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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    How Can I Find Direction When I Feel Lost and Aimless?

    Dear eNotAlone: I'm lost and feeling adrift in my life. I'm 24 years old and living on my own while going to college full time - I have a degree already, but I decided to pursue a new one. The thing is, I'm not sure why I'm here or what this newfound education will actually lead me to. My days are filled with classes and studying, but I feel emptier every day since finishing my first degree. I'm at a crossroads and I'm not sure what direction I should take. I have no clue who I am and where I want to be. How do I find the answers I'm looking for?

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    If you are feeling lost and aimless at the moment, it can be a difficult situation to confront, particularly when you don't know who you are or where you want to be. Nonetheless, it is possible to unlock your passions and discover a new direction in life. Here are some practical steps that can help provide clarity and purpose:

    1. Get started – Many of us can become overly focused on the big picture and all the possible options. Instead, break down your main goal into more manageable steps so that you can start making progress. With each step of progress achieved, you can feel more confident and experience a sense of accomplishment as you move closer to achieving your goal.

    2. Establish your core values – What qualities do you hold dear? What kind of lifestyle do you want to pursue? Understanding these key values and principles will help guide you on your journey and ensure that you stay connected to those things that matter most.

    3. Reflect and listen – Take some time to look inward and really get to know yourself. Whether it's through journaling, discussing with a trusted friend, or taking some moments of quiet introspection, strive to listen and reflect on who you currently are and what kind of person you want to become.

    4. Identify your biggest passion - There might be one particular area of your life that you already feel driven and passionate about. For example, it could be something that truly invigorates you or that finds you naturally thriving, whatever it is; take some small steps to explore the potential of this passion.

    5. Create an action plan– With an understanding of your core values and passions, now it's time to put together a plan. Start by researching and talking to like-minded people, for advice, support and perspective on what you are trying to achieve. Furthermore, you can use the data gathered to formulate a plan that outlines concrete steps towards reaching your goals. Above all, strive to make sure that your plan aligns with the principles identified in step two.

    6. Embrace change – One of the principals of life is that change is inevitable. Change comes in many forms, not just the expected movement such as a relocation or job change. It also impacts other aspects such as your behaviour, knowledge and skills. Despite the discomfort that comes with making changes, they help keep your goals fresh and relevant.

    7. Support yourself - Going through this tough transition means that you need to take extra special care of yourself. Show up for yourself and be open to explore possibilities, accept failure and celebrate success. Further, doing activities such as attending seminars, joining meetup groups, setting up mentors and finding inspirational reads can be extremely helpful.

    Finding direction can be daunting, especially if you are feeling lost and aimless. However, by taking the first step, you can start your journey of self–discovery. life is a process of continuous transformation and growth, so strive to be comfortable in periods of ambiguity.

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