up to you to leave the dark corners of your past and think about the practical steps one must take in order to succeed in life. You must remember that your past does not define you but rather give you the motivation and guidance to become the best version of yourself. Allow yourself to escape from the rut in which you currently find yourself and embrace the journey towards success.

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