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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    Handling Bullying in the Workplace: Proactive Prevention is a Must

    Bullying has no place in the workplace. However, it is an all-too-common epidemic that organizations must address quickly and effectively. Technology can be a helpful tool in prevention, as well as the proactive implementation of policies and mechanisms that promote a safe and respectful environment.

    Adult bullying in the workplace may take on a variety of forms. It can range from exclusionary behaviour and verbal intimidation, to humiliation and even physical violence. While these are obvious signs, emotional abuse is more concerning, since it permeates the social dynamics of an organization without leaving behind any visible proof. As such, it requires a heightened degree of awareness from all staff and a commitment to fairness and justice throughout the whole system.

    Organizations are complex systems and managing them successfully relies on preventing potential conflicts and areas of victimization. To this end, organizations should prioritize identifying bully-prone areas and situations, and implementing tailored processes to handle them safely and fairly. This could involve conducting surveys and interviews to get a better insight into employees’ behavior, as well as third-party mediation when necessary. In addition, companies should focus on creating a culture of mutual respect, inclusiveness and acceptance.

    A proactive approach is much more effective than waiting until an incident occurs. Organizations should set up strict guidelines for how to handle bullying and take action when violations occur. All staff need to be on board with anti-bullying principles and their enforcement. Clear boundaries are important, and policies and communication need to support the solidification of such boundaries.

    Anti-bullying strategy is built on the foundation of organizational justice. It is essential to reward positive behaviors and tighten the screws on ill conduct, as well as consistent monitoring and evaluation. Furthermore, technology should be used to improve workplace safety and ensure effectiveness. Many technologies involve tracking of communications and conversations for harassment, discrimination, aggressive threats and other unacceptable practices.

    Organizations have a duty to create safe and fair environments for their employees. To this end, they must take quick action to analyze bullying-prone areas, proactively implement prevention policies, educate the staff on respecting boundaries, track and respond to any potential signs of bullying, and review the progress on a regular basis. When done properly, anti-bullying mechanisms can help organizations reach excellent performance levels.

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